If the P320 was so great then why did special forces go to the Glock 19? The real tell is that of all the cases, most are cops of some kind. Its the expert who gets caught up in the routine and stops paying attention. Sig Sauer P320 (Christine Peterson/TNS) February 22, 2021 Ryan Morgan Gunmaker Sig Sauer is facing a new lawsuit from a U.S. federal agent who claims his holstered P320 pistol discharged without him pulling the trigger and struck him in his upper right hip. Hilton's $15 million lawsuit said, "there have been 54 reported uncommanded discharges of the P320," meaning the gun went off by itself, over the last five years in 22 states and Washington, D.C. Sig Sauer did not respond to ABC News' request for comment. When he put his hand on the grip, the weapon fired, according to the lawsuit. This is the only post fix tale of p320 failure I have heard that is not some form of but it just went off, I didnt do nutthin! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ZZ6pynGLM 35446 Views 56 Replies 41 Participants Last post by tirod, Sep 1, 2021. L. LRRifleman . . And it doesnt take too much Googling to find plenty of reports of LEOs suing the Georgia company as well (see here, here, here, and here for just a few). So park the Cops suck cause they aint gunfighters! bull**it. SIG is choosing to litigate their problems away. Effectively: you must be this dumb to get this job. Its also interesting that theres apparently no corresponding flood of civilian lawsuits against SIG with similar claims of guns going off, even though the public owns far more P320s than do law enforcement agencies. I lost $200 on a gun that had less then 1000 rounds through it but I could care. This subject has two prongs; One is the negligence of those who have shot themselves with 320s through violations of Rule 2, the other the possible mechanical design failing of the gun. Police Department, was wounded when his P320 duty gun discharged without a trigger pull while he was carrying it in a gym bag wrapped carefully with a cloth. Officer Collette was wounded in his left leg. Happy with my old S&W revolvers, 3rd Gen S&W pistols,1911s and a slew of P226s. So your fanboy perjorative falls not only flat but false. Capitol Police Officers Explanation for Shooting and Killing Ashli Babbitt Is Riddled With Problems, The City of Wichita Raked In Almost $200,000 Selling Seized Guns in the Last Five Years, State Judge Issues Order Blocking Enforcement of Illinois Firearms Ban Act Statewide, Federal Judge Grants Injunction Blocking Enforcement of ATFs Frame or Receiver Rule, Illinois Rep. Bob Morgan: Anything Stamped M&P is a Weapon of War, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ZZ6pynGLM, https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/dea-agent-lee-paige-still-wont-go-away/, https://sofrep.com/news/dod-evaluation-says-armys-new-sig-sauer-p320-service-pistol-riddled-issues/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0LUbLu6TqA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jsu6WsSQ2_g, https://millsentertainment.smugmug.com/William-Shatner-The-Wrath-of-Khan. Sig fanboys are almost as bad as Glock fanboys. Golly didnt Sig catch he!! Withe the P320 Sigs contract was $169.5 million, $103 million cheaper then Glock. If they recruit smart cops, they wont have cops who will act against their political opponents outside of the constitution. The thing I hate is getting kicked around! Hes talking about trial lawyers recruiting clients whove experienced negligent discharges with P320s and suing the gun manufacturer. My bet would be that someone had a fully loaded gun in a gym bag and a cloth or rag snagged the trigger. Really? Its just that with hundreds of millions of firearms in the hands of more than one-third of the countrys population including a lot of cops some number of negligent discharges will inevitably happen. Canadian Special Forces Command has not said what caused the gun to go off unexpectedly, but the company said a conclusion has been reached. This reminds me of when Gretchen Carlson sued Fox News for sexual harassment and she got 20 million dollars. Yes, conspiracy to defraud is a thing when ones @ss is on the line. Were not saying that the suits against GLOCK are any more (or less) substantiated than those against SIG. Yesterday, a Canadian news outlet, CBC News, published a story regarding the unintended discharge last year of a SIG P320 by a Canadian Special Operator, resulting in injury and his unit withdrawing the pistol from service. The second, longer version of the ABC story again included comments from Joshua Harrison, the consultant ABC hired to independently assess the P320. But it also has much worse quality control on the parts in my experience owning and working on both. Legal Penalties. selling the 365 with strikers breaking? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jsu6WsSQ2_g. Glock's and Sig P320 are all designated as Double-Action-Only fire control mechanisms. Im not even sure I would do that with my 92 or something else that can be both decocked and locked. Inside the gun, a metal piece called the sear should keep the weapon from firing until the trigger is pulled. BTW it was HK that made the first polymer gun, Glock actually stole the idea for the G17 from them. Jeff Bagnell, a lawyer in Westport, Conn., who has litigated 10 cases, mostly by commercial gun owners, related to SIG P320 misfires across several U.S. states, took note of the accident involving the Canadian special forces soldier. LOL! TTAG talked to Bagnell, who told us that he wants it to be known that he is not anti-gun and doesnt want to see more gun control laws in this country. Is it? . A plastic gun that has a tendency to go off by itself. Thats the American system at work in all its corrupt majesty. Sig started out rough, but a lot of agencies have decided that their modular chassis system is the way of the future. Hello perpetrators, Lee Paige is clearly the gift that keeps on giving though our buddy Hunter Biden is a close second! Note also that ABC didnt provide any context for the number of suits filed against SIG. The SIG P320, which has been manufactured since 2014, is known to go off without the trigger being pulled if it's dropped and lands on the ground at a certain angle. Good job! 3 disaster is true and if it is Sig will go all out to cover it up if it was. But breaking news here, skippy. We will respect the ongoing investigation and will not offer further comment at this time, Bineau said. Really, that JJA ship looks like something the folks at PlaySkool built, its terrible. Too Many Accidents The U.S. manufacturer went a step further in its statement Friday, stating without evidence or attribution, that the timing of the article was intended to undercut its chances in the federal governments upcoming bid to replace all of the handguns in both the military and RCMP. The problems associate with those pistols (and the P365) have long since been ironed out. The safety WILL prevent the gun from firing with a trigger pull when activated, but it should never come to that. A lot like carrying a cocked and locked 1911 but with the safety off. In 1974 if you bought a Colt 1911, you left the gun store and then immediately took it to your favorite gunsmith and said Make it work it with Super-Vels, please. You cant get away with that today. Depending on who you talk to you will get many different answers. As a result, the P320s were withdrawn from service, leaving the JTF-2 with their older P226s. PSA-P320 Accidental Discharge Threads | SIG Talk Time will tell if no. Wheee!!. It seems safe to assume that while SIG is coming up fast on the outside, GLOCK is still most likely the reigning champ in terms of the firearms most often carried by law enforcement and other government agencies. Still waiting. As for Seals they have their own contract with Glock but can carry anything they want. Dont care for them, not my jam. First I have no problem with the Mk 25 or any other Sig thats metal. So, unlike the Serpa holster debate, Im a believer that there is more going on than meets the eye with the P320 and is exactly why I refrained from buying one, why I still wont own one, and why I steer people away from it. The P320 Voluntary Upgrade Program is a SIG SAUER initiative to upgrade P320 pistols at no additional cost . Heres the version of the report that ran later that night, during ABCs Nightline program . Instead we see a Sig that is ran by Mr. Cohen of Kimber fame have repeated quality and product development failures. Sigs suck and my Glock is awesome!. In my opinion, the only reason SIG would have done that is if they knew there was a safety problem with the original gun, otherwise they would not have done it., Scott says Harrison reviewed the claims in Officer Hiltons lawsuit and said, its unclear to (Harrison) what could now be causing misfires in the upgraded guns., Scott then asked Harrison if he believes the P320 should be removed from the marketplace. To me it was unreal, $600 to ask a question about WOK and a picture. One, the energy necessary to lift the striker-securing safety plunger may be insufficient due to a too-weak spring, or a too-light plunger, or some other design flaw, to reliably engage the plunger where it belongs. Theyre cheering for a noose around their own precious Glocks throat. For instance theres Lieutenant Thomas Ahern who was was performing a routine function (test) of his P320 when it fired at him without any force towards the trigger, resulting in the bullet impacting his left thigh.. 3. ABC ran their story on the P320 twice, but with some significant differences between the two reports. When he put his hand on the grip, the weapon fired, according to the lawsuit. Dont quote the four rules of safety in your article when all the hotness in the gun world is appendix carry pointing something at an extremity and the photos you use showing front slide serrationsputting your hands fingers near the business end of the barrel, because press checks from the front is the way all the cool operator guys do it. TAMPA, Fla., July 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- A 30-year veteran law enforcement officer with the Tampa Police Department (TPD) today filed a lawsuit against Sig Sauer, Inc., the maker of his. Canadas highly-trained counterterrorism force, JTF-2, is the only military unit with the SIG P320 in its inventory right now. If the gangster greed monger criminal Capitalvanians in the gun industry had their products under the jurisdiction of the consumer safety administration