AG, SOS: Plaintiffs Report in Antrim County Election Lawsuit Demonstrates Lack of Credible Evidence in Widespread Fraud or Wrongdoing. Michigan Secretary of States Office. A claim posted to the Facebook page of Jeremy Herrellsuggests Dominion Voting Systems' fraud capabilities are featured in the user manual for the machines. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Maricopa board, Dominion defy subpoenas in Arizona audit - NY1 Hand Count Calculation Sheet | Antrim County. We reached out to Ramsland and requested an interview, and asked for his response to the Antrim County audit results, but didnt hear back. Dominion has provided updates to machines to address the vulnerability, one person briefed on the matter said. Per instructionNo. Dominion Voting Systems Received $120 Million From 19 States - Forbes Maricopa County leased a suite of election equipment from Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems under a three-year, $6.1 million contract. Click here, for more. Voting Machines at Risk in 2022 | Brennan Center for Justice This is Very disheartening that an American President that HAS put America first and done his obligations above and beyond what is expected is in jeopardy of not being rewarded for his and his supporters because of what is a apparent Hate towards true and honest success and looks very bad for young generations that as long as you tell someone enough that your way is the right way makes it right and if you dont agree with it that your a problem that needs to be censored is freighting to America. In fact, the election results . New York: The state spent $95.8 million with Dominion from 2008 through 2014 then renewed the contract through 2021. Ensure compliance with chain of custody procedures throughout the election cycle. In his response, Liddy noted that Maricopa County already provided some of the other information that the Senate requested and said there may be ways for the county to contribute other documents sought through a public records request. The Arizona audit has come under widespread criticism and is now under investigation by the House Oversight Committee, but has nevertheless spurred a new nationwide effort by Republican state lawmakers to launch their own election probes. So, the truth does come out one way or another does it? Here are the states where residents will pay the biggest share of their income I never realized: Airbnb hosts warn of scam taking advantage of Shark Tanks Kevin OLeary blasts Ocasio-Cortez: She kills jobs by the Florida bill would require bloggers to register before writing about DeSantis, Trump collaborates on song with Jan. 6 defendants. And then, the FRAUD reversed the true results!!! Georgia's new Dominion systems have presented glitches and delays throughout this year. The team says it has received $5.6 million, mostly from groups whose leaders have said widespread voter fraud led to President Biden's victory. Fact check: Debunking conspiracy links between Nashville explosion Audit of Dominion voting machines in Wisconsin shows minor issues, perfect count for some municipalities President Trump has made several claims that Dominion Voting Systems are easy to. Various rumors alleging voter fraud focused on the Electronic voting company Dominion Voting Systems. The company develops proprietary software in-house and sells electronic voting hardware and software, including voting machines and tabulators, in the U.S. and Canada and employs a development team in its Serbian office. Though state officials disputed the report as lacking credibility, its claims traveled far on social media. You cansubscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Arizonas Maricopa County announced Monday that it plans to replace all of the voting machines that were turned over to the state Senate and other officials overseeing the audit of 2020 presidential election results. Fact Check Test | Secure The Vote GA thats coup detat #2 the dossier was number one. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Because certain log files were deleted, as of date, they have not yet learned the source of internet connectivity, nor what data collection, updates, or changes were made remotely. ", First published on August 3, 2021 / 12:21 PM. The Real World Impact Of A Voting Machine Conspiracy Theory : NPR - The ballots and material were given to private contractors conducting the audit in April. False claims from Ronna McDaniel have no merit. Michigan Department of State. August 4, 2021 / 7:20 AM "Once the testing is complete, the equipment must be securely stored so that it is safe from unauthorized access or use," the manual states. However, neither the Democrats, most of the establishment Republican party, the MSM nor the so-celled Deep State wanted him to continue. I cant imagine anyone working harder. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors released its response to a May letter from Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D), in which sheexpressed concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet, has been compromised and election officials do not know what was done to the machines while under Cyber Ninjas control., In response, the county told Hobbs it shares your concerns and added that the board acknowledges the secretary of states authority as Arizonas Chief Election Officer to determine what equipment is acceptable for use in Arizonas elections.. However, public bodies must be transparent, because they spend taxpayer money.). Furthermore, these voting systems should not be allowed to be connected to the internet and should have all wired and wireless internet functionality disabled. Mastriano has issued requests to York, Tioga and Philadelphia counties asking for them to voluntarily turn over their voting machines and election materialswith other counties potentially to followby July 31, so that a third-party company can examine them as part of a so-called forensic investigation. York and Tioga counties have already said theyre unwilling to cooperate with Mastrianos request because it could result in them being decertified. Macias, Ryan. 4 under the Logic & Accuracy Testing section of the manual which is circled in the screenshots describes the Automated Test Deck application: "This application, available from Dominion Voting, can automatically generate the appropriate test decks andexpected results totals.". Can you feed Dominion test stacks with only one candidate, i.e. Test ballots with votes for former Vice PresidentJoe Biden could have beencounted while entire batches of votes for Trump could have beenpurged, the claim states. Here is a state-by-state description of our findings. Why Do Law Enforcers Keep Stealing Forfeiture Funds? Murdoch says some Fox hosts 'endorsed' false election claims Fact check: False claim about Dominion Voting Systems machines - USA TODAY New Mexico: Dominion received $52 million from the state government. Rebuttal to ASOG Antrim Report. 13 Dec 2020. Michigan Department of State. Attorneys representing Dominion Voting have sent a notice to The Epoch Times, among other media outlets,with instructions to preserve all documents in its possession related to Dominion including any communications with Powellon Dec. 18.On Jan. 8, Dominion sued Powell for defamation. 6 Nov 2020. Thousands of social media users have been sharing posts which claim that software from Dominion Voting Systems (a company that supplies election technology) is used in the same six states where . Remember, this equipment was sold to and used in 28 states for the U.S. elections this year. Bye bye our American pride. A Michigan judge ordered the release Monday of an independent forensic audit report of the Dominion Voting Systems machines used in Antrim County, which flipped from a win for Democrat Joe Biden to President Donald Trump after a glitch was discovered and corrected. They are back into the play down the clock, delay, obfuscate, deny, gas lighting, conspiracy theory, projection mode. Easy to spot the traitors through their criminal demeanor. Yes. The Dominion Voting Systems story that should terrify Kelli Ward Can entire batches of Trump votes be purged? A hand count of paper ballots in Antrim County, Michigan, has verified the election results there, refuting a forensics report promoted by President Donald Trump that baselessly claimed the election equipment in the county was designed to create systemic fraud and influence election results. Experts said the faulty report showed a misunderstanding of voting system technology. No, a judge has not ruled that Dominion voting machines were designed for fraud If Your Time is short A judge ruled in December that an "audit report" on voting in the 2020 presidential. Maricopa County will obtain new voting machines after 2020 audit concludes WEC commissioner Bob Spindell, a Republican appointee, requested a full statewide audit of all Dominion Voting Systems machines but was denied. He said that the existence of the hand-marked, paper ballots allowed for confidence in the results. Former acting director, Voting System Testing and Certification Program, U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Punishment I believe was death by hanging..???? GOP demand for probe of Colorado's Dominion voting system part of Michigan State Police seizes voting machine as it expands - CNN There are other issues with the report, too. Pennsylvania Acting Secretary of State Veronica Degraffenreid informed the county on Tuesday that because Fulton County granted Wake TSI access to their machines, the Pennsylvania government and Dominion cannot verify that the impacted components of Fulton Countys leased voting system are safe to use in future elections.. So, our auditors at tracked Dominions revenues using state and local government spending disclosures, i.e. There are