Operation Sports Forums > Football > Madden NFL Football > Madden Will work with any roster or draft class but doesn't have tattoos for any player without face scan. Newton is a grown man, and he can do whatever he wants by way of decorating his body with ink or ice, or by growing his hair as long as he pleases. Its ok to have dress codes and other policies for an organization, but young players have tattoos and piercings. ===================. Being drafted by a team does not give Cam his only option look at Eli Manning he was not originally drafted by the Giants. This clause is enforced @ ALL TIMESwhether she is on or off duty. Without Tattoos Am I saying Richardson is a racists? These players represent their respective teams. Unfortunately for Jackson, his tattoo choice Michael Finley 3. It is really a little on the stupid side. People somehow think it is their constitutional right to take a job somewhere and look and do whatever they want because of freewill.incorrect. the NFL really this stupid To play for the organization, you complied with the rule. Sure, they are drafted by a team and therefore obligated to play for them or else harm their chances of playing anywhere at all, but they are not shackled to the deck and forced to scrub the floors. Embiid is currently enjoying one of the best seasons in his career, averaging 29.6 points, 10.8 rebounds, and 1.2 blocks per game. Obviously this poll isnt important, but other more telling polls show the same thing. players without tattoos I think Jerry Richardson is a boorish, stubborn, old man who was the driving reason/unreason behind the lockout. Or says something stupid. The people doing the interview told him they didnt want any men representing their company wearing earrings or any other body piercings. But I cant have BOTH at this stage in my career. LeBron is covered in ink and he seems like an all around decent person (The Decision aside). He interviewed for a sales position with a company, and showed up at the interview with an earring. He had NO option to play for someone else nor did he have the option of declining the job offer to work for another employer than has a more employee friendly dress code. If an employee dont like it, they can find another employer. Jerry owns the team and can ask his player (s) to have no tattoos. It is up to them, however, I have higher opinions of players who choose not to get tattoos or piercings. Ill be posting some of the most interesting aspects of their discussion right here. So u really want to believe that a QB spends every waking moment studying game films? He doesnt seem to have any issues with the request so Im not sure its even a problem. Hair style, personal choices, selection of spouse, where to eat, (god forbid he is seen eating at IHOP instead of Dennys) what to wear, where to go, etc, etc, ad nasuem. Why all the indignation because the owner wants the face of his franchise to be Wheaties cereal cover material? There is nothing wrong with the owner telling Cam his preferences with tatoos. I suppose the argument here though is he isolated Cam when others on the Panthers have tatts. When you work FOR somebody thats something that you have no control over. I have several tats that are in memory of loved ones who have diedas well as several others that have special meaning. The Liverpool star has decided not to wear any tattoos. It might be just me, but I care a lot more about how a player acts on and off the field than about how many body mods they have. Now obviously an athlete will have a little more trouble hiding these things because of the locker room, but Richardson made a request, Newton, as a man (and if they are men here, they are men when they make a mistake too), can follow that request or ignore it. It is completely up to the owner how his team looks, just as it is in any business. That could be construed to be a health and safety issue, particularly in a contact sport. French international NGolo Kante remains a humble human being despite his recent successes. Kudos to Cam for being well dressed and respectable to a potential owner. When bosses complain about tattoos and such it is because they feel the tattoos are embarassing and they dont want to lose business. If my memory serves me correctly Jerry was a big supporter of the rooney rule. I think the owner has the right but I dont see how it helps your team win games. I have also placed him on the mythical collegiate, Mt. It is not unreasonable that owners want them to be non controvertial and risk alienating their fan base. JR has the right to say he doesnt want a QB with tattoos and piercings. and no rap music. No. He hired a latino hc, drafted an african american QB, and steve smith adores him(and he hates everybody). 1. I just want to play football.. As it turns out, its standard practice when potentially putting inmates with rival gang ties in the same jail space. I dont want to see a league where guys that have tattoos are only allowed to be on certain teams because the owners deemed tattoos to be bad for business. Name one great leader to have earrings or other visible piercings. While I disagree with Richardson on many many things. who careshe can run his business anyway he wantsthere are plenty of workplaces that dont allow tattoos or piercings. As others have pointed out, the Yankees enforce a dress code for their players. They want the money too. Those players currently in the league with visible tattoos will be given the option to cover them up before games, practices and press conferences. Sounds negotiable to me. Is that unreasonable? No long hair, no facial hair, etc, and no one has a problem with that. Aug 24, 2011 5:45 AM The society is beginning to infiltrate the entertainment that is conducive to a family visit to the stadium. Besides, every other