They are survived by two daughters and four grandchildren.The Emeritimes, Spring 2002, EUGENE "DUTCH" BENEDETTI, Emeritus Professor of Educational Administration, 1950-1980, died on June 9, 2002 after a long struggle with Alzheimer's disease. The third result is Cheryl Ann Miller age 60s in La Quinta, CA. Del's interest in the optometric aspects of reading education led him to involve himself in the controversies surrounding the speed reading mania of the late 1960s and early 1970s. She graduated from high school in 1938 and went on to Stevens College, Missouri for an associate degree, which she received in 1940. During her tenure there, as the Administration's representative to the then Faculty Affairs Committee, she contributed greatly to the development of faculty policy and procedures, and also authored the University's first affirmative action document. At 19, Beverly was allowed to leave for New York City to study dance and look for work dancing, but after dancing in a unit chorus line performing four shows a day, she decided she really didnt want the life of a professional dancer and returned to Utah. Other publications also fell into the general area of 18th-cen-tury English studies. Pete also pursued his interest in archaeology. At his memorial service, one of Fernando's former colleagues at Aura Systems told me that if it hadn't been for Fernando and his inventions, the company would not exist today. Both of his sons are now successful engineers working in California. He was a past president of the National Watercolor Society, as well as a life member. During his stay in North Dakota as a graduate student, Bill met the former Diane Crandall, and they were married in 1964. Similarly, he organized and led a series of support groups for people traumatized by the Northridge earthquake. She was assistant field supervisor for Hebrew Union College excavations at Tel Gezer, Israel (1973 and 1974) and associate director for environmental studies and object registrar for the Lahav Research Project excavations at Tel Halif, Israel for more than a decade. He was 75. He chaired the final drafting session attended by all of the campus presidents, most of the campus faculty association chairs, and the chancellor. She earned both B.A. The 40 years between his dissertation and Chicano Homeland trace an arc from an era of optimism and the belief that everything good in America was possible, to an era of disbelief and disillusionment as America reversed the calendar, derided the ideals of the civil rights movement, and turned tribal and divisive in 2016 under a new White House administration. Her first trip to Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) in 1952, with then husband Richard Shutler, Jr. and noted Berkeley anthropologist Edward W. Gifford, began her interest in the archaeology of these islands and Oceania. It is reported that he could never believe he got paid to do such a great job. His family later moved to Dayton, Ohio. Although she retired from Cal State L.A. in 1986, she never really retired from the profession. A campus memorial was held for him on May 24 at the University-Student Union. He is survived by a daughter, a son, a brother, four sisters, and 10 grandchildren.The Emeritimes, Winter 1993, DOROTHY R. PECKHAM, Emerita Professor of Education and a language arts specialist, died recently of age-related problems (Ed. After two years as an adjunct instructor at the University of Chicago and an associate editor of the first three volumes of the monumental critical edition of The Papers of James Madison, Don accepted an appointment at L.A. State College of Applied Arts and Sciences in 1962, where he remained as an active faculty member until the end of his participation in the Faculty Early Retirement Program in 2002. Born in Hollywood on June 27, 1929, John graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a B.A. Terry taught in Lompoc for two years, where he met his wife of 56 years, Peggy, a fellow teacher, and satisfied the requirement for his teaching credential. After his official retirement from the University, Jack continued teaching in the Faculty Early Retirement Program for eight years, mostly in large classes of Political Science 150 held in King Hall Lecture Hall 1, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. For more information, call the English Department at 213-343-4140.The Emeritimes, Winter 1997, ANN M. RICHARDSON (Professor of Psychology, 1959-1980) passed away on February 18, 1997 as a result of emphysema. Maxine was born in Kittitas, Washington on February 15, 1921 to Ralph and Bertha Lynch. His students commented on his spellbinding lectures, usually delivered without notes. Ron was a well-published author, including the much-used college text, Learning About Art. At the time, he was horribly disappointed to have been passed over without being consulted, but as time went on, his judgment evolved to gratitude that he had not participated in developing the bomb that had such a devastating