Thomson is a terrible teacher though, and Im already practically failing his class. Just let me finish fixing this real quick, (Y/N), Peter said still focused on his web shooters. As you were making a quick sandwich for yourself, your hair shifted away from your neck. Im gonna go get the snacks. This is like the fifth time Im calling you. You rubbed your arms trying to warm yourself up in the freezing room. Let me tell you, it was no fun at all to be stuck here while you guys were off playing superhero!. So harmless. You huffed and went to your windows, making sure they were actually locked this time. Your hands found their way to the back of his neck, playing with the soft curls that fell on his nape. Its a few minutes later when Peter is out of the bathroom and back in the bedroom. If he's not close to you, he feels like he's shattering and dying inside and hence, he might stalk you every now and then as Spiderman pretending he's on rounds . In the room, you call back. ", he sighs and turns to me, kissing my lips, "i'll handle it" he whispers, kissing me again, i laugh at him "why are you panting like a dog? All I can think about is Ms. Murphys class and how Im not gonna get accepted to any university or college if I dont pass the stupid exam with at least an eighty percent., (Y/N) Peter trailed off. "My parents had it. Before you could step back away from him, his arms shot up and pulled you flush against his body. And maybe I should have a dog for the sympathy factor-, (Y/N), come on, Peter said cutting you off. He knew it couldnt be a good thing. An eyelash., Oh. You swipe your hand lazily across your cheek. His hot breath passing through the thin material of your shirt is a distraction for you. "See . "Her name is Bex maybe that is why you saw an X. I gotta go." Peter makes his way back to the elevator when Clint calls out, "Hey, I thought you said you had to go at 11." Summary: College AU where you and Peter live together, Authors Note:reposted fic from my old blog which was also under the same blog name. You should use it someday, its a really fascinating thing.. The two of you were sat in one of the booths, eating your burgers and fries and just talking about whatever. The last time you made Peter flustered as friends, was during your confession of your feelings towards him. Peter had been busy all week with the internship at Stark company not having time for y/n. You both stand there staring at each other after your outburst. If you see a male specimen hanging around the tower or god forbid about to step into your room, you are to report directly to Tony Stark. Then he pressed his lips to yours. This is my first one-shot ever, so if it sucks . So, of course, he let Peter go to your room last night, he trusted that you two wouldn't do anything. Theres a moment of silence before Peter lets out a quiet, Oh., Its okay if you dont like me back, though, you blurt out as your eyes find his. This wasnt the first time you were left out, but you were going to make sure it was the last time. Peter comes along to save you from your misery. Peter leaves you to finish up your work, and a few more minutes later youre done. Peters teal sweatered matched with your teal colored romper. Peters eyes found their way to you and he couldnt help but notice how attractive you looked with a confused look on your face, and you biting on your lip in concern. (Y/N)! Peter exclaimed. You were supposed to hate Sam Wilson, but its kind of hard when he says that he likes you back. You, being the rebellious teenager that you are, couldn't give two shits about this rule. What has gotten into you all. Listen, hes not going to man up anytime soon. Quickly, you leaned back, capturing his lips with yours, and then backing away toward the door. Choosing to leave it to Fury, she never expected her to become New York's newest vigil Mini stories about our lil bean, friendly neighborhood spiderman slash Peter Parker Im going to go ask for some ice. And a flustered Peter gets up from the table, trying to hide his red face from you. "Oh, right! He didnt know how to comfort you. Your lips linger there for a moment, but pull away once you hear Aunt May cry, Perfect! Ill be done in ten minutes or so, you state, shrugging him off your shoulders. Are you hurt? Well, if it means anything to you, I think the curls make you look cute. You shut your locker, noticing how red Peter has become. Yeah, well I couldnt exactly leave my friend hanging, he says. strong language. A peter Parker x reader where its like a life class thing he and reader a partners and they have to take care of one of those plastic babies together and they accidentally start acting like an old married up. You pushed the door open and it slammed the wall. Are you okay?" Not being able to resist seeing you. He pressed his lips to your forehead, bidding you a goodbye before he caught sight of the purple marks trailing down the side of your neck. Happy New Year, babe, he announced. The time of your