For me, I had a few extra bits of plastic that I snapped off because they . The unit cost of disposable LMAs is 20% higher at approximately $9.60 per unit. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Complete Beginner's Guide - Ecochain Bic Disposable Razor (1975). Plastics News Europe, 19 Nov. 2009, This is only the operational energy consumption, but you still have to take into account all the energy used in the design and installation of the machinery. Several waste management scenarios were also considered, including 100% landfilling and 100% incineration, because practices are highly location dependent. The majority of eutrophication impacts from disposable LMAs are from deposition of nitrogen oxide particulates from electricity generation and waste incineration, and impacts for the reusable LMA are nearly all from wastewater used in the cleaning process. SimaPro 7.3.2. The metal is then heated and then cooled slowly to remove any internal stress, which makes it tougher, this process is called annealing (Safety Razor). climate change, summer smog, resource depletion, acidification, human health effects, etc. Saudi J Anaesth 2008;2:58. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) - A Complete Guide to LCAs Your message has been successfully sent to your colleague. The use of disposable razors is unsustainable with our growing population and increased demand. After the reusable LMA was washed and dried, it was then placed into a heat seal pouch, made of polypropylene film and paper. Not all form of impacts are valued the same, so the ones with the largest impact should be tackled first in order to produce the maximum overall improvement. Most of those razors just end up in a landfill because most countries are not recycling them. Gillette Plastic Disposable Shaving Kit supermax, for Hotel. A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Disposable and Reusable Packaging for the Distribution of Italian Fruit and Vegetables. The 2 LMA options are nearly equivalent in terms of eutrophication impacts, but with different contributions. Polycarbonate production (14%), transportation via truck (15%), thermoforming (13%), and waste disposal (11%) cause the majority of the remaining emissions. Once in the landfill, it usually takes around 20-30 years to breakdown. Steel Life Cycle.SSAB, However, the LCA is not an exact science and has its limitations: Disposable razors are a commonly used item for most Americans, and over two billion razors are thrown away every year in the United States (Shabecoff). CASE STUDY ANALYSIS - CLEAN EDGE, NON DISPOSABLE RAZOR Q1. There is no public data entailing the details of this plastics recyclability. When the devices entered use at Yale New Haven Hospital, both the disposable and the reusable LMAs were removed from their original packaging, which was discarded. The advantage of using this method compared to a more comprehensive LCA method is that its much simpler to carry out and to gather the required information because the data regarding the most common materials and processes has been collected in advance. Disposable and reusable nappies in the UK: life cycle assessment There much environmentally friendly options when it comes to shavings, such as the traditional safety razor and straight razors, which can have a much longer life than disposable razors. Bulk Disposable Razors But this is expected from a large brand like Gillette. Properly following the instructions it should (hopefully) leave you with three pieces, the handle, the metal blade, the plastic that was covering the blade. The studies have not found it to be harmful to drinking water, or public safety, however, it is an ongoing research of soil data that continues. Safety Assessment of Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Released from PVC Medical Devices. Put the blades in the steel recycling section. Differences in environmental impacts between devices may present a compelling consideration in their selection. Life Cycle Assessment | EcoAct 45. Cad M, Webb T, Bjorksten A. Everything You Need To Know About Polystyrene (PS).Everything You Need To Know About Polystyrene (PS), 0 The next step the blade goes through is called polishing in which is done using strops made out of cowhide to get the desired blade edge shape, the blade is then cut into the sizes of the individual blades, which are then sent off to be inspected. Yet, tungsten has been found to deposit particles into the soil that causes some contamination, making it a recent concern to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) covers all relevant inputs from the environment (e.g., ores and crude oil, water, land use) as well as emissions into air, water and soil (e.g., carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides). The cheap price of the razor does not reflect the high cost of its waste and impact on the environment. The high waste from manufacturing and shipping such a small, and cheap product is one that is negatively impacting the planet. 3. Policy H-135.945: Encouraging Alternatives to PVC/DEHP Products in Health. Phenylene oxide, or PPO, is another common plastic material used in disposable razors. BIC has noted however that they strive to be as efficient with materials used when it comes to their packaging. Contrary to common expectation, hair is actually pretty hard. Their carbon footprint was reported with the highest offender being air travel for the product, and staff transportation coming from France: accounting for 73% of the companys annual greenhouse gas emissions (Bic). 