impact on the world.Cold War and Blacklisting. Ken entered the Air Force during World War II, where he met William Warner, the national expert on technology education and chair of the program at Ohio State University. He said that he "flew a desk in the Pentagon, the worst risk being Washington traffic." She was a Cal State LA staff member for 40 years, most of which she spent in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Iry first worked for Walt Disney Productions and later became Director of Advertising at KNX radio. She scored an unfathomable 105 points in Riverside Poly's 179-15 win over Riverside . For a year, she served as a mentor at Langston University. They were married for 65 years. He received an M.A. Bud met his wife Bette in Iowa and they married in 1946. Professor Fetty earned a B.A. In 1995, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry established the Lloyd Ferguson Distinguished Lecture Series, which each year brings a distinguished chemist to campus to present a luncheon lecture that is well-attended by hundreds of faculty and students. He was soon assigned to the 6th Army Band, in which he played principal clarinet during the next two years. Leonard was a widely known printmaker of screen prints, etchings, and lithographs. He was well-liked by students, both physical education majors and non-majors. Eventually, he resumed his education and went to Switzerland for advanced study. Louis received both A.B. He became one of the first four tenure-track engineering faculty members in 1962 and taught until retirement in 1991. Over the years, he has remained involved in projects with the Japanese, including one relating to war crimes. A man of diverse interestsfrom religion to politics to sports to bird watchingBruce was especially appreciated by those who knew him for his great sense of humor and philosophical outlook on life. Under Lous leadership, the Department of Chicano Studies made a bold move towards education, focusing on the preparation of elementary, secondary, and college teachers. During a dip in the engineering enrollments, Al taught mathematics courses for the Mathematics Department. Jim took special pleasure in music. As the campus was considered the upper-division extension of LACC, she and others taught courses at the junior and senior level and many of them were in the field of teacher training. It was early in the 1990s that he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and, although he continued to teach part-time, he chose to retire completely when walking became a challenge. When you took his classes, you knew you would have to work hard to earn a good grade. Hugh was a private, but generous, person who loved learning. She and her deceased husband Wendell had no children.The Emeritimes, Fall 2009 CLAIRE HUTTO, widow of Jerome Hutto, emeritus professor of education, died on May 28, 2009 just after her 96 th birthday, of old age. They traveled frequently, mostly in California, during later years. She attended UCLA and received an A.B. As one of the earliest faculty members, he shaped the character of the Department of Psychology and, to a great extent, the University as well. She established a retention program for educationally disadvantaged students and developed an Ethnic Educational Issues Committeeboth important actions during the politically volatile 1970s. Prior to moving to California in 1949, he was director of music education for Spokane, Washington public schools. . One of his strongest interests was searching for ancient American Indian petroglyphs. from the University of Minnesota in 1962. He died in 1985 at the age of 85, after which the Morton J. and Mary Alice Renshaw Memorial Scholarship Fund was established at the University, and it continues to serve students currently. Surviving Adam is his wife, Margarite, whom he married in 1927, and a son living in Northern California.The Emeritimes, Spring1989, FRED W. ZAHRT, JR., Emeritus Professor of Technology, died February 20, 1989. in 1940. with honors in biological sciences from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo in 1966 and was drafted into the U.S. Army, where he served as a courts-martial court reporter for two years. He taught in the Philosophy Department from1956 to 1979, when he retired to an emeritus status in campus and statewide organizations for which he has justly been described as founding father. He took sabbatical research leaves at Exeter University in England, Paris University (Lyon), the Institute of Catalysis in Berlin, and the University of Southern California. Cheryl Caesar is active in developing the first-year writing and Preparation for College Writing curricula within a framework of transcultural and asset-based pedagogies. She was an honorary member of the Chi Eta Phi International Nursing Sorority, Mu Chi chapter; member of the American Nurses Association; and member of Sigma Theta Tau, the Honor Society of Nursing. He was 69. Lee's murals at World Vision led to many portrait