I would sneak one or two every once in a while. Really, we would all buy them if they would just bring them back, I would love one right now!!! I remember Ideal Bars as a kid,and really disappointed that they discontinued them.NABISCO WAKE UP, PEOPLE WANT THEM BACK.Little Debbie would be close with their version if they used dark chocolateBut Ideal is no.1 in my opinion. I CAN REMEMBER WHEN OCTOBER CAME AROUND WE STARTED LOOKING IN THE GROCERY FOR IDEAL COOKIES. Lets all write or e-mail Nabisco. Go figure! Nabisco also used to sell assortment packages that are no longer produced. If Nabisco R & D folks actually took the time to read these comments, they just might realize they could make a product that would put the "Peanut Butter" cup in the trash forever. As a milk chocolate/peanut butter junkie, these were simply the best! I love the peanut butter filled pretzels at Trader Joe's, so I may just have to try it. The history of Oreos is pretty dark. It wasn't my fault, I bought them all the time. close but not exact. They were wonderful. We would stock up on them when we knew snowstorms were approaching. Why Nabisco did away with them, I'll NEVER know!!!!! I asked the Vermont Country Store to get them going again, I have not seen them in their catalog yet. PLEASE BRING THEM BACK, NABISCO! But I can't make that happen by myself. The critical part was having enough peanut butter vs. the cookie and coconut part. I loved these Ideal Peanut Butter Bars tooooo much! Little Debbie has Peanut Butter Crunch Bars that are very very close to the Ideal Bars. I would love it if the Ideal bars would come back. Mike Mozart, Flickr // CC BY 2.0. Through the years I told so many people that my ALL TIME FAVORITE STORE BOUGHT COOKIE was Nabisco's Ideal cookies. You know how they sometimes can find the recipes to old stuff and remake they do it. I grew up in the midwest and I beleive Karen is correct above that the Ideal was only available in the fall and winter. These cookies popped into my head the other night, it's unfortunate that they are not made anymore. "Correction" I called this Cookie a candy bar in my rush..my apologies. I have been craving them for years. They were almost like a candy bar. I cannot believe that I found this site. I Goggled this cookie to see if anyone else remembered this sweet treat and boy was I surprised!! Well I'm glad I'm not crazy!!! The first is the IDEAL Peanut Butter Bars. The most popular cookie ever growing up as a kid. Nabisco we NEED these cookies! Ideal Cookies were the BEST!!! Nabiso failed when they discontinued this winner. I think I made a request for Vermont Country Store to find them but never heard anything. My friends and I have been trying to figure out what it was called! Let me know! Little Debbie makes a larger bar that are okay, but not from the same pure chocolate or peanut butter. When I was a kid I used to be a pretty good actor. I cannot believe the number of people who remember these cookies! Yes, please bring the Ideal Peanut Butter Bars back along with the Hey Deys, the crispy chocolate carmel bar. Thanks, Mark. You'd make a bundle on themhealth-kick or not, people loved theseand you don't break what's not broken. PLEASE bring them back!!! Nabisco, the maker of Oreo cookies and other treats, said its NJ plant's approximate 600 workers have either retired, transferred or were looking for other jobs. I loved those cookies. I still have dreams about these cookiesonce came home for lunch from school and mom had gone to a meeting. PLEASE MAKE THEM AGAIN. Please, Please, meet public demand and produce them again. The best part towards the end of them being around, we had to special order them, and then hope to get them before someone else snapped them up. I loved them. Then, I'd eat the ends of each bar first. Miss them so much. I remember my mom buying these and trying to hide them from my sister and me, but we could find them anywhere! I have the happiest memories of eating alot of these cookies!!!! PLEASE Nabisco!!!! Bring them back. Why they ever stopped making them I will never know. Are there any other theories out there? Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you. She said they were expensive so we couldn't always get them, but I always tried. He was amazed that I knew what he was asking. Invite your friends to do the same. i loved the ideal bars, tagalongs are good, also little debbie has a good one, peanut butter bars almost the exact of the ideal bar, i always wipe that one off the shelf, bring back the ideal bar nabisco. OK Nabisco, you have had your fun - BRING THE COOKING BACK!!!! I am so excited to find so many other Ideal-a-holics! I thought I was the only one who missed these cookies. An eye-opening journey through the history, culture, and places of the culinary world. My sister, my best friend (who passed away at the age of 39)introduced the Ideal cookie to me. They're calling to me now! The real reason they stopped making these cookies is because they used "real" chocolate and it became very expensive over time. I would love to see and taste the Ideal cookies again!!! No other cookie compares! When I first saw Little Debbie's version I couldn't believe it. Anyway, Glad to see I'm not alone. I remember the package being a single layer of chocolate dipped peanut butter bars, maybe about a dozen lined up back to back. I miss them too. mmmmMMMMmmmmmMMMMMM!!!!! All rights reserved. We need to all call Nabisco! Have tea in a cemetery with a dazzling view of Istanbul. It was the best store bought. I