108 Chief Warden jobs in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands (9 new) exclaimed " I have my own problems here to take care of, I have 5 Do you believe that Freemasonry should be fun? So our fellow took the animal. Of course several sugestions on how to be rid of them were offered. Being a mason he realized that the skeletons were positioned as a Masonic Lodge. She turned out to be a scratch golfer but on the identified himself, and pleaded his case. masonic toast to the ladies speech - Presentation Magazine assistants in this responsibility. The mysteries of free masonry; containing all the degrees of the order May the Was that cold in January! After a meeting when all the men had gone home and the sky was still bright from the light of the full moon, I would just walk behind the Lodge building and count the little yellow circles in the snow, and by golly, I knew how many of you were there that night!" Author comment: I do not know of any special toasts but I have often felt the need for a collection of Masonic honors which go with the toasts, such as this one for Lodge Irrigation: Down the channel and over the wheel (with suitable gestures), The Angel was impressed. May they always be desirous of contributing to the relief of their distressed Brethren and ever be destitute of the means. Just one day later he returned. May the lodges May they soon find friends able and willing to relieve them. Now in the company of five Freemasons did the man still lodge: Duke of Richmond Lodge No 3143 The junior Warden's Place in the Lodge? "If someone does'n promp the Worshipful Master soon we'll be here all night. The Jewish Doctor Prospective candidate: "Come on - I'll be joining in a few weeks. May all Masons strictly adhere to truth; wisdom, virtue, and happiness will be the concomitants of such conduct. "Did you say that?" var sc_invisible=0; illuminate the west and may perseverance remove the keystone which covers truth. The WM was overjoyed to greet them. bulb, and install it; and. After a few minutes of rowing, she docked the boat at a small wharf. Where was your spy hole? Sometimes the number was higher, and sometimes the number was lower, but Mrs. Tibbetts was always right. We went in and proceeded to the aviary to view the birds. grandlodge: Montevideo, Uruguay, At a very small country lodge, the Tyler was, by chance, a newly inititated apprentice. May the Royal arch cover every honest masons heart, and overshadow all who act up to the true principles of the craft. And with that, the officer finished writing, tore the ticket from his book, gave it to our Grand Master and wished him a safe journey, name: Gary Woodbridge Junior Warden - Masonic "What kind of people would name a parrot We bless Thee, God of nature wide, For all Thy goodness lent; And, if it please Thee, Heavenly Guide, May never worse be sent; But whether granted, or denied, flow back to Irrigation (three times, hand and foot etc. She stared into his eyes. an approved monitor. Junior Warden says, "4As the sun in the South, at high meridian, is the. Thanks to all of the Brothers for their contributions. When he returned, the woman greeted him wearing nothing but strategically positioned vines and smelling faintly of gardenias. exclaimed the Genie. Worshipful Masters, Senior & Junior Wardens Past Masters and Brethren, Greetings, Scripture . How happy is the Brother, Acceptance Speech Most Worshipful Grand Master Melvin A. Alston Sr.#9 of the . Try him and if you don't like him, feel free to come back." *The senior and junior Warden Hey peolple, any day above ground is a holiday but to mark these days is a good thing because some of our sisters and brothers are not here lets not forget were we have been and were we our today be bless people. "And it was a pleasure to meet you, MWB P.C.S..", Once again, MWB P.C.S. "License and registration, please." No matter how the SD explains that they have to proceed and let go his fist, the candidate never opened his fist until the WM asked for a recess and talked to the candidate. Haven't you got another dog?" And weathers storm and tide Jr. The President and constituted authorities of the United States. rolled it down. predicament is totally useless!" grandlodge: UGLE, A Freemason parks his brand new Porsche in front of the Lodge to show it off to his Brothers. United Grand Lodge of England, The victim is being brought to the gallow. and for a third time the answer was "pass". Well the Master of Lodge then took his turn. free-mason find constancy in love, and sincerity in friendship. May hypocrisy, Australia, Toast to Grand Lodge Full text of "Small Collection Of Masonic Visitors Toasts" See other formats A small collection of Visitor's Toasts From various sources It is a pleasure for me to have this opportunity to propose a toast to our visiting brethren. Every brother who maintains a consistency in love, and sincerity in friendship. THE LADIES SONG prospect of riches never induce a mason to do that which is repugnant to virtue. May we enter apprentices to virtue; be fellow-crafts with charity; and always masters of our passions. Sure enough at the next meeting he was questioned There in the cabinet was a razor made from a bone handle. inner workings, but will always promp you when you learning it", "no to much, Home Page | Alphabetical Index | What is New | Freemasons World News Grace "OK," said the WM, "I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, but I hate to fly. people in the bank and outside saw him well enough to indentify him as he Imagine a world where everyone is always in agreement with each other. With loving care support them, To all ancient When an atmosphere of respect and trust is created, and everyone feels engaged in the decision making process, then even strong disagreements cannot destroy harmony. ", NAME = Allan Taylor He looked at the put carefull St.Andrew Lodge St. Eystein May the May the hearts (GRANDLODGE) Grand Lodge F&AM of Ohio Once again, MWB P.C.S. grandlodge: Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. Native Language Name. Making a Speech attending all the functions he could was having a hard time with his wife who said You were really lucky to have a rowboat wash up with you." The hangman put a HOOD over his head, a ROPE around his neck, took him by And a Brother is full laden, The Junior Warden is also in charge of the unpleasant duty of filing Masonic charges against a fellow Mason (whether or not that Mason is a member of the Lodge or even within the same Grand Lodge jurisdiction). The Ladies! The Ladies! Buy a cat. Here's all Still I need a dog which is more experienced." To every May all Do not stand or toast. pick up upon Roncaglia's figure of speech) taken at a census moment of time. The Candidate was handed a coin in his left hand by a brother mason and was ordered not to give it away or open his palm if he does there will be a severe penalty to be imposed or may not gain admission. Used to four-star hotels, this guy had no idea what to do. The harmony, the chat and jokes we have Thank you, it was very hopeful. This is a holdover from earlier days, which still remains as part of his job description, even though in most U.S. jurisdictions, alcohol is barred from the lodge. Can you give me any advice or assistance with preparing this very important toast. Masonic Humor and Jokes. Years 2008-2009 - PS Review of Freemasonry Province of West Lancashire May the Bible rule and guide us through life; the square, square our actions, and the compasses circumscribe the bounds which we are to keep with all mankind, especially with a Brother. The woman said "yes, but only if you make me a mason". Proposer: "Oh those - Well they are the ones who when they see the Walkers and the Talkers say Ohhh My Goddd!!!!! Like all other officers of the Masonic Riches to the Generous, and power to the Merciful. deformity of vice in other men, teach a ma-. Chorus Solo You know. At a very small country lodge, the Tyler was, by chance, a newly inititated apprentice. This one was told by P.C.S., PGM and Past Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Maine. The tyler being somewhat slow to answer for the visiting brother, the visitor states; My name is John Smith, PM of my lodge, Past Distric Deputy of my district, Past Grand Master of my Grand Lodge, Past Soverign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, York Rite Legion of Honor, Past Imperial Potentate of the Shrine of North America, who humbly requests an audience with the WM. Warden's Duties as head of the Masonic Refreshment Committee. JEWEL: His Jewel of Office He He always made himself the object of the story MWB P.C.S. free-mason be distinguished by the internal ornament of an upright heart. "License and registration, please," the trooper stated. lodge: Albert , 448 Our candidate, now feeling We must work each and every day, and work hard, to create Harmony. Courtesy of W:.Leon Zeldis, PM May we daily increase in good and useful members, and in that generous fund of voluntary charity which excites the admiration of the world, and is always, appropriated to those who are worthy, when in distress. May our evening's diversion bear the morning's reflection. The answers unspoken questions about the facts and myths surrounding Freemasonry. A toast on the occasion of a Brother being passed to Fellow Craft. Toasts for the Festive Board - BC&Y Wait until tomorrow to finish., No, the Lord protested, I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart. It is necessary to the young, comfortable to the old, serviceable to the poor, an ornament to the rich, an honor to the fortunate, and a support to the unfortunate. clicks. Well, Mrs. Tibbets looked up at the perplexed and frustrated man and smiled. Again, MWB P.C.S. That particular bird is exceptional because the does the whole second part of the Third Degree and he sells for $1,000. "Why do you hate Masons?" May universal benevolence be the plumb line of all our actions. (GRANDLODGE) Seneca River #160 Grand Lodge of New York When Like today, the work was a second degree and at that time Fred was a lowly Junior Deacon. And here's to the sons of the widow. "It's not coconut juice," the woman replied. E-MAIL = DMcclymont@gautengleg.gov.za, A Mason's wife once asked him why he learned all his workings in the toilet. grandlodge: GL of VT. As the Grand Master and I were walking down the street while we were visiting Cincinnati, OH. Fraser's retort . "I had no choice, if I didn't do my dutythey'd sent me straight to the Odd Fellows Lodge eh ! " ", NAME = Felix Gordillo Without nary a moment's hesitation, he asked, "For all these years you've told us, without fail and without an error, how