Assignment officers are concerned with the "faces" aspect, which is based on their routine communication with the population completing the process. New Army OER Rater bullet point comments; what are your - RallyPoint We need more examples. HRC intends to publish responses, which PPTO will forward when available. RATED SSN . Describe incidents where he was encouraged to cut corners or leave his post but refused. What form is the NCOER? During my time at HRC, I learned many things about field-grade officer career progression that I want to share. You're just asking for sleepless nights. In fact, I once heard our Maintenance NCO praise him at a meeting with the NCOIC, saying he wished he had more Soldiers like him. The goal is to achieve diversity of thought, so officers should have multiple mentors to avoid a myopic assignment approach. o Incorporates Army Directive 2015-11, Unmasking of Army Officer Evaluation While TDY with her at Ft Meade, I had the opportunity to witness her instructing other NCOs about the GTC, its purpose, and its proper use. Ten things field-grade officers should know about career progression Being promoted to lieutenant colonel is definitely indicative of a successful career. (Rated officer's signature verifies officer has seen completed OER Parts I-VI and the administrative data is correct) al. In the interest of helping all you young officers out there, (who will eventually spend the best years of your life in uniform, only to get passed over just before you have enough time to retire (seen it . I believe SPC Smith has the potential we seek in our Soldiers. $84 million contract awarded for Excalibur replenishment, Army initiates corrections to criminal database, Army officer part of newly resumed cooperation for International Space Station, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Sarah Stone is just one of four, Army CIO speaks at Army Europe and Africa 2022 Cybersecurity Summit, Transcript: Media Roundtable with Mr. Douglas Bush, ASA for AL&T, July 27, 2022, Transcript: Media Roundtable with Dr. Raj Iyer, Army Chief Information Officer, and LTG John B. Morrison, Jr., Army Deputy Chief of Staff G-6 June 09, 2022, Army Inspector General starts New Soldier Experience inspection, Vietnamese-American service members parallel paths to the American dream, Bengali chief warrant officer finds the American dream through serving, U.S. Army STAND-TO! Use plain bond paper and the official memorandum format. In my professional opinion as one of his mentors, and as a witness of SSG Deleon's moral character, I truly believe that he is an asset to the United States Army. The way officers perform far outweighs their assigned positions. Making the Switch: What I wish I knew before becoming a field grade officer SPC Smith is one of the technicians who work in the Aeromedical Staging Facility (clinical operations). An honest self evaluation is often more useful than the "what I observed of you" style evaluations. Theoretically, each assignment officer will touch approximately 68 percent of their assigned population over a span of two years. Although I was not his direct supervisor, I worked closely with him for over 16 months. One of HRC's goals is to ensure complete transparency during the assignments process. PDF U.S. Army Performance Evaluation Guide - New OER This is important. Officers with Exceptional Family Member Program or Married Army Couples Program situations are assignment officers' first priority. If possible, these additional positive attributes should overlap with or complement your main assertion. I am currently a Recruiter in Talladega and an active member of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club. In addition, I have had the opportunity during the last month to interact with him during PT sessions three times a week. Size:60.77 KB. As a point of clarity, units and officers must understand that vacancies do not equate to validated fills. Happens frequently in the TPU. To this end, this Thanks! It is your responsibility to double-check the information you find on this site before you use it professionally. My name is SSG Smith and I am writing on behalf of SGT Jones. Comments and Help with electrical outage report example forms. As an officer's performance changes, so does the five-year plan. There is a symbiotic relationship between family peace and work productivity. The transition process can be stressful on everyone; however, if these identified aspects are taken into consideration, friction will be reduced. An NCOIC or manager would normally be considered to be impartial due to the enforced distance and formality required by a supervisor/subordinate relationship and because of the integrity a senior NCO is assumed to have. Family considerations should carry enormous weight during the assignments process. What bullet point examples have you seen for "Achieves" in the new Army NCOER form? . Middle third officers are on track for promotion but will not compete as well for battalion command. Develop - Leaders foster teamwork; express care for individuals; promote learning; maintain expertise, skills and self-awareness; coach, counsel and mentor others; foster job development, and steward the profession of Arms. He would selflessly sacrifice his time on countless occasions, in order to lift the weight off his struggling peer's backs. If an Officer just received a negative OER, it is advisable to retain a military lawyer to assist with an appeal. Networking at the field-grade level is integral to continuing career progression. Middle third officers may have a chance for joint opportunities and some nominative opportunities. Closing. PDF Will M. Helixon - Military Lawyer - Court-Martial Defense Lawyer In summary, I am surprised to learn of the behavior SPC Morrison is charged with. " You are fair and treat everyone in the office as an equal. This will give them an idea of their future opportunities. Your approach of embracing change and adapting to changing work situations encourages others to do the same. 3. For field grade officers, raters will instead provide narrative commentary that demonstrates an officer's performance regarding "field grade competencies." "It reverts back to a narrative description, similar to what we have today, except it is a documentation of performance in line with the attributes and competencies," Mustion said. The final pages of the OER Support Form defines them for the Army. SHARP, EO, and EEO. Ask your co-workers too. However, officers must develop realistic plans that mitigate risks to accomplish their overall career goals. 