4. The metal must be mined and extracted from the mountain causing an emission of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases (Wang). DEHP leaches out upon exposure to heat and lipids, as would be the case in contact with mucous membranes. To start the process of making the blades, tungsten carbide is melted at high temperatures. Life cycle assessment of stainless-steel reusable speculums versus However, it is fairly easy to find what the disposable razors components are made of, due to its simplicity. There could be hundreds of different sources for their materials. 6,474. Finally, the assessment will be carried out on the new design to assess if it has a lower impact than the other options analysed. Despite the overall lower impacts of the reusable LMA, there are still several ways that its environmental profile could be improved, as suggested by the results shown in Table 2. Life cycle assessment is a "cradle-to-grave" approach for determining the financial and environmental costs of a product over its entire life. Criteria air pollutants arise for the disposable LMA primarily from the production of ethylene (a polymer precursor) and the combustion of natural gas throughout the system, and for the reusable LMA from the combustion of fossil fuels to produce steam and electricity. In this life cycle breakdown, I will be discussing what materials go into the making of disposable razors and what processes the materials go through in the operation of making a disposable razor. 85 percent of the energy came from electricity, 14 percent came from gas, and the rest came from fuel oil (For You For Everyone Registration Document). 4.Complete the form Disposable LMAs are made largely from PVC plastic, which is associated with a number of health concerns that are gaining increased attention.23 Historic efforts to minimize routine medical incineration resulted in the 1998 Memorandum of Understanding between the American Hospital Association and the US Environmental Protection Agency, largely on the basis of recognition of the potential carcinogenic effects of burning PVC plastics. The blades and lubricating strip were too light to be measured with our equipment so their weights were rounded to 1g. The extraction and consumption of resources (including energy), as well as releases to air, water, and soil, are quantified throughout all stages. Finally, the need for manual labor in the cleaning process of reusable LMAs contributed to the costs of these LMAs. On the basis of observation at Yale New Haven Hospital, it takes approximately 10 minutes to conduct all cleaning processes for 1 LMA, which is equivalent to roughly $3 in wages. We are proud that it is among the leading professional LCA software . The metal used for the razor blades is called Tungsten Carbide which is used in wear applications, such as shaving (Safety Razor). If you count the actual razor cover (if you haven't lost it long ago) then it will be four pieces for recycling. Subramaniar Trading Company. PDF An updated lifecycle assessment study for disposable and reusable nappies 15 - 21 Our group recently performed a life cycle assessment of anesthetic drug trays, finding that reusable trays were both environmentally and . They have estimated that they expend around 11.77 gigajoules of energy per ton of their products that they produce (For You For Everyone Registration Document) The BIC report also categorized the energy where they obtained the energy. The blades, which are made from a carbide steel made using tungsten carbide, the handle, which is made from a combination of plastics such as polypropylene, polystyrene, and phenylene oxide (PPO), and the cartridge, which is made up of these plastics and sometimes the carbide steel as well (Safety Razor, Life Cycle Assessments - Diaper Answers Properly Recycle Your Disposable Razors | 11 / Piece. Where regulations permit, disposal of LMA-related waste as regular municipal waste, as opposed to biohazardous waste, should also reduce the adverse health effects stemming from medical waste incineration. This LCA is specific for surgical gowns used in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St Paul, Minnesota. J Environ Assess Policy Manage 2000;2:45376, 2. Decision makers have typically favored disposable LMAs because the purchase price is perceived to be less for a comparable quantity of disposable LMAs, in comparison with 1 reusable LMA with its associated labor costs for in-house reprocessing.6. It can also help them to compare the newly redesigned product to the original, acting as a benchmark to ensure the design changes are actually positive for the environment. Anesth Analg 2012;114:105566, 8. Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States: Facts and Figures for 2010. Kaplan, Desire. 3 Ways to Recycle Safety Razor Blades - wikiHow Life Despite its ability to be recycled, it often ends up in the landfill as many people dont know how to properly recycle it, people are too lazy to recycle, or the plastics arent labeled properly (Polypropylene. Wikipedia). Environment Agency (Life Cycle Assessment of Disposable and Reusable Nappies in the U.K.) investigated the impact of three diapering systems: cloth diapers with home wash, cloth diapers with commercial laundry, and disposable diapers. Julabo Gmbh, et al. Phase 3: Life Cycle Impact Assessment. What does a business area's assessment of agreements, income, and value implicate? 