But there was still resemblance between himself and their daughter too. Ten: Originally posted by markhyuks. But all of them said no. he's just a savage little cutie who deserves lots of love. When youd talk, he would sometimes get lost in the conversation, but try his best to answer back in English. i don't wanna know - kookiewithcream - NCT (Band) [Archive of Our Own] I dont see it! Scene: You usually love to cuddle, in fact you're always the one asking to or going in to spoon with them but lately you've just been too lazy/absorbed in watching a marathon of your fave dramas/movies and you aren't interested in cuddling while you're preoccupied. I am your baby, youre my baby, so only for me pleasee~!. Ive never actually been on a diet.And I know when quarantine happened I gained weight and now Im too lazy to try and loose it!! I know-I know its your house but I dont want them staring at youu! Taeil would want to confront you, but didnt want to make it seem like he didnt trust you. Your dream may be reflecting that you're trying out different approaches, working out what feels comfortable. Then tell me what genre(s) you would want (smut, fluff, etc). Nakamoto (Yuta): He would honestly find it cute, for some reason. We NEVER did anything, I swear! nct dream-when they catch you and mark making out renjun. 6. Mark: Another fluent English speaker, since he grew up in Canada. Practicing Theory in Introductory College Literature Courses - Academia.edu your lucky Im tired if not I will still be walking around. He knew you loved him and would never do anything like that. Disgustingly sweet almost. When he asked Johnny, all he said wasyou must be paranoid. He would trust his members enough to not eye you up and down. nct dream masterlist // official masterlist 02.24.19 genre: fluff a/n: is it obvious that i'm absolutely obsessed with nct rn orrrrrrrrr renjun um,,,hope u live near a hospital bc u just gave him a. SleepyNct Nct 127 reaction: you're wearing their clothes Nope. Aissoo, have those guys never seen you before?Its because Im wearing something revealing, baby.Yeah, butHavent they seen clothes like this before? ), Obedient Changbin (Sexually or/and Romantically), Bratty Changbin (Sexually or/and Romantically), Hybrid Changbin (Like Omegaverse. Why arent you asleep? You snap back, eyes finally adjusting to the light. This is mafia AU if that makes you uncomfortable please dont interact. NCT Dream~ Reaction to you wearing revealing clothes . but even . They met through JYP Entertainment! He would be fine in communicating too, and loved to just have English conversations while chilling in the morning, eating breakfast. Lets talk you scoff, hands crossing over your chest. Like everyone had their own style that differs them from one another. But if he did see one of his members looking at you, he would distract them to make them stop then lead you out of the room.Noo, I just have an important, would you say, mission for you to do Jagiya!! He got your attention by yelling your name super loud, making you run over to him.OH MY GODD, (Y/NNN)!!! WinWin:He never really thought about it, till he saw a pic of Jungwoo and his daughter together. He would make sure to give his members a small scolding later. after you said yes and asked . Featured. Just, never do that again. Chenle: Would outright fanboy in front of you and he smiles/blushes a lot too. It was a silly thing for you to do, but being near Hongjoong when he was angry made you stressed. Furious. Donghyuck (Haechan): Hyuck was a evil boy, so sometimes hed purposefully say something English that would make you mad, annoyed, or flustered. yeah can I um have it back?, dont worry though, hell offer you another hoodie of similar size and style and almost melts when you get excited over it. The thought of you being scared didnt upset him, just angered him. 10? HERE SWEETHEART! He said, taking off his big hoodie and putting it on you, smiling when you chuckled at him. Plus you are very ridiculous you had to put that in, your comment made Hongjoong smile a bit before walking towards you. Go to your room and Ill find someone else to do the mission., Changbin:He sighed, sitting in front of you. Nor do I do necrophilia or bloodrelated-incest (AKA related by blood). With a feeling of regret, he ran up to your shared room, knocking profusely. But he would still hope to teach you the basics of Korean so you could communicate with his members. Then he saw you, well first heard your high heels echoing down the stairs. Then he would go upstairs and grab a penguin onesie from the closet, thinking of an idea.ANYONE WHO DRESSES UP IN A ONESIE FROM THE CLOSET IN THE HALL GETS EXTRA FOOD, *whispers* and cuddles~, SiCheng (WinWin): He would smirk and go to back hug you, pecking your neck lightly. This is mature, if your minor do not interact. He wouldnt miss a second of your little English lessons, just like you wouldnt miss his Korean or Chinese lessons. But he would bother you a lot to teach him more English, sometimes even wake you up at 2 in the morning just to tell you a new word hes learned. but every single challenge those groups get they always deliver!! You are not wear things that make you uncomfortable just for me. I gained like 8? If I send a paragraph, I do not expect just ayeah. back. HAHAH DONT WORRY BORROW MY JACKET!! Sorry, its just my members dont need to see you in this way. K-pop Reactions on Tumblr -Again, bottom/sub (in a sexual manner) means they are the one being dominated on. What!? that may be the moment chenle knows hes set for life, but he wont be so obvious and instead accuses you of stealing his clothes, and just offers to buy you a store of shirts instead, but his entire defence melts off him when you say to him, and kiss you on the nose to see you smile, doesnt know what power youve got over him, but hes okay with it since you make him happier than hes ever been, goes through about 5137492 emotions and reactions in 30 seconds, blushes and gets nervous and cant remember what he was going to say, then looks at how his shirt looks on you and is just filled with so much love, then cant stop smiling because youre so beautiful and youre his s/o and hes, and then gets nervous again cause it hits him that its, and this circle repeats for quite a while, he eventually comes to settle in a general state ofi love you, pulls on the shirt slightly and raises an eyebrow while smiling, pouts at your reply until you laugh and wrap your arms around him, mr confused bilingual is so shook when you surprise him, he would have literally no idea that you were even learning, he probably initially responded in the same language, not quite registering that it isnt the language you normally speak in together, when it finally sinks in, he just pauses exactly where he is, and slowly turns towards you with that wide eye stare he does when shocked, is taken aback as to how much you already know, and promises to do his best to help you learn more if you want, really likes being able to switch between both languages with you, since he does that a lot already, hes now not as worried about accidentally excluding you from the conversation, sometimes switches to see your progress and give you any tips he can, is a quiet supporter but everyone can see hes immensely proud of you, so mark is absolutely terrified to tell yuta, literally waits for as long as he can until you force him to come clean, as soon as he finds out yuta just goes as intimidating as possible, and literally stars mark down with a death glare, eventually you calm him down although mark is now scared for his life, so mark immediately tries to show yuta just how much he loves you, and once yuta sees that, mark begins to relax around him again, these two arent gonna sit down and talk about it, rather have a mutual agreement to keep their friendship and your relationship separate, yuta literally brings you everywhere with 127 and if fans ask, you just came to see your brother, but in reality he lets you spend the whole time with mark, honestly, considering how busy mark is, yuta doing this is probably the reason that the two of you made it through some rough patches, mark feels a bit awkward talking about your relationship with yuta but is still eternally grateful that yuta helps you two so much, realises that yuta cares about you both and will do literally anything for you to be happy, cant look you in the eye for a week while he figures out if this is real or not, just wouldnt know what to say so he avoids you slightly, then you walk into the practice room, armed with food and you make eye contact, he watches as you smile at him and when he cant stop himself from smiling back, he just stops in his tracks, everybody somehow melted away into the background and it was as if you were all that mark could see, greets you with a hug and is very aware of how hard his heart is beating, immediately offers to carry the food for you and hands it out to the other members, like subconsciously sits next to you and finds himself always standing near you, this does not go unnoticed by the boys who definitely question him about it and when mark says he doesnt realise he was doing it, the teasing begins all of them screaming about how mark was in love, his was completely in love with you and nothing could take that away from him or wipe the smile off his face. You were perfect, and in all reality, he would probably just