commissions. and M.A. In their more than 30 years together, they also enjoyed traveling, from more than 10 years of annual treks to New York City, New Mexico, and New England, to a journey to Japan. Beverly was a gourmet cook and she graciously shared that gift with the faculty and staff in the department. He is remembered as an outstanding musician and teacher in a career marked by educational and administrative leadership. John Kirchner, professor of geography, stated, "I personally owe him a great debt, for our mutual fascination with transport transcended discipline boundaries, and helped to make my career at Cal State L.A. possible. Equally impressive as the range of his interests in literature was his capacity for remembering so much of it. He was the sole author of Critical Dimensions: The Art of Public Address (Random House, 1966) and many critical reviews. The son of a barber, Hershel was born on April 16, 1939 in Parsons, Kansas, and moved to California after graduating from high school. His imaginative mind and experimental talent proved valuable in the development of the first atomic bomb and Americas first satellites. Born in France, Jeanne met Leon in Paris and they were married in 1949. Also on the international scene, he delivered seminars on information literacy for the U. S. Information Agency in Austria, and consulted with library and educational organizations in Argentina. He was active in the Los Angeles Geographic Society and served as its president and editor of its monthly newsletter. Ted predeceased her in January 1989.The Emeritimes, Fall 2015, FRANK R. BALLE, Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering, 1962-1997,and Registered Professional Engineer in California, died on July 1, 2015 at the age of 81 following several months of declining health. In an unassuming and capable manner, he sought to create a consensus, to support and improve those standards. Later in life (1950), he earned his D.Sc. 10 Facts About Cheryl Miller -WNBA. He received his M.A. He was an active member of many professional organizations, including the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the American Society for Engineering Education, the American Academy of Mechanics, and Tau Beta Pi, the Engineering Honor Society. The Emeriti Association has belatedly learned of the death of Donald C. Lowrie, emeritus professor of zoology, on January 10, 2000, following a brief illness. Outside the University he participated on many art juries throughout California. in 1978 from the University of North Carolina and a second M.A. The Emeritimes, Spring/Summer 2020, MARTIN STEVEN RODEN, Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering, 1968-2005, died on February 18, 2020 at the age of 77. They also planted coffee trees with other volunteer laborers. Shortly before the U.S. entry into World War II, he was hired to teach at the University of Wyoming, but, like many of his generation, had his career interrupted by the war. He was instrumental in organizing and maintaining the Southern California section of AAPT, and served as the section's representative in the national council for many years. After work at Brigham Young University and the University of Utah, where he received his M.S. Belated word has reached the Association of the death of Florence Diamond in 1999, in Berkeley. Thanks to their personal effort and perseverance, they started a new life that was to be blessed with much success. He taught the department's summer field course many times, and established himself as an extremely charismatic and devoted professor. Seymour came to California State University, Los Angeles in 1962 and was granted Emeritus status in 1986. Cheryl Miller is an American former basketball player. He loved nothing more than sharing his passion with those around him and was always eager to educate those who were interested. She is survived by a daughter, Dr. Margery (Mrs. McDougall) Palmer, and a grand-daughter, Abigail Palmer. Funeral services were held at the San Gabriel Mission Church, where she was an active communicant. He was the author of 93 articles about personnel, industrial, clinical, experimental, and social psychology that appeared in professional and scientific journals. Her longtime friendship with musical artist Michael Feinstein led to his long association with the University. Joanne's areas of specialization included managerial accounting and decision making. During this period, he co-authored a book on using anthropological insight to promote technical projects, Introducing Social Change, and a companion volume, A Casebook of Social Change. Ben loved teaching and was dedicated to his students. During his tenure as University Librarian, Morrie was professionally active on local, state, and national levels. in French with a Spanish minor and a Ph.D. in French and Spanish at the University of Southern California. He worked at various other jobs, including a movie theater, where he progressed from janitor to projectionist. Abdallah