21 offers from $5.20. They have teamed up with Gillette to raise awareness about the massive waste of disposable razors by allowing users to mail their old razors in to be recycled. 2011, Packaging Technology and Science. Anesth Analg 2004;99:6267, 17. In this paper, life cycle assessment (LCA) has been used as a tool to quantify the environmental impacts of disposable medical face masks. Tungsten Carbide. Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Nov. 2019, James Drinkwater - Head of Built Environment - LinkedIn Considering human health concerns, the majority (60%) of impacts for the disposable LMA is due to the production of polymers, PVC in particular, with emissions from incineration contributing another 15%. Staff, RT. Online Course Life Cycle Assessment | MIT Professional Education In 2016, Bic reduced packaging for their Soleil Razor by 40%. There are three main components in a disposable razor. Life cycle assessment - Environmental Assessment and Optimization Group This was a cradle-to-grave study that included inputs and outputs for the manufacture, transport, use, and waste phases of the LMAs. GaBi includes its own database containing life cycle inventories of processes such as polypropylene manufacturing, transportation, and landfill . Growing awareness of the negative impacts from the practice of health care on the environment and public health calls for the routine inclusion of life cycle criteria into the decision-making process of device selection. The hardest part of this whole process is the data gathering. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Park Ridge, IL: American Society of Anesthesiologists, 1999, 15. To create the metal compound, carbon is added to the purified tungsten in a complex chemical process where the materials are heated to over 2,200 degrees celsius. The original LMA was a reusable device (Intavent International SA, Henley-on-Thames, UK). Poly(p-Phenylene Oxide). Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Sept. 2019, 2.Define the life-cycle To bring the metal to its final form, it is heated to extremely high temperatures to remove the binders, and to mold the metal particles together, in turn, creating a very strong and durable metal compound (Siddle, How Is Tungsten Carbide Formed?). Siddle, Dave. Life cycle assessment software I used GaBi 6 software, produced by PE International. We perform Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) and Critical Reviews in accordance with ISO 14040/44 for products and services. Through an examination of how the raw materials: carbide steel, tungsten steel, and a combination of the plastics: polypropylene, polystyrene, and phenylene oxide of the razors decompose, and how much waste is accumulated in making the razors, an assessment can be made for the duration of their life cycle. The data collected through LCA helps organizations make conscious decisions that affect the environment. The final value for the cartridge-based razor was 115.06 mPt, and the value for the double edge safety razor was 15.70 mPt. This manuscript was handled by: Steven L. Shafer, MD. There are so many variables that you have to take into account when calculating how much of an impact a product is having on the environment and our resources. It is used in razor manufacturing mainly due to its high heat and water resistance, making it ideal for the conditions the product is used in. Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment of Disposable Bioreactors - BioProcess InternationalBioProcess International Upstream Processing Bioprocessing begins upstream, most often with culturing of animal or microbial cells in a range of vessel types (such as bags or stirred tanks) using different controlled feeding, aerating, and process strategies. With the amount of waste accumulated from the factories and the bulk of the razors ending up in landfills and oceans, a low price of $1 removes the buyer from how high the cost on the environment a disposable razor is. These results suggest that the reusable LMA Classic has fewer life cycle impacts in comparison with the disposable LMA Unique at Yale New Haven Hospital, across several categories of concern. Where material types were unknown, proxies were assumed from relevant literature,2 although more detailed material information from suppliers would permit a more robust analysis. EPA. A Life Cycle Assessment of Reusable and Single-Use Central V - LWW Despite manufacturer-recommended cleaning processes, and various modifications thereof, proteinaceous material may remain on reusable LMAs.27 Of particular concern, these residues may expose patients to prions causing transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, CreutzfeldtJakob disease. Disposable Razors at Best Price in India - IndiaMART Small components such as inks and labels on the packaging and on the sterilization indicator strips are expected to have negligible impacts and were excluded from the analysis. Using Life Cycle Assessments to Understand Cloth vs. Disposables - BAHP After the products are packaged, there has to be a way for them to get to the end consumer. If the reusable LMA