brag and show you off.Ohh, my (Y/N) is soooo beautiful, Im so lucky to have them! Now.But I have this fo-GET THE FUCK OUT NOW! He screamed, slamming his hand on the desk. I got Mindblown like every stage! Im sorry okay., Hiii! ? Taeil also stood up with a look of hurt. Jin: Jin took one look at your low cut, skin tight dress and his eyes almost popped out of his head. Along with an AU if you want one. After the 6 months you two have been married, thats the longest sentence he has ever said to you. Nct Dream Reaction to You Coloring Their Tattoos When one of your friends messaged you saying she is having a bachelorette party, you were excited. oh god if youre wearing his shirt AND holding his dog? It was short, showing the bottom of your backside but Jaemin shook his head. Wait- Nono! <3. Watch more Esquire 'Explain This' episodes . H-huh? But decided not to mention his thoughts to you OR Sicheng. Maybe even jealous, considering that Y/N does hang with him a lot. Do started to take Johnnys words into consideration, realizing that hes actually right and he was just imagining things. Baby I think you should really take my jacket he said again once you two sat with your friends. he liked the memes you sent so he dmed you. We dont want her to be awkward too, ya know? As I realise a lot of my followers dont really like reading mature stuff and I understand that so therefore Ill be moving that type of stuff on to my other blog. -Its fine if you want to change the age of yourself to be older than Jisung/Changbin. And if you asked him to help you with Korean, he wouldnt hesitate to do so. Sort by. He could be any hybrid you want [kitty, bunny, etc]. Dont you think your dressed up to much? His arms crossed over his chest, staring you up and down. Ever try any diet? Looking you in the eyes, he made you promise never to scare him like that again. Please !! A/N: This is not proofread so be aware of writing mistakes :) I hope you enjoy!! TAEIL. He got you whatever food whatever you wanted, whatever show, whatever clothes. Im not playing either.. No no no, I dont think so. He chuckled, while you glared at him. Now you want to talk? And if you want to start again, just say so! I'm gonna make you pretty." You booped his nose and sat next to him on the couch. When one of your friends messaged you saying she is having a bachelorette party, you were excited. Ill do it when I get the time Ive got a lot to do lately but I will do it!! He took off his jacket and put it around you, making sure none of the members were staring.Ai, you shouldnt wear clothes like this infront of them!Well, it was hot out.Well next time, pleasee stick to a t-shirt and athletic shorts?. but never pressures you to kiss / hug him or anything, he just lets you do it when you please. He'd hate it when you wear such tempting short skirts, exposing your bare legs like that. Im so ridiculous he spoke and all you could do was nod at him. Dont ever pull shit like that again, or there will be consequences. And when he did give you food, he would force you to eat it off the floor like the animal you were. but you tried to wipe them away. I love your fit, butttt- you stare at him, looking away from the popcorn in the microwave. Y/N! He would wander around the house, searching for you everywhere. You stood in the dark living room by yourself, after opting to leave your boyfriend alone with his anger, you finally returned home after almost two hours of wondering the streets. -I normally ask a decent amount of questions before roleplaying. Okay?. I basically mean they are baby (not literally), the one taken care of in the relationship. Im so ridiculous he spoke and all you could do was nod at him. He puts his hand on your thigh. Taeyong: He wasnt the best at English, but he did try very hard at learning it and had a basic understanding of the language. Where did you even get that idea?? ?, Jeno: He would smile cutely at you, trying to ignore the choice of clothes you picked. Johnny -pool party with friends. Taeyong: He would gape when he saw you come into the practice room, dripping in sweat from dancing yourself. You dont need to. You didnt think you had to warn Kun you were going, hence him ignoring you every given chance. (Loves all genders~). oops i was the one who sent a tbz reaction request, I just saw that the request were closed after I've sent it it's alright then pls ignore it if it's closed. You'd be able to tell he wouldn't know what to say. Indeed, they are expected to flout these maxims for their creations to acquire an 'artistic' character. Then he saw you, well first heard your high heels echoing down the stairs. So you got ready, putting the best clothes you could find and walk down the