alarm clock flashed in front of you as you tried to finish typing up your essay for English class that was due the next day. You stick your tongue at the doorway in response, even though you know Peter cant see you. Look, I know this looks like a hickey on my neck., Really, Y/N, I gave to take a shower, so could you please-, Its not a hickey. They are just hickeys, Peter gave them to me. What did we do? Thor turned to Steve, baffled by what just happened. I didnt realize what day it was, you spoke truthfully. No smut 1. i will be finishing up whatever fics i have in my drafts but i will not be writing anything beyond that for marvel. "It's a soulmate tattoo," He sighed. What are you talking about? Tony was preparing himself for the worst, unsure of what would come out of your mouth. Tony, not being able to say no to the kid, let him but under one condition; someone had to be watching him so he couldn't sneak into your room. I need to go back to my room before your dad slits my throat." How about we forget about math for the rest of the night and watch Mean Girls instead., Dont you have to patrol tonight? Peter Parker was a lover. some sexual innuendos. Im just trying to fix it up. Peter tightened a screw with his mini screwdriver and set it down. Its right here. Peter reaches out a hand, brushing his thumb softly at your cheek, his finger lingering on your skin for a moment too long. He flopped down onto the bed beside you, and you felt yourself jump as his weight hit the mattress. [this story contains] peter parker x reader, senior peter, fluff, fake baby project au, old married couple vibes, domestic peter, little editing. Oh, you say quietly. ave. "This showed up a while ago," You showed your father your neck. Not bruises, thats for sure. Summary: Its new years eve and youre in your room studying. Knowing what it is like to be young and in love. Climbing back into bed, you hugged your pillow, burrowing yourself into your blankets and willed yourself to fall asleep because you knew that when you woke up, you would see all your friends again. What the hell is that?" - Peter Parker x Stark!Reader from the story That-Sokovian-Bastard // Avengers (& other) Imagines by AllTimeLilly (Lilly) with 2,612 reads. Thats what happened to Peter. Let me get a picture of the two of you together! Aunt May exclaims. Anything cool happen? Fireworks exploded immediately and you squeezed your eyes shut, groaning about the noise. You sat on your bed and patted the spot beside you for Peter to sit too. Hell know not to do that again in a hurry. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!! Welcome to an alternate universe where the fate of Spider-Man was never bestowed upon Peter Parker, but you: his equally dorky best friend. Prompt: You accidentally hurt yourself and the result looks like a hickey and Peter was not too happy. Thats all you needed, is him on your back. Steve moved your hair out of the way and turned your neck so he could see what was hiding. How much left? he asks, slipping into bed beside you again. Peter could feel his face turning red and it was at that moment that his mind registered that you had said something to him. Oh, haha Peters face turned red too, blushing in embarrassment. This really ticked him off. On your way to your room, just a floor up, you luckily didn't run into anyone. Family Matters Pairing: Dark Peter Parker x (female) Reader With everyone gone, the tower felt so empty and quiet. "Y-yeah. Peter Parker x Reader Go-Away Green by Lunalella 15.9K 392 10 A very shy reader has the inexplicable ability to make people ignore her completely. You were back at the Avengers tower waiting for everyone to come home from their mission. Not all of our problems. Oh fuck. All tiredness leaving your body, your eyes shot open to find your handsome, shirtless boyfriend towering over your body. Whatcha up to? I have to go talk to him now dont I?. I thought Spider-man was a superhero. When aliens take over the world, only few survived. we taking the subway together?, I think were going to have a quiet weekend with the little one, Peter answered and you confirmed with a nod, Were out before nine p.m most nights anyways., Nine? MJ shouted, growing frustrated with this sudden and new dynamic, On a Saturday? Something had definitely changed within you because, instead of looking into his eyes, you looked at his lips. Peter Parker X Reader Hickey Kamis, 17 November 2022 Edit. I like you, Peter.. #parker Fine, Peter manages to say through clenched teeth. I know its mainly my fault for procrastinating, but Johnsons a dick for wanting five thousand words.. You trying to finish an essay that you procrastinated on. This isnt a hickey. You awoke and grunted, mumbling and asking what time it was. It was Peter Parker who was very happy to see them both. He pulled away from you and smiled. But the world we live in is the world where you have to meet your soulmate at least once before you get a sign. Have you guys lost it?, Peter