Having been born to a French Colonial Administrator, his entire life he saw the boots of soldiers, loyal only to coin and favors, trample over their kin, an opinion, and weariness that he shared with his father, who protested the French in his own, small ways. His experiments in the Auschwitz Camp, while highly controversial, were enough to earn him a Nobel Prize in Medicine, though rumors persist that this award was only awarded due to efforts by the German government to pressure the committee. Even the fiercest of our soldiers have come to fear straying too far from the few beacons of civilization. There was a Brobdingnagian blorp and a colossal cloud of CO2 burst from the waters of the southern Congo Sea, triggering a thirty-eight-meter high tsunami. National Socialism In 2011, when he was traveling to shoot photos for a new book on the disappearing wildlife of East Africa,Across the Ravaged Land, photographer Nick Brandtcame across a truly astounding place: A natural lake that seemingly turns all sorts of animals into stone. On one particular morning, a crowd of protestors surrounded the offices of Reichskommissar Emil Maurice, demanding basic welfare and at least some respect for human rights. In total, there were four dams that were made for the Atlantropa project: The Mediterranean's sea level fell by 200 meters (660 feet), causing Sardinia and Corsica to be united, Sicily to expand, most of Adriatica becoming land, larger and new islands around Greece, Malta, and the Baleares, expanded shores for every Mediterranean nation. It is the fifth-largest freshwater lake in the world (by volume) and the third-largest in Africa (behind Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika). Despite Drakian efforts to clear-cut Congolese timber ahead of the rising waters there were simply too many trees. Once the overseeing commandant of brutal extermination camps during the war, Httig has devoted himself to ruthlessly fulfilling the National Socialist tradition over Ostafrika. Balkanize Me: Like so many other places in TNO, Italian East Africa can collapse into a large amount of countries. 2022 champion Brent Sass, left, has some quality post-race time with 2019 Iditarod champion Pete Kaiser after Kaisier crossed the finish line Tuesday, March 15, 2022, in Nome. Capital Reply. Imagine if, after they expanded multiverse-ally, they discovered BurgSys. After Httig has seized control of the other Reichkommissariats to form his Groafrikanischer Reichstaat, he can even seek refuge with the Free French or join them as a general. The water's pH has been . 27 comments. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If Httig was unable to assert control over the empire and it collapsed quickly, it will form into a number of functional socialist, monarchist and democratic states. Imperial technology was only cutting edge in a few niche areas (not biology but biological weapons, not medicine but organ transplants), but it was cheap, robust, easy to repair and maintain, easy to mass-produce, and the Country of the Dragon had advantages in other areas (it had access toa lotof resources) to make up for its technical weaknesses. (Except for the photo on the thumbnail shhhh)Music Sources:All music is from Youtube Audio Li. Huge New Study Shows Why Exercise Should Be The First Choice in Treating Depression, A World-First Discovery Hints at The Sounds Non-Avian Dinosaurs Made, For The First Time Ever, Physicists See Molecules Form Through Quantum Tunneling. We are not here to build a nation. Photographer Nick Brandt captures haunting images of calcified animals, preserved by the extreme waters of Tanzanias Lake Natron. In addition to the other Reichskommissare, Httig has little respect for his sleazy and incompotent subordinates. hide. The company says it hopes that removing methane could over time reduce pressure within the lake, possibly lowering the risk of a limnic eruption. The African Great Lakes (Swahili: Maziwa Makuu; Kinyarwanda: Ibiyaga bigari) are a series of lakes constituting the part of the Rift Valley lakes in and around the East African Rift.They include Lake Victoria, the second-largest fresh water lake in the world by area, Lake Tanganyika, the world's second-largest freshwater lake by volume and depth, and Lake Malawi, the world's eighth-largest . Ostafrika can use chemical WMDs during the South African War, an act which increases tensions between Germany and the US to uncontrollable levels and leads to the official American declaration of war upon the RKs. Originating from Httig's contempt of the other Reichkommissariats in Africa, those being Wolfgang Schenck and Siegfried Mller, he has launched several investigations and coordinated espionage missions, to uncover any shady