presented his research at local, national, and international conferences and his publications included Les Justes de Camus ne sont pas tres Justes and The Love Theme as Genre in French Cinema. This was followed by postdoctoral studies at USC in 1959-60 and at the Washington University Medical School in 1970. Issues associated with the establishment of Sidney's emeriti mission are described in detail in an interview by Judson Grenier, a historian at CSU Dominguez Hills, who is the current archivist of the California State University Emeritus and Retired Faculty Association. This provided service to them and provided the university students with excellent opportunities for field experiences. From 2005 to 2007, he volunteered his units. He became an engineer for the Hughes Aircraft Company, then moved on to a seven-year position as chief corporate scientist at Aura Systems, Inc. During that seven-year period, he was granted 12 U.S. patents for various electromechanical devices. Many departments cancelled classes, and some state universities were on the verge of violating obligations to faculty under the Faculty Early Retirement Program. He had just been promoted to associate professor, thanks to policy that allowed advancement in rank of early faculty who lacked the doctorate but who had been especially active in faculty governance. There followed a highly adventuresome set of incidences during which his first lieutenant was lost; as a result, it fell to John to set up the first weather station. Kloepper then relocated to Southern California, where he became principal of Lakeside Union Annex in Kern County. Mary Huber, who, as Bob Kully recalled, was often told that she looked like another MaryMary Martin, the star of musicalswas a valued member of Cal State L.A.' s speech faculty. He had called executive after executive and was told the same thing again and again: We already have our retail institute at Cal State L.A. Why would we need a second one at USC? in 1941 from Linfield College in Oregon, for which he had a scholarship as well as part-time employment. He earned the J.D. Surviving Kirsch are his wife of 58 years, sister Pat Matthees, and many nieces and nephews. A Zen Buddhist, she compiled her required brag sheets at the end of each year with a listing of her Zen masters. Her powers of persuasion were impressive, and in 1968 Cal State L.A. was able to woo her to join its Home Economics Department, where she began to translate her plan into the curriculum and structure that became the Coordinated Dietetics Program. husband, father, Over the course of his career he published four books, all in collaboration with department colleagues. As the Los Angeles Times wrote, "Although he was frequently called upon as an expert witness in criminal trials, Ziskin long advocated banning expert psychiatric testimony. He guided the department for 17 years, retiring in 1973. He strongly supported department representation on the CSU Social Science Research and Instructional Council, going to some meetings himself. He was also editor of 15 books on the relationship between biological sciences and society. College textbooks she coauthored include Classroom Group Behavior (which received an Educator's Book Award), Classroom Management , and Social Psychology in Education , all published by Macmillan. He earned a B.A. Lynn is survived by his wife Sally, son Kevin, daughter Laura, brother Stephen, and four grandchildren. In recognition of his seminal contributions to the discovery and development of carborane chemistry, Tom was recipient of the 1992 Boron USA Award for Distinguished Achievements in Boron Chemistry. degree in 1949 from Northwestern University and an M.S. In academic matters, he consulted the faculty and its Academic Senate for in-depth study and recommendations. He was a feminist, long before most men recognized their part in the combined quest of both men and women in maximizing their human potential. The Franz Alexander biography will not be written solely by Dr. George H. Pollock, a past president of the American Psychiatric Association, with appropriate attributions to Francesca. The caption concludes with "They plan to be married the first . He made his career teaching the multitude of nonscience majors who took beginning physics for general education. .. In the mid-1980s, she moved to Villa Gardens, a Pasadena retirement facility, where emeriti colleagues were her neighbors. Later, he began to draw upon styles of aboriginal Australian art. She was 94, and had suffered a hip fracture earlier this year. He supervised a weekly department colloquium that highlighted faculty and student research, and established an invited speaker program that featured eminent scholars in the field. John had a successful career as a senior manager in automotive sales and services at a number of agencies in the Pasadena and Los Angeles areas. . After graduation in 1941, Jim enlisted as an officer in the U.S. Navy in October 1942 and served through the remainder of World