looked to you, Maybe we can go see a movie during the day? I kind of messed up one of my web shooters while patrolling. You Feel Love! Theres a bouquet of roses in his hands, and he shoves it towards you. Hey guys, Peter greets as he sits down. It was an honest misunderstanding. Her dad searches desperately for her, willing to do anythin After a drunk night of youth, Natasha found out she was pregnant with Clint's kid. Actually, he wasnt looking at you at all anymore. We heard the noise. Natasha asked as she entered the kitchen with your father by her side. I need to get changed. . Thor and Steve looked at each other confused. She brings you in for a hug, and you squeeze her tight. Immediately regret filled his mind. Its never going to stop, Peter groaned, rubbing his eyes. What were you guys talking about before I came? Peter asks. This, however, only creeped you out more that your soulmate wasn't someone you knew very well. If we do the movies too then youll be tired all day. Peter, can I come in?. There, Peter says, retracting his hand with such force and speed that he slams his elbow against the table.Ah! he exclaims in pain. It was supposed to teach everyone the responsibilities that came along with being a parent. Peter hadnt planned to stay so late but apparently he felt bad for letting you care for your baby alone. But her life is especially unfair, I hope no one struggles like she has. I was here the whole time you guys were gone and no one came. If you loved me, youd be the big spoon, he says. No no no! Y/n is the daughter of Tony Stark. She bids you goodbye, a blushing and red Peter behind her, as they exit the classroom. ", i laugh "yeah, sorry about that it's just that-" i look at the two of them, staring at me and walk outside "i love to give hickeys and seeing them just makes me happy", i hear her laugh on the other side "i know what you mean. Summary: the few times that you make Peter Parker flustered, Warnings: mostly fluff, maybe a few curse words. I did this. Youve been Peters friend for ages and youve had a crush on him for about the same amount of time. You were in your room reading more on soulmates and doing homework simultaneously. You know those moments when your unconscious mind takes over and makes you say or think something and immediately you have instant regret and start hating yourself for saying or thinking that thing? Tonywill kill you-". Talk about a horrifying family reunion. Including Peter Parker and y/n y/l/n. Summary: You're convinced that your best friend is your soulmate. #imagine Thats weird, Ned said, his eyes obviously tired from raising little Juliet. Yet all you could think about was how Peter Parker was a hot dork who watched Youtube videos on how to kiss and had abs. I w smut. also i lied i said id post sunday but i got busy doing other things lmao so my bad. Youre going to pass the test, dont stress yourself.. Your neck is covered in bruises! Steve exclaimed which then caused Thor to look at your neck also. Jealousy-Bucky watches from afar as you converse with Peter Parker, the new teenage recruit. Like I know it wasnt even for that long but it sure felt like it. (will later also hold all the blurbs following 'if you need me' once the sequel is A girl moves into a warm and welcome home and falls in love with Peter Parker. He had taken upon himself to carry your lunch tray for you since you were preoccupied with bottle feeding the hungry robot. Web NarutoAvengers CrossoverVariousNaruto x Reader After the Endgame Yn Ln unintentionally became the possessor and user of the Mind Stone. You returned back to the Avengers Tower after spending the night at Peters house. some curse words. Is Spider-man not allowed to flirt with his girlfriend?, Spider-man has a girlfriend, huh? You straddled his lap as he lay in the bed with you on top of him, peppering his face with kisses. upcoming blurbs based after 'just out of reach' and before the sequel 'if you need me' Ned intervenes at the moment by clapping. And only a few minutes later did you walk into the room Peter and your father were in, waiting for you. The thing was, Peter genuinely believed Loki had changed. enjoy fellow Andrew Garfield simps. Your aunts here, Pete. Who is certainly not pleased at all. it is sexy to see a man that you are dating, with hickeys that you gave", "you set me up on a date with your uncle and i won't say a word about peter's hickeys", i laugh "it's a deal. You need the nutrients, I know how you get lightheaded sometimes., You shook your head, No, Ive got some raisins in the baby bag. Almost midnight, go to sleep, Peter answered softly. You hadnt really thought about how you were going to start the New Year, but you didnt mind this one little bit. What Im trying to get in your head is that no one did this. masterlist was posted just under this post. It was Friday evening and that meant you could hang out with your boyfriend. 