and illegal dealings that the two might have done. Head of state Currency The former got the most fame and funding, and has featured prominently in this narrative, from Wynter-strain anthrax during the Great Patriotic War all the way back to yellow phosphorus explosives during the Last Crusade. Sustainable societal impact. Press J to jump to the feed. The Congo River was dammed in order to flood the Congo Basin, with the intent to eventually spill over and flood the Chad Basin, bringing irrigation to the Sahara and shipping lanes into Central Africa. Language(s) In total, there were four dams that were made for the Atlantropa . From their station, KivuWatt's engineers watched the sky turn red and angry. Read more; Read more. Photo: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. roy lee ferrell righteous brothers Likes. Former camp commandant Karl Chmielewski is a man notorious in the SS for his cruelty and corruption, and he was eventually reassigned to RK Ostafrika as a minor minister. Youd literally get, say, a hundred finches washed ashore in a 50-yard stretch., A songbird Nick Brandt 2013, Courtesy of Hasted Kraeutler Gallery, NY, Over the course of about three weeks, Brandt worked with locals to collect some of the most finely-preserved specimens. A distinguished veteran of Poland, France, and Russia, Mller leads Zentralafrika to operate as the only colony that consistently turns over a profit for Germany, rather than committing near-treasons such as skimming profits or ripping off the Reich on a regular basis. Atlantropa - Wikipedia Amongst the many authoritarians, communists, and idealistic daydreamers in the Malagasy resistance, Jacques Rabemananjara was always a realist at best, a compromiser at worst, and a reactionary to the most radical elements. It was originally a populated, low-lying area but it filled with water due to the Congo river being dammed in an attempt to create a shipping lane throughout the Sahara. I saw entire flocks of dead birds all washed ashore together, lemming-like, he says. "When the rates of earthquakes and the frequency of . TNO Super Events: The South African War - YouTube Im assuming it has something to do with atlantropa but Im not sure, Scan this QR code to download the app now. The huge lake in the Congo : r/TNOmod - reddit This made a huge crater where the Congo once was, and over the years it was filled up by the rains down in Africa. Similarly to Reichskommissariat Sdwestafrika, RK Zentralafrika is heavily reliant on African SS members to maintain order and prevent revolt. An old man, filled with wrinkles, and comprised with a small stature. Date The lava flow killed 32 people and destroyed hundreds of homes, as earthquakes shook the region. Succeeding his father's position as Baronet of Cape Town, De Villiers Graaff soon entered the ring of South African politics. Afrika-Schild - The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki Holy Cross Lakeview Secondary School near Jinja, Uganda was founded to educate poor boys and girls who had limited access to schools. As of TT3, Atlantropa was completely removed. Thomas H. Moorer's track record of service in the US Navy is perhaps one of the brightest in the institution's long history, doubly so after the failure of the US intervention in the Second World War; a veteran from the Dutch East Indies, his leadership and covert sea strikes heavily crippled the Kriegsmarine and Imperial Navy presence in the Indian Ocean in the waning hours of the Second World War, with only the Pearl Harbor nuking and the surrender of the United States ending what could have been a campaign to permanently cripple their hold on the African Seas. The best thing to do was to minimize the presence of anyone of significance on the sea shore and wait a few years. For years, he worked to bring the National Party to power, first as a councilman, then as a mayor, and finally, as an officer during the war. If South Africa manages to secure a total victory, they will seize the southernmost parts of the Schild, while the rest is broken up between the, Alternatively, the OFN can opt to form a single, massive state consisting of what South Africa didn't take, known as the Central African Republic. share. Reichsmark Our colony is in a near constant state of warfare as countless native resistance movements carry out a persistent guerrilla war against our regime. A 20-minute speedboat ride is required to reach KivuWatt's unique floating platform, a compact tangle of pipes and buoys as high as a multi-storey building moored in the Rwandan part of Kivu. Despite believing that they are degenerated Aryans, he has still funded their party and trained local Boer militias in an attempt to subvert the government of South Africa. Once