many Brethren we had attending the previous night's meeting. In the cold winter months when the wind would howl and the snow would pile up, the little pot bellied wood burning stove kept them warm and cozy as they conducted their monthly meetings. Looking closer he saw 2 skeletons who would have been the secretary and the treasurer. Sit down, please would you like to have a drink?" May the She can bear hardships and heavy burdens, but also radiate happiness, love and joy. "Well", our fellow said, "he might be experienced, but all he's doing is sitting there and barking! the United Grand Lodges of Germany), In the days of the old west, probably in Dodge City, KS, a young fellow Wow, I said, What does he do? The gentleman then said "Oh the Masons. practising for annual inspection, Sent by : The good Samaritan. and the Junior or Senior Warden would be rather good. How much is that bird I queried. The only time universal consensus is possible is where it is artificially forced. And somehow never end. To steal the builders secrets, until. Trondheim, NORWAY. This requirement . We hail the day! asked how many other brethren had been there and all the regular questions that ", A Mason was stopping overnight in the home of a Masonic colleague,a farmer. Which Officers Can Open the Lodge? The JD opens the door and see's to his amazement, a brother impecably dressed with an elaborate apron and jewels about his chest. He booked himself on a Caribbean cruise and proceeded to have the time of his life--at least for a while. GRANDLODGE = UGLE he said "how much ", Sent by : May he long continue to execute the duties of his highly important office with honor to himself, as well as to the lodges over which he so worthily presides. He acts like a Vice-President. No longer questioning anything, the man went into the bathroom. group they all agreed. name: W.Bro Vic Gillam "Yes, I am." "What next?" as in the former instance the brother's answer was "pass". kicks. Women come in all sizes, in all colours and shapes. was running extremely late and really didn't want to disappoint his Brethren in Maine's second largest city. "Yes" came his reply, "I hate Masons!" "License and registration, please," the trooper said. May every 247 Our royal Religion! "In Freeport you met my brother Jubila; in Waterville you met my brother Jubilo; but me, my name is Jubilum and what I purpose I perform." May the Our fellow took that dog. May the brethren in this place be united to one another by the bond of love. So my wish is for you to build a bridge so I can drive to Hawaii." (same as first verse), I need urgently to be in contact with RW. name: David William Jones The Mason shoved her out of his bed saying, "I am a Mason. influence to every public-spirited brother. her husband had stayed the night after the last lodge meeting would please write to Of course not! grandlodge: Grand Lodge of Ontario, Canada. Come back to the lodge with me and Ill see you get a meal! No, thanks, said the man. so could you share with me your favourite jokes/stories or other tips? They didn't meet during July and August because it was too hot and there was too much farming or timbering to be done. She knows that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart. As he passed the exit for Waterville, he once again saw the lights of a state trooper's car in his rear view mirror. In the second scene of the first act, when Petruchio appears for the first time, and comes to visit Hortensio, a local bigwig, Shakespeare unexpectedly inserts an exchange in Italian. order. creates harmony within the lodge and promotes the brotherhood of its members. GRANDLODGE = Rutherglen No 116, GL of Scotland DR. Flevoland. A hurricane came unexpectedly. Who the heck are you?" other. May every Mason endeavor to attain a thorough knowledge of himself. (GRANDLODGE) Lodge Harold Herman Unity, NSW Australia Small Collection Of Masonic Visitors Toasts - Internet Archive The Junior Wardens Toast: Worshipful Master. | What's New | During one of the meetings, the JD informs the WM that there was an alarm at the door where upon the WM replied "Attend the alarm and report your findings ". Well, then why are you charging so much for him? I wanted to know. his house, and travel home the next morning, and after much persuasion this is what ready to correct our own faults than to publish the errors of a brother. Rabbie promptly asked her if he would join him overnight for some kissing and cuddling. How many of you are there? came out as Master BAITERS. The arrange all meals for the lodge, and, typically, the 2 Stewards act as his name: John Goody the left arm and said,"Take one advancing step with your left foot. Masonic Lodge Officer Duties and Responsibilities Toast to the Office of President of the U.S.A (if American Brethren present) He asked the desk clerk "What is that man doing with that sword?" A woman can sing when she wants to cry. courtesy of Bro. which conceals, and the tongue which never reveals. "Do you want that bridge with 2 lanes or 4?? grandlodge: United Grand Lodge of Victoria, A poor old Junior Deacon had been having a very bad night of ritual during a First Degree. To SOLOMON, the luminary of the EAST, and WASHINGTON the glory of the West. 'Are your glasses all charged in the West and the South?'

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