currently two voting systems which are certified by the State of Florida's Division of Elections. Dominion Voting Systems was paid $118.3 million to provide election services during the past three years, according to public records. Anyone who joins Bidens Illegitimate Cabinet will be Illegitimate!!! Purchase descriptions ranged from batteries, compact flash memory cards, receipt paper for voting machines, warranty and support for imagecast voting, EMS 3-day training, absentee central count ballots and election day ballots, pre marked test ballots, firmware and hardware warranty, voting systems, and much more. It is true that Dominion Voting machines create ballots, for testing, audits and after a voter has voted and approves the ballot creation. Audit in Michigan County Refutes Dominion Conspiracy Theory In Other Voting News. Guy, Sheryl. Heads of the corrupt news corporations included. The Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5B is both federally and state certified. Fulton County has not yet responded to a request for comment. Maricopa County Election Facts | Voting Equipment & Accuracy More specifically, the error occurred because the county had tochangesome ballots to update some local races such as a missing candidate in Mancelona Township. And then, the FRAUD reversed the true results!!! California: In 2019, the County of Santa Clara contracted with Dominion for up to $16.2 million to run their election services for the next eight-years. President Trump and have consolidated the base!!! 18 Dec 2020. The video below demonstrates how easy it is to cheat at adjudication: As Ive been saying for months, can Dominion be hacked? Dominion was founded in the wake of a different controversy: the failure of punch-card voting machines and their infamous hanging chads in the 2000 election. A forensic audit of Dominion voting machines used in the 2020 election in Georgia found "no sign of foul play," according to the Georgia secretary of state's office. It urges them to immediately stop using the state's Dominion Voting Systems touchscreen voting machines. "They trashed votes. But state officials and Dominion which has been the subject of conspiracy theories following the election said the report was flawed and spreading misinformation. We rate the claim that Dominion Votings machine manuals outline fraud capabilities is PARTLY FALSE, based on our research. They include voting manipulation, "weighing" votes in Biden's favor and disposing of Trump votes, according to the letter. Ramsland who has in recent years spoken about a purported effort by the deep state, including U.S. intelligence agencies, to undermine Trump is founder of a group called Allied Security Operations Group. The Dominion voting system does not change ballots. But as PolitiFact noted, the precincts cited were actually in Minnesota not Michigan so the claims didnt hold up. Other counties included San Francisco ($4.2 million, Butte ($376), Glenn ($42,350), Monterey ($233,291), San Benito ($173,049), Santa Cruz ($583), Shasta ($3,975), Sierra ($9,571), Siskiyou ($127,314), Kern ($127,267), San Luis Obispo ($500,536), and San Mateo ($457,703). Macias, Ryan. just Joe Biden marked? Can those be counted as legitimate results? Please finish whatever it is you're doing and release whatever it is you're going to release," Sellers wrote, warning that the state senators should "be prepared to defend any accusations of misdeeds in court. Wisconsin: Dominion voting machines are used in the counties of Racine, Washington, and Ozaukee. Under the cover of COVID-19, numerous states in the United States were able to sneak in last minuteand in many cases illegalways to vote in our election. Macias told us in a phone interview that the errors described in the report are, essentially, entries of alerts from tabulation event logs and that they dont mean that something went wrong. As a result, the County will not use the tabulation equipment subpoenaed by the Arizona Senate in any future elections. the Michigan Bureau of Elections will complete a risk-limiting audit of all ballots there this Thursday, according . In fact, the system is purged of test results once the testing phase is finished, complete with a "zero report" to confirm purging, according to instruction No. Social media users have been sharing content online that claims AT&T had a contract to do a forensic audit on Dominion Voting Systems machines and that the Dec. 25 explosion in Nashville,. When I read this report what I see is that every time there is a problem referenced in the software, the report instantly jumps to malice and intent, Buell said. THE HILL 1625 K STREET, NW SUITE 900 WASHINGTON DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 TEL | 202-628-8503 FAX. "Smash the cap", Defense lawyers in Idaho killings case want gag order kept, Biden awards Medal of Honor to Green Beret for heroism in Vietnam. The announcement comes after the