one of the Reich's most decorated fighting aces, Wolfgang Schenck's administration over Sdwestafrika is wrought by the air. | Maybe thats what they put slaves towards doing in the early days of the colony, selling off the timber to help pay for the project. TNO Super Event (Fan Made): The African Collapse - YouTube RK Zentralafrika is incredibly diverse, featuring beaches, rain-forests, and mountains aplenty. Cookie Settings, Nick Brandt 2013, Courtesy of Hasted Kraeutler Gallery, NY, Kids Start Forgetting Early Childhood Around Age 7, Archaeologists Discover Wooden Spikes Described by Julius Caesar, Artificial Sweetener Tied to Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke, Study Finds, 5,000-Year-Old Tavern With Food Still Inside Discovered in Iraq, The Surprisingly Scientific Roots of Monkey Bars. The situation in post-colonial Central Africa will differ depending on how the victor of the South African War managed the post-war OFN Mandates or Groafrikanischer Reichsstaat: in the former case, whether the mandates successfully transferred power to the natives or collapsed (the African Crisis); in the latter . The native population must know their place, below the German, and so the SS in Ostafrika comprise of full blooded Aryans alone. The Draka go well beyond that, from what I can recall of that series, if nothing else, by scale if not magnitude. Unlike other German territories, it is considered separate from the Einheitspakt after its formation, and as such, Germany can send support and volunteers if the war in Southern Africa is still going after the end of the German Civil War, and Burgundy can also send support to three African Reichskommissariats but focus more support to Huttig's Ostafrika. After the collapse of Reichstaat, Hertzog will step down under international pressure and will organize democratic elections. Atlantropa, also known as Panropa, was a grand-scale terraforming project to use the Mediterranean Sea and Congo River as hydroelectric energy sources, create new land to settle, and as a way to connect Europe closer to Africa. It is bordered by South Africa to the south, Reichskommissariat Sdwestafrika and Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika to the west, and the Kingdom of Egypt and Italian East Africa to the north. The OFN Mandate over Angola, formerly the northern half of RK Sdwestafrika. As it rises, the water and gas separate as the pressure changes. The New Order: Last Days of Europe is a Hearts of Iron IV mod, that is set in an alternate timeline where Nazi Germany utterly wins World War II, but quickly loses the peace. The absolute state of the Democrats in TNO 2. The project was devised to contain several hydroelectric dams in key points of the Mediterranean Sea, such as the Strait of Gibraltar and the Bosporus, to cause a sea level drop and create . Until someone else pays more, that is. His planes rule the sub-saharan skies. This yields great financial and reputational benefits for us, as German officials and military men delight in eating our seafood. Ostafrika is commanded by Reichskommissar Hans Httig, who leads the colony brutally attempting to perfect his Aryan will, and spread it across the "Dark Continent" of Africa. A reservoir for spare Mediterranean water perhaps? Reichskommissar Hans Httig is a lone, fortified island in a sea of degeneracy. With a deafening roar, the facility pumps water saturated with carbon dioxide and methane from around 350 meters (1,150 feet) to the surface. Custom Super Event for the collpase of either the OFN Mandates or the RKs. Completely incompetent at his new job, his many attempts to appease Reichskommissar and later Statthalter Httig all ended with failure. Despite his deep hatred of his peers in the Generalbur, the official title of the government of Ostafrika, he still lets them live. This has, however, led to significant instability in Ostafrika, with native resistance movements constantly chipping away at the colonial administrations power and ability. This made a huge crater where the Congo once was, and over the years it was filled up by the rains down in Africa. TNO Super Event: The Second African Devastation - YouTube Schenck never chooses to betray Germany and it's just yet another ghost he's jumping at, the only competent man in Nazi-controlled Africa, a real-life Afrikaner/white nationalist and neo-Nazi political party/paramilitary organization, Characters/The New Order: Last Days of Europe. Sucking Dry an African Giant - Our World - United Nations University Lopoldville Press J to jump to the feed. The colony is led by Reichskommissar Hans Httig, a former officer of the SS-Totenkopfverbnde and a concentration camp . Cursed AfricaCREDITS:All drawings and footage is created by me. 1950s. However, this will always fail, resulting in a super event known as the. Flanked by rolling green hills tumbling into glassy waters, Kivu is not quite the picture of tranquility it seems, according to Francois Darchambeau from KivuWatt, a company that extracts gas from the lake's waters for electricity. Drought and flooding are adding to the problem. These lands were completely useless for agriculture making the land essentially worthless. Cookie Policy Language(s) The OFN Mandate over the former territories of RK Ostafrika. 