War II, during which his ship supported the major battles in the South Pacific. Shortly after he retired from our faculty, the Gunnells moved to Orem, Utah, where he enjoyed following BYU sports and playing golf in addition to further assignments for his church. During the Depression, his mother supported her family by working as a seamstress. In 1996, he was honored by the Executive Committee of the American Accounting Association, which, in its special fall issue of Accounting Education News, awarded him a life membership in recognition of his long-term service to that organization. Kinstler came to Cal State L.A. as an assistant professor of education specializing in audiology. Many of us knew her through her involvement in the Cal State L.A. His work appeared in such journals as the Journal of Public Law , Southern California Law Review , American Bar Association Journal , Canadian Journal of Women and the Law , Urban Affairs Quarterly , and National Civic Review . From 1944 to 1946, he shifted his accounting activities to Peoria, Illinois. Given his interest in human development, it is fitting that Jon was such a thread of continuity in the Departments own life span. The second best result is Cheryl Miller age 70s in Oakland, CA in the Bella Vista neighborhood. She resided in Glendale. Abe Lincoln Laughing was soon published, and then Mark Twain Laughing , George Washington Laughing , Blue and Gray Laughing , The Wit and Wisdom of the Founding Fathers , and Abe Lincoln's Legacy of Laughter . degree from Utah State, a M.S. and Ed.D. He continued his research, much of it in a continuing collaboration with JPL scientists, on the properties of Venus and the cosmic background radiation, along with a study of the association between radio sources and spiral galaxies. Richmond came to Los Angeles State College in 1955 and remained until his retirement in 1970. His field was secondary education. He retired from football then, at the peak of his sports career, and was named pastor of the Lincoln Avenue Methodist church in Pasadena. Although he shunned publicity, the six-foot-four, 150 lb. Among other things, he was known for his prolific notetaking. Murray wrote three books, all on government documents. Deciding to obtain a doctorate in psychology, he enrolled at Columbia University, completing the program in 1949. Private funeral services for Charles E. Beckwith, professor of English, were held January 3, 1997. Ed moved his young family to Ohio, where he taught at Oberlin College from 1957 to 1968. On the university level, Dunkelberg served on many committees including College Curricula Committee, Subcommittee of Policy of Credit by Examination, College General Education Committee, Joint EPC-FAC Ad Hoc Committee on Student Faculty Ratio, Budget Subcommittee of FAC, Athletics Board, Faculty Affairs Committee, Committee to Select Outstanding Professor, All College Curriculum Committee, Trustees' Outstanding Professor Awards Selection Committee, and Instructionally Related Activities Advisory Committee. And they made it happen! Colleague Harold Goldwhite summarizes, Above all, he was a kind and gentle soul. A funeral service was held at the Mountain View Mortuary in Altadena on April 28. He is survived by his wife, Anita Acosta Kandal.The Emeritimes, Winter 2013, IRENE M. MOLLOY, Emeritus Professor of Nursing, 1972-1990, died July 7, 2012 in Bishop, California as a result of a tragic auto accident. in geology in 1951. Survivors include his wife of 57 years, Mary Alice; two daughters, Susan Meyer of Hermosa Beach and Gaynor Cannon of Temple City; a sister, Dorothy Carson, of Albuquerque, NM; and four grandchildren. He was a graduate adviser for many years and served a four-year term as chair of the Music Department. She received a certificate of merit for Mid-City Alternative Schools in 1982. Perhaps his greatest legacy, this foundation contributes annually to hundreds of worthwhile charities. A memorial service was held at the chapel of the Santa Barbara Presidio on March 30, attended by campus friends as well as friends in the Santa Barbara area.The Emeritimes, Spring 2003 ROBERT SHERWOOD, Manager of Television Production, 1964-1991, died on April 6, 2003 of undisclosed causes. A teacher, coach, pioneer, and mentor, she devoted her career to developing womens intercollegiate tennis. Colleague Alfredo Gonzlez asserts, Don was a major asset to the University throughout his years of active service, as well as in retirement to the Emeriti Association. Kilimanjaro. When General MacArthur was settled into quarters, Bill and a group of agents provided security for the surrounding area which was primarily farm land. This was inspiring! He also served on the Ellsworth Public Library Board of Trustees. A Utah native, he earned B.S. He is survived by two brothers, Andris and Juris Ubans. He assumed the Presidency upon Dr. McDonald's retirement in 1962, holding the post only one year before retiring in 1963.

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