corporation has a dress code of some kind, it isnt like he would not have faced this perhaps in the work place elsewhere. The yankees have the same thing in place. I didnt know Jerry Richardson was a Michelle Bachmann backer. I said, Do you have any tattoos? The guys is paying him millions of dollars to be the face of his franchise. Thankfully, the tattoos didn't stop 25-year-old Kaepernick from getting an NFL job. Translation: Dont want to scare white people. Unless Gabbert comes out and says he was told the same thing by Richardson in regards to his appearance, I have a problem with it. Id be grouchy too if i was in my 70s. And to be honest, I seriously doubt many people care what you look like as long as you get the freakin job done. Hernandez's red flags never pointed to murder All you widget business owners out there can dictate how your employees dress. Tattoos have received a negative connotation in recent years, going as far as the NFL might hire police experts to study players tattoos, according to an article published by CBS . Tuscaloosa Police Chief Brent Blankley said, the other victims injured in the shooting was taken to DCH Regional Medical Center. So I guess hed pass on Tom Brady because his hair is too long? Its one thing to ask fans to spend a thousand bucks on season tickets; its another thing entirely to convince a corporation to spend a quarter-million dollars on a luxury box for one season, or millions of dollars for high-profile advertising space. Seriously? I do not think its unreasonable that he wants a certain image for his franchise. Itd be racist if he said it to all black players which he didnt. Kentucky's Republican governor has appointed former NFL player Derrick Ramsey as secretary of the Education and Workforce Development . I have no problem with people who love tattoos (I know several) and want to cover their body in them, but just dont complain about your lack of job prospects because you dont look very professional no matter how you dress. Allen Iverson crapped on all of the hard work of Jordan, Bird and Magic. Furthermore, check yourself in the mirror bro, for the way you embarrassed yourself and your franchise with your handling of preliminary CBA negotiations. you dont get labor protection for discrimination against tats, piercings, smoking, having kids, being a Nazi or any one of a multitude of personal traits. NFL players can have as many tattoos as they want, and they do not have to cover them under any rules. The main reason Mo Salah does not have tattoos is that he is a Muslim and tattoos are forbidden in Islam. I believe they both come from religious families. Only one of the the top two players in franchise history was inked up and down the arm. So what if he doesnt want his team represented by someone with sleeved up arms and a long hair cut. If Jerry Richardson is a racist, how come he drafted Newton to be the face of the franchise? NFL players Richardson: Oh yea, by the way no white girls either Cam. As usual the folks here are writing an article about nothing to create page hits and controversy. No matter how famous you are, somethings are prohibited in the Bale household and that includes tattoos. Mane Richardson is a hypocrite did he not wanted Mike Vick at one pointSMH. Tattoo's put it in a contract with a lot of zeros attached, otherwise shut up! We already have our Cam Newton. The NFL has always been known as a league where players can display their personalities in a number of different ways. im not sure why the first reaction to all these stories where the league seeks to impose some sort of standard on its players has to be negative. Hmmmmm, 3octaveFart says: ahI remember when America used to be alot more about personal freedom (about 10-12 years ago) and less about conforming to the new corporate america that is now in control. I do understand that things can be taken to the extreme to the point of alienating people even though your behavior is perfect (its harder to relate to someone with multiple facial piercings and a grill than someone without those things)but overall I think its overkill to say no tats/piercings at all. Players have to cover tattoos and be well groomed. This isnt a matter of an owner telling a player how to dress and act; its about a businessman maximizing his products marketability. It happens in many different workplaces. my issue is this: sure companies can dictate how you show up and act at work, i get that. Learn how your comment data is processed. All-Tattooed Team of Major League Baseball NOW that is FUNNY. LaMarcus Aldridge has more than one tattoo 1. Carolina expects its players to look nice. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. The fact is, in todays game, corporate money is where its at. Probably because the Polish striker refuses to show off fancy stuff and refuses to compromise his body. NFL Players and second, since when did just having a tat make you immoral for some reason? I think Cam wants to be the next commercial superstar. Jerry Richardson is becoming the East Coast Al Davis Everybody has made good points in this discussion. The man who was the first to hire a first ever owner to hire a black man as a HC, the first to ever hire a Hispanic as a HC and the first ever to hire a female executive? Most fans will still come, even if they think the player is not a role model. I wonder if he also told Newton to stay off his lawn. I dont think so. That being said if Newton is going to be the face of the franchise the Panthers have the right to tell him the image they want him to portray. But for every Mike Vick their are even more JaMarcus Russells, Vince Youngs, and Terrelle Pryors. Problem is, he forgot who it is that was going to be paying his salary. Gareth Bale follows the footsteps of his teammate Cristiano Ronaldo and