Arizona Senate in April acquired the voting machines from Dominion Voting Systems, in addition to nearly 2.1 million ballots and voter information from the Nov. 3 election through a court-approved subpoena as part of its election recount. The firms CEO, Doug Logan, has spread conspiracy theories on the 2020 election in Arizona in now-deleted tweets. Series: Continuing The Review Of Federal Housing Programs. Computer experts urge Georgia to replace voting machines So, whats next People? Dominion Voting Systems is the second largest vendor in the non-transparent and entrenched election system industry where three vendors control 88-percent of the market. Q: Is the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy linked to autism or ADHD? Throw in documented Foreign Election Interference. The audit, conducted by state and local officials and representatives of both political parties, involved a hand tally of all the votes cast for president in the county. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors released, regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet, has been compromised and election officials do not know what was done to the machines while under Cyber Ninjas control., never use equipment that could pose a risk to free and fair elections., The announcement comes after the Arizona Senate in April acquired the voting machines from Dominion Voting Systems, in addition to nearly. We multiplied each of these costs by 12,374, the number of precincts that use DREs without a voter-verified paper audit trail for all voters. Professor of computer science, Rice University. Michigan: $31.5 million flowed from the state government ($30.8 million) and 22 localities over the last three years. Copyright 2023 AMAC, Inc. / AMAC Senior Resources Network. Senate Oversight with House Oversight | Hearing. Michigan judge allows release of report from Dominion voting equipment This fact check is available at IFCNs 2020 US Elections FactChat #Chatbot on WhatsApp. Interestingly, there were six school districts paying Dominion for election services. Antrim County Clerk. I did point out before how democrats were constantly saying that the machines were not . In nine of the 11 Dominion counties, the audit found 100% accuracy in the presidential election. 13 Dec 2020. A day after the election, the countyreportedthat Biden was ahead of Trump by about 3,000 votes, with 98% of votes counted results that surprised many, since the county is reliably Republican. Buell, Duncan. Georgia: In 2019, a $107 million ten-year contract with Dominion procured by the Secretary of State covers 30,000 touch screen voting machines and the installation of a verified paper ballot voting system. 18 Dec 2020. In their Dunn & Bradstreet filings, Dominion claimed annual sales of $36.5 million with contracts in 22 states and 600 local jurisdictions. A Michigan judge released an audit of Dominion voting systems. On Thursday, the voting machine company Dominion filed court papers documenting that numerous Fox News personalities knew there was no evidence to support the claims peddled by Trump's allies . There is no indication from the machine manual that test ballots arecounted with regular ballots submitted on Election Day. "Arizona Senate leadership hired the wrong people, enabling and enriching unvetted, unqualified, private companies with known biases who never should have touched federally-certified elections equipment or the people's ballots," Jack Sellers, the Republican Chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, said in a statement on Monday. Stole our election and our freedom and Democracy died. Accusations of voting machine malfunctions persist againstmanufacturer Dominion Voting Systems, despite audits of 2020 presidential election ballots that were processed through its machines that found no evidence of tampering. A Pennsylvania county's voting machines were decertified after they were subjected to an audit. The audit is being led by Cyber Ninjas, a firm with no prior experience in official election audits and one whose founder has promoted conspiracy theories about the election. Guy also pointed out that, if the elections officials didnt catch the error when they did, it would have been caught during the county canvass process, In Antrim County, some elections office staff made an error in data handling and they caught the mistake, and fixed it,, Thats making mistakes and catching mistakes, its not committing fraud., , a computer science professor at Rice University who researches voting security, further said, ust because the [RCV] feature is enabled doesnt mean you have any races that use it.. The link leads to a May 2019 version of the user guide for the Democracy Suite Image Cast Central, one of five machines manufactured by Dominion Voting. Dominion Voting Systems Corporation was founded in 2002 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, by John