6. Africa Lakes - 16 Lakes in Africa - Lakepedia . look up his wikipedia page.Song: De Profund. Faction Established For a man whose most distinguishing feature is a burning hatred for Emil Maurice, Erhard Milch sure has a lot in common with the object of his derision. As the ANC's leaders were killed or exiled by Hertzog's regime, the ensuing power struggle for the organization's remnants was won by none other than Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi. There's a common misconception . The native African SS system is not implemented in Ostafrika, instead preferring to only to use the German SS, with some former British Rhodesians. It's neither, as it's instead instigated by Karl Chmielewski on RK Ostafrika's behalf in an attempt to destablize South Africa. The Congo Lake supports the vast plantations in Zentralafrika and has made it a foreign investment and transportation hub, which has earned Zentralafrika the nickname, the "Heart of Africa". The idea for me, instantly, was to take portraits of them as if they were alive., A bat Nick Brandt 2013, Courtesy of Hasted Kraeutler Gallery, NY. Meme. Daily Political Power Gain: +0.10 Our patrols are ambushed, convoys stolen, positions raided and settlements burned. Its most notable feature however is a gigantic lake in the Northwestern part of the colony. Reichskommissar Siegfried Mller is one of the Reich's most beloved media darlings: bold, charming and magnetic. One of these advantages was a willingness to sink large amounts of resources into projects that other nations would have dismissed as boondoggles- like the crude Gods Own Sling space gun. The only somewhat beneficial endeavor in Atlantropa was the creation of the Congo Lake, which had made Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika a prized colonial possession of Germany. He did this exceptionally well, and rapidly gained command of the native-SS in the colony. Consequently, the deep water began to rapidly carbonate and the degree of CO2 concentration mounted dangerously. Holy Cross Lake View Secondary School - YouTube Being far more interested in going on safari and enjoying the pleasures of power, most plantations have been given over to private corporations, local chiefs and kings empowered, as well as extensive native recruitment into the SS and ample opportunity for slaves to earn their freedom. When I saw those creatures for the first time alongside the lake, I was completely blown away, says Brandt. Because of the relatively small pool of researchers that it had to draw on, and because of a social system that lent itself poorly towards educating and training high-quality scholars (when your ruling minority is essentially a military/governing caste and you frequently have to mobilize most of your adult population for total war you badly handicap your ability to produce skilled specialists in much of anything other than fighting and governing), Drakia historically relied on recruiting foreign scientists and identifying and exploiting foreign scientific discoveries before their home countries could. This is emblematic of Reichskommissar Mllers hands-off approach to governance, with power being handed to native chiefs and private corporations as Mller prefers to spend his time hunting Zentralafrikas numerous species of fauna rather than actually run the colony. Will you save the world or help destroy it? Drakian scientists investigated, identified . While they incessantly insist on their "rights" under "international law", we, the Master Race in Afrika, laugh at their pretentions as our companies plunder their waters. The New Order: Last Days of Europe is an ambitious mod for Hearts of Iron IV presenting a unique alternate history Cold War between Germany, Japan and the USA, starting in 1962. Any signs of dissent will be crushed, and the native population will mine and farm for the Reich until they drop. Also, IRL this guy is seriously more insane than Taboritsky. The engineers aboard the floating power station on Lake Kivu could only watch nervously as the volcano in the distance erupted violently, sending tremors rumbling through the water beneath them.

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