stairs. Chenle are you okay with that? Haechan joked making the boy finally raise his head and look at you as you poured yourself a drink. ), Build A Changbin (Give CB any personality you want, whatever kinks you want, however tall you want,etc!). They had the same eyes and even nose. Then lets get covered up., Kunhang (Hendery): He wouldnt make a huge deal about it, because you probably wouldnt even exit the bedroom looking like that before he stopped you. NCT DREAM reaction to when you wear revealing clothes . Then on certain days, he would take his time to help you learn Korean while you help him learn English, so it would be a win-win situation for both of you. Jisungs eyes landed on your top which wasnt leaving a lot to imagine. We're going to a party downtown, I should be home around-". Hello everyone TT I have not been on here in a while, so I am very sorry. I got so worried. MARK. Take your time with responding. So seeing his s/o in his clothes would make him shy asf. Thank fuck. I mean, who wouldnt. Renjun: actually recognises when he's falling for you so he's less surprised by it. Kun only just got home, taking of his blazer, chucking over the sofas back. youre staying at home all day doing nothing? renjun wouldn't say he fell for you, that's too abrupt and harsh. Dont they have like the same features!? This is mafia AU if that makes you uncomfortable please dont interact. you weren't planning on sleeping over at first, so when renjun managed to convince you to spend the night at the dorms you didn't have any clothes on you except the ones you were wearing. She doesnt even look like she is wearing shorts. Something was cute, youd cry. I got Mindblown like every stage! Hi sorry it took so long!! my inbox is always open for requests or anything. Now you want to talk? His smile was almost exactly like the Japanese boy. This is also not proof-read. Jisung ran his hand through your hair in a comforting way.Keep away from my weapons, okay? I should of double-checked the bathroom..I love you so much sweetheart.. Why arent you asleep? You snap back, eyes finally adjusting to the light. In this case, though, you haven't yet decided on a new course of action. got caught off guard when you started flirting w him a few days later. BABYYY! He dolphin-laughed, running over to you and knocking you over. Not really, I mean maybe the smile- WaitAre you saying what I think youre saying! Just ask!) May 9th, 2022. So you got ready, putting the best clothes you could find and walk down the stairs. Interesting and cute. "Got7 reaction to s/o wearing a top with great clevage amongst the other members. Please never do that again. Crazy. He looked closer, but didnt notice any resemblance. I ONLY do bottom/sub Changbin and bottom/sub Jisung. So please do not DM this account if you plan on wanting Changbin/Jisung to be the top/dominant one(s)! I need to get my clothes-Ill get them for you. Technically, he didnt really tell you when they would be over, so it wasnt your fault. "just stay." Stop cryingg~ *kiss*, God, your pure soul melts me.. AT A FAN SIGN. NCT Dream Talk New Album "Hot Sauce" and Mark's Triumphant Return then looks at how his shirt looks on you and is just filled with so much love. WHAT? midnight rain nct dream reaction to you displaying affection Here sit next to me, we can share a blanket! Please never do it again, you scared the fuck out of me!. Probably screams "YOU'RE SO CUTE, SO SMALL MY JAGI" at least 4 times a day and never fails to give you a pinch on the cheek when he sees you everyday. View as Grid List. He decided to be brave and immediately ask you about it.Hey, do you ever realize how much (S/N) looks like Yoon Oh?I meanNot really? So finding you hiding in the garage just earned a very long stern talk, ontop of an hour long time-out. +. Hed go and explain that you should try more layers when you are out so no creeps stare at you, telling you that the world is a scary place sometimes.The world now-a-days, is filled with weirdos who like to try and get with pretty people like you, so please wear more layers. Which was basically never. She is 100% yours. Pranking them, messing with them,jokingly insulting them slightly. Jisung and Changbin are both Pansexual! . His son was his and he was very confident with that claim. His notebook laid on his lap as you picked what colors to use on the mean . Nor would Y/N. He realized that Mark was right, and it was probably a coincidence.Hey sweetheart. He would scream at you and physically punish you by giving you a few hard spanks.

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nct dream reaction to you wearing revealing clothes No Responses

nct dream reaction to you wearing revealing clothes