refuses to wear any tattoos. I have tats all overhowever, I now work in a field that requires I cover them when there. Sounds like a real bigot. Iniesta played for Barcelona for 22 years. And no, the circumstance cant be a policy that applies to #1 draft picks or star quarterbacks. However, here are the rules that I want you to play with. Nice Kicks Custom ShoesThe inaugural A Mile In Their Shoes Employers generally dont want people with visible tats/excessive piercings interfacing with customersunfortunately some NFL players are pretty much always interfacing with customers because they are famous. If Newton wants a tat, wait until youre washed up in 4 years. Pittsburgh, New England and New York are thought to have the best onwership and those rules dont exist. Carolina Panthers' Jerry Richardson to Cam Newton -- No tats, You CAN tackle by the hair. Good keep it that way. That is total BS. Wrong. This is not so much about race as it is about, the bottom line which is money. WebMiami Sports. Julius, you may be the best DE in the league but I dont want my best player to have tattoos, so GTFO. The players are going to fill that lost in their new collective barging agreement. The New York Yankees do the same thing with all of their players. Best Tattoos of the 2013 NFL Draft Class this, however, is taking it a step further by dictating how cam can look when hes not at work. If Carolina finishes with better than .500 record, their fans wouldnt care if Queequeg was their QB. The 25 Worst Tattoos in the NFL Shin Football Tattoos 13. I dont have any. I said, We want to keep it that way. . This is the NFL. It would be one thing if he had a hardline policy where he refused to draft any players who had tatts or piercings. Someone tell Jerry no whiskey and well see how he likes that. With Cam Newton, I understand Jerrys position; he wants a clean cut guy to represent the franchise. Each do it different, but that is the end goal. He grew up during WWII for crying out loud. If you had something worth 500 million dollars, would you be worried what any of the posters on PFT thought? chrisbntx says: NFL QB with tattoos shouldn't be . Richardson might as well have told Cam: If you ever feel slighted by me and want to piss me off, get yourself a tattoo.. Now, if he gets all tatted and pierced up like Dennis Rodman, his options will be fewer. Many athletes get tattoos to honor those who have influenced their careers or to represent themselves positively through art. A perfect example is Robert Kraft and his relationships with his team. I dont see what the big deal is. Take Donald Driver for examplehe wears two big earrings and it looks like (from a quick google image search) he has some tattoos on his arms. If the owners made rules about when the players where allowed to go number 2 you would probably approve. -. I have said more than once that if scientists went into the lab to design the perfect QB they would emerge with Cam Newton. End of story. Please explain how you managed to make this about race, I gotta see this. Smith runs second-fastest 40 by DL since 03, Saleh compares Carr to Stafford pre-Rams trade, Allen to be ready to roll for offseason program, How to maximize leverage of No. To all the posters that have said some variaton of if he doesnt like it, work somewhere else or I own a business and my employees do as they are told the guy was drafted. Tattooed Football Players I think Cam is smart enough to realize his marketing potential if his play lives up to the hype. Of course teams have the right to at least request this. my 80+ yr old great uncle has a tat that says mom on his arm, does that make him a bad person? owner doesnt equal king of the world. There is a difference in telling players and asking players. Otherwise I have no issues with tattoos and piercings on players. Let your play do the talking. Even Jerry Jones is smarter than that. NFL players without Tattoos I know I dont. And I it was a strong request, not a demand. A man child would go get tatoos despite what the guy said. Does anyone actually think if Newton actually got a tattoo(s) or piercing(s), Richardson would actually fire or discipline Newton? At least Cam knows how he can get out of Carolina if he wants. James Harden. One guy I graduated from college learned this lesson the hard way. 22 million or needles in my nose and ears? If it does become an issue he can always request a trade to the Raiders or Bengals. WebIts inevitable to come across some flashy tattoos in a locker room full of NFL athletes. From a business stand point Mr. Richardson is well within his rights to make that request. As we can see, Fitzgerald has no tattoos, which is kind of rare in the NFL. Jerry Richardson has every right to ask that a player not have tats or piercings. Im in professional services. Ex Barcelona Pep Guardiola boss reflected on why Andreas Iniesta does not wear any tattoo, Iniesta doesnt die his hair, he does not wear earrings and he hasnt got any tattoos. end of story. I think its probably aimed at the Look at me persona that a lot of NFL players have adopted. It isnt illegal for the boss to discriminate against people with tattoos or piercings. I think we are seeing more and more owners stay out of the football side of things. It seems to be accepted in industries that dont deal much with the public, except for the carnival. NFL Players with From full-sleeve tribal tattoos, nameplates and even tropical sunsets. Most companies have an expectation that their leaders present themselves in a certain way. If Cam decides to get a piercing or tat, Im sure he will. there are TONS of reasons people get the tats they do. Are you guys Fn kidding me? And for that I applaud him. And uh, I am a Raider fan. Lavezzi, as well as being one of the strongest Argentine strikers, is one of the most