is discarded prematurely, e.g., after 20 uses,16 the unit cost increases to $13 per unit, but decreases to $5.50 if the lifetime can be extended to 80 uses. A complete life cycle cost analysis would complement the life cycle assessment results shown here; however, a simple analysis reveals that, assuming full utilization, a $200 reusable LMA costs $5 per use, plus $3 per cleaning for a unit cost of $8, excluding utility and hospital overhead costs. The Fate of the Disposable Razor.Industrial Equipment News (IEN), 7 Aug. 2019, This obviously makes the results less accurate, but it can still be used as a general indicator of impact. With such a fast accumulating waste and slow decomposition rate, there must be changes and incentive for companies to rethink the disposable razor. Zhang TW, Dornfeld DA. On the basis of information provided by the distributing company, the disposable LMA was manufactured in Hangzhou, China, and the reusable LMA was manufactured in Singapore. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a method used to estimate the total environmental impacts from producing a good or service. Facilities that select reusable devices should implement inventory and operating procedures that ensure that devices are reused to the greatest possible extent. Finally, inclusion of the environmental impacts of labor for cleaning (from wages spent on goods and services) only nominally increases the total GHG and water impacts of reusable LMAs. BIC is voicing their concern about the environmental impact that their large production goals can have. may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed BIC Group, 2016, Sustainable Development Report. Here's How to Keep Your Razors from Contributing to Landfill Waste. USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 7 Aug. 2019, Anyone can send in razors of any kind, and the plastic and cardboard packaging as well. Chu L, Mathur P, Trudell J, Brock-Utne J. The life of a typical razor blade is not an easy one. Figure: Life Cycle Assessment steps: goal and scope definition, life cycle inventory, life cycle impact assessment and interpretation (Sala et al., 2016) In the goal and scope phase, the aims of the study are defined, namely the intended application, the reasons for carrying out the study and the intended audience. Sustainable Development at BIC . 6 Jan. 2011. 2. However, they also affirmed that they strive to make their products with an eco-design approach by using recycled materials or bioplastics in their different products (For You for Everyone Registration Document). Tungsten carbide is a carbide compound, made up of equal parts of tungsten and carbon. On the basis of such criteria, single-use disposable medical devices are increasingly supplanting reusable devices in the United States (US) and elsewhere.1 Although purchase and maintenance costs for disposable devices are perceived to be less than for reusables, this fails to account for indirect costs to society from the environmental impacts attributable to the entire life cycle of a device. By far, the biggest impact during the manufacturing of the razors was the 17 spot welds done in each cartridge. This is known as a Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) This can be extremely complex because it can involve dozens of separate processes, as well as hundreds of tracked substances. The biggest impact during the cartridge-based razor life-cycle is manufacturing the cartridge as this is the part which is hardest to make. Introduction Paper diapers are roughly divided into two types: those for infants and those for adults. The buyer online is not exposed to the long lasting waste of the razors after they are thrown out. Reducing Trichloroethylene (TCE) Waste in the Fabricated Metals Sector.EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 9 Aug. 2016, disposable paper diaper; material recycling; closed-loop recycling; life cycle assessment (LCA) 1. However, the viability of the disposable razor is always thrown into question because of the sheer amount of resources that it expends. On the basis of manufacturer information and density testing, the materials used in the 2 LMAs were identified and their compositions measured using a microgram scale (Table 1). Life of a Razor Blade - To begin the process of creating the metal, the tungsten is purified and ground into a fine powder. All of these software packages and models are in widespread use by life cycle assessment practitioners in the US and internationally. With the recommended use of three to ten uses for disposable razors, they quickly end up in the landfill to decompose. The product has several innovative elements, due to the implementation of eco-design principles, such as: (1) introduction of biopolymers (namely polylactic acid (PLA) and Mater-bi), (2) relevant . This document is an update and merger of two previous EPA documents on LCA ("Life Cycle Assessment: Inventory Guidelines and Principles," EPA/600/R-92/245, and "LCA101" from the LCAccess, website . xTkJ((5:Ome\%{yIlka;K=1 #3. In the late 1990s, disposable LMAs became available. Gillette's slogan 'Gillette - the best a man can get' is famous the world over. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Select patients who are highly infective warrant the choice of disposable devices; however, data do not support selecting disposables for all patients to avoid any possible risk of infection. Because the human health impacts of the disposable LMAs are dominated by plastics, increasing the amount of PVC by 10% leads to a significant (>5%) increase in cancer and noncancer effects. qILL@#nO @8 In life cycle assessment, the basis of comparison is called the functional unit. For this report, the functional unit of the disposable and reusable LMAs was taken to be maintenance of airway patency by 40 disposable LMAs or 40 uses of 1 reusable LMA. To make the handle and cartridges, these various plastics are heated together and melted together along with optional colorants and various filler materials. Information on PPO plastics are difficult to find, as most of the data is about how it is made, and the chemical makeup and stability of the plastic, rather than information on the decomposition rate or waste used in the making of it. These are the reasons why I will carry out an Eco-Indicator Assessment instead of a full LCA. Contamination problems with reuse of laryngeal mask airways and laryngoscopes. Criteria for the selection and purchase of medical devices typically include safety for patients and staff, efficacy and ease of use, and purchase and handling prices. Life cycle assessment of a disposable and a reusable surgery instrument set for spinal fusion surgeries Leiden A, Cerdas F, Noriega D, Beyerlein J, Herrmann C. Life cycle assessment of a disposable and reusable surgery instrument set for spinal fusion surgeries. Anaesthesia 2000;55:7001, 18. To compile a detailed life cycle inventory of the environmental burdens The life cycle of plastics Life cycle assessment (LCA) considers the environmental aspects associated with a product over its lifespan. Everything You Need To Know About Polypropylene (PP) Plastic. Everything You Need To Know About Polypropylene (PP) Plastic, Most tungsten, about 85%, is extracted from various ores in China (Siddle, How Is Tungsten Carbide Formed?). hb```X ea i:=3*?a_.k7#uq-u[JRP erle@@)`EkP;~ cdC58xiv06@Jup E It is a thermoplastic that exhibits high heat resistance, dimensional stability, and accuracy and is often combined with other plastics, such as polystyrene, due to various problems in its processing (Poly(p-Phenylene Oxide, American Medical Association (AMA). The use of LCA to introduce life-cycle thinking into decision-making for the purchase of medical devices in the NHS. Tungsten is a natural metal deposit that is found in metamorphic, and granitic igneous rocks, primarily in China, Russia, South Korea, South America, and the Rocky Mountains in the United States. Composition Assumptions for Disposable and Reusable Largyngeal Mask Airways (LMAs). The metal is then quenched in water to bring it to -76 to -112 degrees Fahrenheit to harden the material (Safety Razor). For example, the designer might think that the manufacturing stage would be the most impactful, when in reality for some products its the raw material extraction or its use phase. Now that we understand the key challenges with the razors, and where the biggest impacts are occurring, we can begin to make informed decisions in the redesign. What Is Tungsten Carbide?" The alternatives are objects made of bio compostable plastic,. But what really goes into making one of these seemingly mundane disposable razors and what happens to it after its tossed in the trash? These containers, mainly wooden pallets and spools, are subject to European legislat The autoclave was typically run with 5 LMAs, although loading varied significantly. Flying staff to meetings, shipping, and distributing the product is the highest offender for the planet. Olsen, Alexandra. Lippiatt BC, Boyles AS. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Life Cycle Assessment of a Building | Sphera Amazon Best Sellers: Best Men's Disposable Shaving Razors The Ramboll Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) found that, assuming realistic usage over a year, the energy consumption involved in the use phase of reusable plastic and traditional crockery, during in-store or out-sourced washing and drying, outweighed the environmental impact of single-use paper dishes. Ison E, Miller A. Powers, Matt, and Amanda M. Can You Recycle Disposable Razors? Earth911.Com, 30 July 2019, In conclusion, disposable razors are being used and thrown away at a rate that is unsustainable for the finite space on the planet. In addition to traditional criteria for the selection and purchase of medical devices that include safety, efficacy, and cost, growing awareness of the negative impacts from the practice of health care on the environment and public health calls for the routine inclusion of life cycle criteria into the product selection process. The Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) is where the impacts on the environment are calculated. Poly(Phenylene Oxide). The Polymer Science Learning Center, Disposable razors are made up of three components: a hollowed plastic handle, the razor blade, and the plastic head of the razor that holds the blade (Safety Razor). Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) Hazard Summary. McGain F, McAlister S, McGavin A, Story D. The financial and environmental costs of reusable and single-use plastic anaesthetic drug trays. Data is temporarily unavailable.

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life cycle assessment of disposable razors