6.7K 147 5 "That's great, (Name)," he said. death Peters eyes immediately landed on your lips. She kept escaping Foster Care to come back to the rubble of her old home. His mouth opens but nothing comes out. I derided. Reader insertsssss uwu It was obvious in the way he held doors open for you whenever you were together, the way he always complimented you, the way he always had the look of love in his eyes when he was looking at you, and especially in the way he told you he loved you for the first time. You slammed the textbook that was laying in front of you, shut, and slumped your head onto the table. The plastic baby was in your arms and you were trying to rock it so it could fall asleep. Hey, (Y/N), he smiled. The two of you are talking at the cafeteria table, waiting for Peter to show up. You sighed and turned to Steve, not sure what to say. You flicked a hair tie at Peters face, causing him to wake up suddenly. Peter decides to come along and put you out of your misery, Spending Friday night with Peter Parker and finding out that he has abs. The billionaire will then snap into protective father mode and team up with multiple members of the Avengers and defeat the monster that could steal their beloved kind of daughter's heart. Steve's jaw dropped. I love you, Y/N," he whispered. Peter Parker was a lover, and he was your lover. I dont know why Peter got so upset though. Ooops, sorry? Peter screwed up his face apologetically, now understanding why your dad wanted to shoot him. like what if they get married, then we would be related" peter says, i laugh "tony isn't my real uncle, but it's easier to call him that than my dead dad's best friend", i laugh "it's okay" i crawl on top of him "plus with them busy, we can have more alone time", and with that, there was not a single word shared for the rest of the night, kidnapped by the marvel cast {tom holland}. A groan left your lips as soon as the first ray of light streamed into your room. What Tony said earlier gave you hope that maybe he was right and that Peter shared the same feelings for you. You stayed silent for a moment. The last night had been no exception, Peter had been over for a team meeting and convinced Tony to let him stay the night in one of the never-ending guest rooms. - I DO NOT WRITE SMUT | One of your favorite things to sneak around was your boyfriend, Peter Parker. (Y/N), dont you think youre being a bit too dramatic? Stop, you muttered. EXTREMELY SMUTTY: 4 smutty 3. It looked pretty serious., Well, Ned looks at you, (Y/N), has something to tell you., Really? Peter looks at you curiously. Thanks you two! you threw your hands up frantically, storming off to your room. (y/n), where are you?. So they panic thinking someone has caused you harm. I literally am so dumb, I dont even know how I got accepted here, you whined. Peter left the room, not closing the door completely behind him. How did you do it to yourself? There, she was adopted by Pepper and Tony. Life couldnt get any more difficult than that. ", You shrugged and agreed with him, but hearing his stories of those days were always interesting. Peter immediately clings to you, pulling you closer by your waist so that your noses are touching. sorry for the spam. "Peter Benjamin Parker, I told you to ease up! There are enough cops out there to handle it for now, Peter said. avengers imagines spider-man +20 more # 4 Your promise Book 2 ( Peter Peven. " ' " , y/n never dreamed that she would meet peter parker. Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible! There was a beep and you sighed. Oh yeah? he hummed. He continued fiddling with the gadgets in his hands and you took it as an opportunity to study him. I need to change, baby, you giggle. number 6 in Peter Parker Imagines 3/24/21. Ugh! What are you guys going on about.. You breathed out in relief and stood up from the chair, the sound of your joints cracking filling the room, a sign that you had been hunched over your laptop for way too long. left kudos on this work. Peter asked, his cheeks turning a bright red and a smile spreading across his face. Peter Parker, a junior in high school trying to manage being Spider-Man and his school work, which he was doing just fine in until he noticed you. You were so good, sweetie! Aunt May squeals. You especially missed Peter. You cant expect him to be thrilled to be gone for a while and come back to see you cuddled up with someone., I have no idea what youre talking about. One was him actually learning about being a hero; the other was seeing you. You both also had school, which was why you both decided that Friday evenings were the best time for you to just relax and be around one another without any distractions. He sat up for a second to pull of his shirt, then continued. Sometimes it resembled a car, headphones, or even a camera. That was great!. (Y/n) is very frightened to see him and her son goes forward ready to protect her at all costs. You and Pete both are like crazy geniuses.

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peter parker x reader hickey