tattooed football players in the world. Brandon Roy 4. You think you can go into a big firm and score a high paying job while sporting tatoos and peircings? Richardson, who said that Newton was dressed perfectly for their meeting, was blunt. I see your point and its a good one. There is something special about being and NFL QB and Cam fully appreciates and understands that. so if tom brady went out this offseason and got tatted up then got piercings all over his body, the pats wouldnt want him??? WebThe adidas Predator Absolute Gold dropped without warning this morning, November 1st, 2022 on adidas. First thing he should have asked his new QB is whether he though he could win a Super Bowl. If I want piercings or tats, I can go do something else. ' Richardson told Rose. I didnt realize having tattoos and piercings was unreasonable. And if I got them, and suddenly was let go, can I really say my rights have been infringed upon? I absolutely HATE looking at those players with tattoos up and down their arms, gold teeth, big diamonds in both of their ear lobes and hair down to their a$$. How about this.let Cam get the tattoo then rescind his contract and let him sign somewhere else where there is actual talent around him. no one cares about your jobs or your bosses rules We wont allow an employee to enter a home with vivible tattoos or piercings. however, picking and choosing who can and cant have these piercings/tatoos is discrimination and can open up a door to issues, potential discrimination law suits. most companies will take the angle that you can get em if you want, just dont show em at work, and i think thats fair. Im sure a bunch of guys of similar appearance felt it they just sounded reasonable when they fought to maintain slavery and to prevent womens basic rights (like owning property or voting) as well. 1 draft pick, Jerry Richardson to Cam Newton: No tattoos, no piercings, Report: Derek Carr wants $35 million per year, The Raiders are the betting favorites to land Aaron Rodgers, Mike McCarthy: Kellen Moore wants to light the scoreboard up, I want to run the damn ball, ESPN reiterates report that Lamar Jackson wants a fully-guaranteed deal, Arrest warrant issued for Jalen Carter for reckless driving, racing, Aaron Rodgers says hell make a decision soon enough, Competition Committee begins to explore the quarterback push play, Players say Chiefs discourage them from reporting injuries, have NFLs worst training staff, Bryce Young is just over 5-10 and 204 pounds. I commend Richardson for saying what is on his mind and being upfront with Cam Newton. There are enough teams that dont care about tattoos and piercings that I dont think that will be Newtons issue, assuming he has the make-up to live up to his athletic talent. Especially one that isnt uniformly applied, to all positions, teams, etc. Those who say Richardson can run his business as he sees fit, that theyve had jobs that forbid tattoos, etc. Whether he will get it or not is Cams choice. without tattoos No one can reasonably claim that a tattoo on a players butt affects his appearance. ============================== That is fine. Boy, a lot of people who werent there know for sure what was said and to whom it was said. lets review the poll question: Should teams be able to tell players not to get tattoos or piercings? I dont have any tats Im not against it I just havent found something to put on my body forever. These should be implied when you are put in place to be the Face!. Pogba is the only man utd players without tattoos in our list. You can do anything you want. LMAO @ mrmilstead, havent seen a comment that good in a while. Hand Football Tattoos Ive had jobs before that told me I cant have my hair too long or have any visible tattoos or piercings. Last I checked, if the OWNER wants one of his EMPLOYEES to exhude a certain image, then the EMPLOYEE had better comply. LOL, Richardson is senile. This interview took place BEFORE the draft. employees do have rights. freedomispopular says: Though the topic was addressed by Tom Sorensen of the Charlotte Observer in April, its worth repeating. Okay so I agree with the whole no visible tattoos in the normal workplace but the NFL is a lot different you dont apply for a team like you do in a normal job youre DRAFTED so I think the players can look however they want to and not have to pay the price because they got selected to a team with a strict coach. Any job like that is going to have image standards and moral terpitude clauses. Company policy should apply here as well, in my opinion. Its sad that so many companies feel the need to suppress individualism all in the name of capitalism. It cant be a case-by-case issue (even though that seems to be the leagues M.O.). Thread starter dolfan313; S he should be allowed to get a BUST tattoo on his forehead. I have no problem with asking players. The BOSS had certain standards for the Yankees when it came to facial hair. Terrelle Pryor. New York Yankees veteran left-handed reliever Aroldis Chapman was placed on the 15-day injured list Saturday because of an infected wound he got from a recent tattoo procedure, the club announced. Well give you the last word on this one. The Yankees have a long standing ban on facial hair and long hair, and thats been working all right for them over the years. Too funny..All you knuckleheads comparing your company policy on tattoos to the NFL is as flawed as the NFLPA being compared to the UAW. if you read the question as stated, then the CLEAR answer should be NO. Turning this into a race issue is completely absurd. Richardson doesnt care if Cam has a white girl, just not his grand daughter, ha ha. Here's hoping he never feels a need to wear long sleeves under his 49ers jersey to cover the tattoos.

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