2. Need help with OER for CW3 : r/Armyaviation - Reddit This has not been an issue with me when working with him. Although we have screened every document for quality control, there likely exist errors in content and typography. Occasionally Soldiers get into trouble and become subject to some form of formal punishment where he is judged by members outside the unit. (FITREP), Air Force's Officer Performance Report (OPR), or the Army's Officer Evaluation Report (OER), each of these records has the greatest impact on each officer's military career and promotion opportunities. OFFICER EVALUATION RECORD. Form Popularity oer support form examples. We need all leaders in our quest to remain the dominant force in the world, and it is the responsibility of all leaders to maximize individual talents in the best interest of the organization. 2. Talent management encompasses multiple data points so that leaders can make the most informed organizational decisions. DA 67-10-1A, Officer Evaluation Support Form Assignment officers exist to ensure the Army is represented accurately and to match the right officer with the right assignment. I am fully aware of the severity of SSG Deleon's actions. # 1: S4 Officer Majors should approach future career goals logically and sequentially. He does so without question. Despite his young age, he is one our most mature Soldiers and never has to be told what his job is or be reminded to do something. The guides explain the rules for comments, narratives and bullets found in AR and DA PAM 623-3 (to include prohibited and negative comments/bullets), and gives examples of narrative comments (individual sentences that can be combined to form a narrative) and bullets. I understand that he must be held accountable for his actions and punishment will be administered. Hard work is only part of achieving your goal; developing a solid network is another. Votes. HRC will continue to move personnel in predefined cycles, and senior leaders must not shy away from being involved in the process early. thank you Sir!! I know SGT Jones has dedicated her life to the Army is an integral part of it. Performance is everything. What are best command practices for closing down battalions? I have always known him to be quietly cheerful and, to my knowledge, he has always had a good attitude and a positive outlook. Therefore, an account manager's concern is filling "spaces.". | Army Organic Industrial Base Modernization Implementation Plan, Army Civil Works announces publication of a formal review for Nationwide Permit 12, October 2017 Nominative Sergeants Major Assignments. Every resource available on OER Commons contains an . Senior Rater Bullet Comments; what is best for promotion boards? If the person who needs the character statement was accused of reckless behavior, you should emphasize aspects of his or her behavior that demonstrate a serious regard for the safety and welfare of others. Feel free to use these as a template for doing your own. Field grade officers care about your role more than others This assertion, along with Army Regulation (AR) 623-3: Evaluation Reporting System (ERS), implies that character is the foremost leadership requirement: The Army Values, empathy, warrior ethos, and discipline are critical attributes that define a leader's character and apply across all grades, positions, branches, and specialties. We should not expend all of our energy on the top 10 percent while the remaining 90 percent are the men and women operating the organization. Raters and SRs should do their work. The below comments are not to replace the Army's definition, nor are . d. Evaluation Reporting System process. EDIPI: 1298475886/USMC. #2) Ask for your rater and senior rater's support forms and ensure your support form nests with theirs. The Army will also implement a rater profile for the company and field-grade officer plates; emphasize recommendations for future operational and career broadening opportunities on the field grade plate; redefine the senior-rater box check; and limit the use of intermediate raters to special branches and dual-supervision situations. Unequivocally, all fiscal year 2017 lieutenant colonel selectees had at least one "most qualified" officer evaluation report (OER) during their key developmental (KD) positions. DEI Best Practices: Expanding the K-12 pipeline,,,, I have been in the Army for over 11 years and I am currently the NCOIC of Personal Property at the Installation Transportation Office. My name is SSG Smith and I am writing on behalf of SGT Jones. Assess the performance of the rated officer. They command between 300 and 1,000 Marines. Each attribute/competency is broke down by level of rater box check that . o performed at a level above the normal call of duty; produced exemplary results. The body is the majority of the letter. PDF HQDA#:' Attachments Menu COMPANY(GRADE(PLATE((O1( O3#$WO1$ CW2 Nevertheless, a large percentage of officers assume that if they do not receive KD opportunities as a support operations officer or battalion executive officer, promotion failure is guaranteed. - Presence. It is completely out of character for him and I can't help but wonder if there were mitigating circumstances. I am positive that he will thoroughly think things through and never make another decision without basing it off of our core Army Values. Since assuming command, CPT Holmes improved morale by developing an effective rewards program resulting in 15 Achievement Medals, 8 Driver's Badges, and numerous coins and COA's. And the supplemental NCOER? Having a clear understanding of your left and right parameters will ease tensions during the transition process. Character Statement Examples - ArmyWriter He consistently uses sound informed judgment displays - Course Hero All officers are leaders, regardless of duty position. Stephen R. Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" highlights a principle that is one of the most underrated by field-grade officers. If detailed data is not submitted, units leave the decision to assignment officers who may not have complete information to assign the officer who is best suited to the unit's mission. They just want to get an idea of the person's history so that they can make a fair decision based on the evidence. Sample Rater & Senior Rater Army OER Bullet Comments - Part-Time-Commander AR 623-3. ch 1-8 Standards of Service. Assignment officers have an obligation to place the best officers in the right organizations to benefit the Army. Ask the subject of the character statement if they have any information that could help project a positive image such as a list of accomplishments, organizations that he or she belongs to, or any other relevant information. However, I must note that SPC Smith was not the cause those conflicts. NAME:! Department of the Army Pamphlet 600-3, Officer Professional Development and Career Management, states that the length of a KD position should range from 12 months to 24 months. Your narrative is important, and developing a proper network will aid in transmitting your goals and desires. Expressing a willingness to go further in defense of the subject by providing a phone number or offering to show up at any hearing will double the letter's effectiveness. Rated officers or NCOs should not write their own evaluations, period. Army Regulation 614-100, Officer Assignment Policies, Details, and Transfers, offers detailed insight on assignment policies. I have been informed by SGT Jones about the situation that she is currently in. Senior leaders play a critical role in managing talent across the organization, and your reputation will make the difference during the process. I understand that he recently got in a fight at the base Club and is now subject to administrative action under the UCMJ. SUBJECT: Character Statement for SGT Jones. He holds a master's degree from the School of Advanced Military Studies. Promotion opportunities are many, and multiple paths lead to the same end state. Career Field Designation Boards are being conducted annually, promotion and selection boards are being conducted by career field, some concerns over the Officer Evaluation Report have been addressed, and time in branch qualification positions for majors and associated stability is at an all time high. Contact Disclaimer. o motivated and challenged peers through leadership by example. What are the best practices for VA Benefits? I aware of the pending review of CW3 Texas-Ranger s advancement to CW4 due to an investigation while he was assigned as a Drill Sergeant. The SM should have provided information on his/her OER support . Being mentored by a senior leader is a great opportunity to develop a viable career plan. Examples can be posted by using the form below. top 1%, 3%, 5%, etc. We need more examples. SFC, USA Senior leader involvement in the talent management process encourages officers to build a solid reach-back network. For example, assuming there is nothing unusually good or bad to say about an officer, what have you put down for Character and . How to Write an Officer Evaluation Report in the U.S. Army 15 Rater Assessment: Field Grade Form Narrative comments focused on performance in line with field grade competencies and attributes Limited to 5 lines of text Performance based assessment; no comment on potential d2. In addition to limiting promotion potential, a negative OER can trigger the Army Officer Elimination process.. Does anyone besides me still think it is outrageous that OERs/NCOERs are sometimes filled out and written by the the person who's ER it is. I have had to pull him aside multiple times to explain how the Drill Sergeant duties can run you down and burn you out if you don't take the time to charge your own batteries; but helping his peers seemed to energize him. Army values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. The new Army OER form requires bullet comments for the following sections: - Character. It's a pain in the ass, and nobody reads them, but you have to do them. However, with our pre-built online templates, everything gets simpler. At the very least, a suspended discharge would allow SPC Smith the opportunity to continue his service while demonstrating his commitment to the Army. Top third officers are on track for promotion and will compete extremely well for battalion command. Officers projecting five-to-10 years into the future tend to lose sight of the criticality of their current performance, which jeopardizes growth potential. I supervise the Headquarters section of the G-3 consisting of two Noncommissioned Officers and one junior Marine. To contribute examples, enter them below. An evaluation philosophy accomplishes three goals. Over 1,000 Rater and Senior Rater bullets for NCOERs and OERs. DA Form 2166-8 for NCOER DA Form 2166-9-1A. DA FORM 67-10-2 - Field Grade Plate (O4 - O5; CW3 - CW5) Officer

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field grade officer oer character comments