Poulos and James Hoover. That has been proven false repeatedly through 2 recounts - including a full hand recount - and a forensic audit of the Georgia's voting machines. He asserted that the Board of Supervisors "is not aware of any 'breach'" during the time period that the subpoena asked about. Other counties included DuPage ($70,520), Kankakee ($9,900), Macoupin County ($15,153), and Winnebago ($18,900). One of the specific claims made in the report which was turned into a Twitter talking point by Trump was that a tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020 consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors. Machines and their software were "designed" to "create" systemic fraud. Fox anchor says network is blocking him from reporting on Dominion texts As such, these systems are sometimes referred to as receipt . In 2020, the evidence proved that President Trump got well over 60% of the Vote, Biden almost none, and the DemocRats less than 40%!! 17 Dec 2020. AMAC Social Security Guarantee & Social Security Plus. One affidavit in another casealleged that a slew of precincts in Michigan were found to have more votes than voters findings repeated by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Ive already expressed my views previously on what the majority of Americans will actually do to rectify this travesty. Partially in response to news on Dominion's lawsuit against Fox News, and also partially inspired by left wing comments on Twitter, it's time for another post on the machines. "Anyone with sufficient knowledge and understanding of elections is able to confirm, through a review of these logs or through an inspection of the tabulators, that the equipment was not connected to the internet and had no wifi devices installed," Liddy wrote. In addition to Pennsylvania, efforts are also under way in states including Wisconsin and Georgia, and Texas House lawmakers introduced legislation Tuesday that would initiate an audit of their results. In the ASOG audit, all log entries for the 2020 election cycle were found missing in the Dominion equipment they analyzedmeanwhile voter adjudication logs for previous years exist. The Ramsland report said it didnt accept the explanation for the error, writing: We disagree and conclude that the vote flip occurred because of machine error built into the voting software designed to create error., In a rebuttal to the report he submitted to Michigan and federal legislators, Ryan Macias, former acting director of the U.S. Election Assistance Commissions Voting System Testing and Certification Program, noted that the ballot definition files (used in the tabulator cards) are not part of the certified voting system software, are unique to every election, and are regularly updated in advance of the election., Macias said the report showed ASOG has a grave misunderstanding of the DVS DSuite 5.5 voting system, a lack of knowledge of election technology and process, and therefore, has come to a preposterous conclusion.. Bailey v. Antrim County. Fulton County, which former President Donald Trump won in November with 85.6% of the vote, authorized Wake County TSI to inspect its voting machines in December at the request of Republican Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano. So I wont repeat myself here. Board of Elections votes for voting machine - Fairborn Daily Herald In 2020, the evidence proved that President Trump got well over 60% of the Vote, Biden almost none, and the DemocRats less than 40%!! Dominion Voting Systems Asks Court To Require Accredited Lab In Multiple countries contributed to the results of our election. The media buried that story and the media will bury this one as well. The Pennsylvania Department of State has decertified Fulton County's voting machines after they were inspected by a private IT company behind Arizona's partisan election audit, as other. (Dec. 21), Fact check: Hugo Chvez's family does not own Dominion Voting Systems, Fact check: Dominion voting machines didn't delete votes from Trump, switch them to Biden, Fact check: False claim that electronic voting software companies Dominion and Smartmatic have closed, "BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Dominion Voting Machines Have the Ability to Create Ballots! Refuse the STEAL!!! Ohio GOP state rep falsely claims Trump Capitol rioters were 'plants' IT Professional, Software Expert Explains How Dominion Is Hackable The ASOG audit also discovered software changes on Oct. 23, 2020, and then again on Nov. 5, 2020, just after the election. In a press release announcing the decision, the county vowed to never use equipment that could pose a risk to free and fair elections., Maricopa County will never use compromised equipment that could pose a risk to free and fair elections. Wallach, Dan. One America News keeps lying about Dominion Voting Systems

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