all the newer striker fired guns would never have been allowed on the market unless they had manual safeties and a safe take down system. Sig P320 discharge while holstered. After all, there are limits on complying with Rule 2 and even Rule 3, because a gun muzzle is ALWAYS covering something, somewhere, and ALWAYS knowing what lies beyondperhaps FAR beyonda possible target is an impossibility. Slowly people are realizing they arent the only ones having issues. Wont last!. My trust for Sig stopped after they produced the beloved Sig556xi Russian. Sig Sauer P320: The US Army Loves This Gun (But There Is a Problem) At the risk of sounding superstitious lets review Sigs latest turd pistol. If it was so bad, why did the US Marines, who had the Glock, drop it in favor of the carry sized P320, the M18? In fact, I dont own ANY striker fired polymer pistol. 1:07. They habitually use their customers as the product testers by selling what are essentially prototypes while quietly implementing rolling revisions. As to prong 2, there is a considerable difference between the mechanism of a 320 and, say, ones basic Glock, in that a 320 is fully cocked, whereas a Glock is half-cocked until the trigger is fully depressed, with the striker remaining locked by the striker safety plunger until that is released by a cam on the trigger bar. ), and the gun fell out of his pocket. Now when you lose your grip on lawn mowers or snow blowers they will not keep travelling foreword all by themselves. Anyway around here they do. Ditto; that's what i was getting at earlier Bear007 Custom Aug 25, 2021 #18 Theres just too much other paraphernalia bouncing around in there. The new guy sucks. But then Im not a federal LE flunky who cant keep my booger hook off the bang switch, either. He would have been booted after the first time, but being a cop comes with some special privileges. in 2021," Bagnell said of the overall scope of the concern . It isnt the beginner woodworker who loses fingers. U.S. lawsuits The claim basically boils down to the notion that in normal, unconcerning operation, a foreign body entered the striker body. Does the P365 have a similar reputation for spontaneous - SIG Talk There was no holster involved. Another p320 "accidental discharge" - The Armory Life Forum Once word of that got out there was an avalanche of sexual harassment lawsuits against Fox news. Got a 40 SW P320 SC on my hip now, got one in 9mm within reach, so far neither has decided to trip the sear without my help. I think in the end even if there is no mechanical defect (dont hold your breath) it will be found that the Sig is causing accidental discharges for the same reason the Glock does, because if you snag the trigger on the Sig model that does not have a manual safety (some do) the gun will accidentally fire. The suit mirrors lawsuits filed across the country involving the semi-automatic gun known as the P320. Not just police in US had issues with sig p320. Thread starter ut755ln; Start date Oct 19, 2022; Forums. Fact is most SF carry what they want and the Marine Recon I know very well who has friends in that community told me many in the Navy NSW program still carry the Mk 25, they don want a striker fired pistol that can hydrolock in water. Detective Brittney Hilton sues Sig Sauer after she says holstered P320 It nicely describes what has to happen in a striker-fired P320 for an un-commanded discharge to happen as the plaintiffs have claimed. They function as commanded every time. If you can make the trigger move backwards, all bets are off. Not sure why it wont let me reply to you, but Ill reply to myself in the hope youll get it. At least the Gorilla is still evolving while the Far Right proved to be an evolutionary dead end, one of natures mistakes. ABCs own hired consultant, who appears to have no dog in these fights, asserted that he could find no reasonable explanation for these claims and that he considers the upgraded P320 pistols safe for sale to law enforcement and the public. Bagnell said he thinks the discharges are due to both design and manufacturing flaws on SIGs part. They have hundreds of thousands of P320s in regular service now and, despite a search, we couldnt find a rash of reports of soldiers claiming their pistols are firing on their own. (unless theyre SWAT or something). If it were the guns, there would be thousands of cases involving citizensbut there arent. It provides another example of how the gun free zone purportedly keeps people safe by not only keeping guns away, but by requiring more discharges nearby. He said hes a gun owner and a concealed carry permit holder. Sometimes you dont get what you pay for but now SIG has bragging rights. Just 3 days ago, a Florida Corrections recruit killed herself by a negligent discharge during firearms training. Thats just myopic brand lust on parade. Pistol misfire that injured soldier was an unpredictable accident - CBC Sounds like these officers and others are attempting to cover their posteriors. Ever since the internet went mainstream I have read about the Sigs decline. Ron, Because its flat out bull**it. Miraculously, no one was hit by the bullet, which ricocheted around inside the vehicle.

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sig p320 accidental discharge 2021