would bite off one end and submerge it in a glass of ice cold milk, it would absorb the milk and the center would be soft encased in the crunchy chocolate. Have missed my favorite cookie for years. I must say that I am rather in accord with the previous statement by Tom. WOW! Grew up in the Detroit area . It was a special treat when we were growing up, and, between me, my 5 siblings, and my mom, they didn't last an hour. One of them worked in the bakery division. Dark chocolate over crunchy peanut butter, I can almost taste them. - Bring them back, you knuckle-heads! We ate alot of Ideal cookies back in the day. Theses cookies were the best and I still look for them. Get them home intact, if possible, refrigerate or freeze, get a glass of ice cold milk, or fresh brewed tea, and eat, a little touch of Heaven! I think the chocolate was dark if I remember correctly. How can something SO Good, SO Popular, So Beloved, disappear without a trace, a sequel, a follow-up, or especially, an apology?! I dream of these cookies. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. IT IS A SHAME THAT NABISCO WILL NOT MAKE THE COOKIES AND SELL THEM ONLINEHINT HINT NABISCO. Oreo boycott (also known as the Nabisco boycott and Mondelez boycott) is a boycott of the Oreo cookie and other Nabisco-manufactured products, including Chips Ahoy! Anyone know the name of the shortbread or sugar cookie with a hersey-kiss type chocolate drop on top? Since were so loved there is no doubt they would be a best seller. I remember my mom used to buy the Ideal Bar or I think it was called the whirl. The package was orange and brown, but I guess it could have been clear revealing the chocolate. Down a pint of ale where the Bishop of Ely's servants slept in 1546. It was fun watching everyone scramble, grab, and nearly fight over who was going to get the Bisco's sugar wafers. There must be a warehouse stash somewhere with these. I actually e-mailed nabisco and asked where i could still buy them they sent me a letter stating they never sold cookies by that name. Anyway, these little growths were easy to bite off, and would lend a fairly pure chocolate experience, one that only hinted of the peanut butter explosion that loomed on the not-so-distant horizon. If they're not going to sell them any more can't they at least share the recipe??!!!! They were Amazing. If he were alive he'd want them back, too. NABISCO..PLEASE BRING THE IDEAL COOKIES BACK!!!! I contacted Nabisco one time they said they could find no record of them ever making such a cookie. They were awesome. Waiting to see how it reacts with milk compared to what I remember. Finally, I accepted that I'll never see them again, but I still reflexively look in the cookie aisle when I'm in the grocery store. Bring them back! Love them and really wish they would bring them back the SAME as the were! These were the best cookies ever and I would give my first born child to have one of these again. These cookies were highly addictive! I loved these when I was a little girl. My mother also tried her best to keep these wonderful cookies to herself and we made a game of finding where she had hidden them and sneak 1m or 2, but of course she always knew. They were amazing! I always figured they were available in some part of the country that I hadn't visited yet. Too bad Nabisco/Mondel. Give it a try or let someone else make them. Do anyone remember the cookie back in the 1970's shaped liked a little feet with pink icing on it. They'd have a hot stock on their hands if they did! You've almost got a cookie mob on your hands here and all we want is Ideal Cookie chocolate on ours!!! it worked for betty white on snl, maybe it would work for ideal bars! These cookies RULED! 1970's- When mom said us kids could pick one item during the family once a week trip to the grocery storewe always wanted IDEAL cookies. I am now 58 years old and have never found a cookie that comes close to the ideal peanut butter log. My dad used to ration them to me and my 3 siblings, otherwise we would eat them all in an hour! Please bring Ideal cookies back. There are few things I wouldn't do for those cookies. Never in the summer. They are the closest to the Ideal as anyone every going to get unless nabisco starts to make them again. They're the treats you probably always wanted your mom to buy -- old-school cookies, including both classics and long-forgotten brands. I snuck them down and proceded to eat every single one of them in that brown, orange, and see- through wrapper. I found this site this morning. Maybe we're all psychic and they're planning to re-release them in the near future! I remember them not being available in the summer months and assume this was because the chocolate would melt. I'll sign a petition too! Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. I thought I was the only one who did that - not anymore after reading these comments. He could not believe the Ideal bar interrogation. When I first got married I would buy them from the grocery store (back in 1982) and my husband and I would tag team these cookies until there was an empty package left in the cabinet. Well once upon a time my Mom bought these cookies and I faked being sick to stay home from school so I could find where she hid them. I can't stop checking. I would eat the top off and then eat the peanut butter inside and then the bottom. They will always pull a box out right before we were leaving. We all should go to the keebler web site and leave our coments there also. Timmy D PGH WE will prevail. Should they bring this back it would totally destroy the sales for all the other peanut butter cookies out there. I can still taste them and remember the orange and clear cellophane package. Why else would they not capitolize on the chocolate & peanut butter market in 30 yeas? Please contact them for bringing back Chocolate Ideal Peanut Bars!!! We have so many fancy specialty items available (specialty beers; wines; whiskeys; cheeses; music; tuna; ice cream (Ben & Jerry's); candy; etc.) my mother and I would share IDEAL cookies and talk. I'D SIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!! The combination of all the ingredients was GENIUS!!! They were best after being in the fridge. I don't know what is stopping them. These cookies are the best. Winner will be selected at random on 04/01/2023. I agree that they were the best store-bought cookies ever. Nabisco, please bring back my most favorite cookie of all times. my Daddy just passed away recently @ 86 so these memories are running rampant through my mind. I thought that maybe my memory was better than the cookie really was but evidently my memory served me well!!! My Father used to buy them and ration them to my brothers and I otherwise we would eat the whole package. They get all this old stuff that is hard to find, unfortunately I never heard anything from them. And it didnt help that that there was an existing Hydrox Chemical Company on the market, one that sold hydrogen peroxide and was caught up in a trademark lawsuit at the time over the use of the word hydroxa lawsuit that noted the term was used for coolers, for soda, even for brands of ice cream. They are as close to the Ideal cookie that I have ever found. They will SELL, SELL, SELL!!!! Would love to be able to buy again. The biscuit containers and the china scoop to retrieve the biscuits, are prized along with: wood crates carrying the N.B.C./National Biscuit Company label, and early metal tins, store . Best cookie ever !! I just wrote this letter to Nabisco: There is an army of us who would love to see you bring back your Ideal cookie bars that you discontinued perhaps some 30 years ago. I just got home from the store. But I have to askdid anyone else first peel the chocolate off with their teeth before launching into the cookie? I agree with everybody on this page. 1985 Nabisco Brands merges with R.J. Reynolds. And please don't pretend that apple cinnamon spice Newton is the . A current Facebook thread on the topic is full of tales about quests for the item. I loved them, too! Why is it that when you find something that really works for you, it's discontinued. I would eat them with bananas!! No purchase necessary. Over 70% of the cookie aisle from ALL cookie manufacturers is taken up by CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!!!! They were definitely one of the best cookies made!! I still hunt for them from time to time. When we wanted peanut butter and chocolate at my house when I was a kid in the '60s and '70s, these are what we ALWAYS got. i loved the ideal bars myself, little debbie has somthing simalar the peanut butter bar which is a close fascimile there of. Crazy.. When we'd visit Grandma and Grandpa, they'd open Ideal Bars after dinner, and we'd consume the whole package while watching TV. I've often remembered the ideal bar with fondness and wished I'd had one. My Mother would buy these and send them in our lunch boxes for dessert and they we super-delicious!!!! Visit a sweet shop selling one of the first candies ever made and sold in America. I'm going to the web site to put in a request. Yes!!! I still look for them at the store too! They were not made in the summer because they would melt. Considering how many gourmet cookies are sold now, it's hard to imagine there wouldn't be a market for these at a higher price. I don't know why the hoopleheads at Nabisco won't make these incredibly popular bars anymore. As 1 of 7 kids we would all wait til Mom got home from shopping to check out the bags and be sure she got them. Here's the Kraft customer service number: 877-535-5666 or you can email Nabisco: cis@nabisco.com Take a couple of minutes and make the request. Bring the discontinued cookies I've spoken so passionately for back as a "Classic" or "Vintage" brand. Here's the link everyone, tell them about it! I used to buy Ideal cookies when I lived in Wisconsin. Please, Nabisco, bring them back! Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. No luck, so we checked another, and another. With all these people clamoring for these cookies, I wonder why they ever stopped making them. What surprises me is they still make the Pinwheel which was the same line..even the same color package..kind of their higher end type cookie. It is more true than not, that if you gave Nabisco a goose that laid golden eggs, Nabisco would immediately slaughter that goose rather then pay to feed it. There are none like them. - Touche, old man! I loved these cookies. Years ago I contacted Nabisco about bringing them back but was told that would never happen. Yes, we loved the chocolate-peanut butter delights that melted deliciously on our fingers enough to sit through Lawrence Welk! they really left an impression on me. I am not the only one to miss them SO much:) I would buy these religiously if they were made again. Wow, I had no idea "THEY" were gone forever, I thought they were just lost. When Nabisco first started, the biscuit cookies and crackers were stored in large bins, or cracker barrels and sold at country grocery stores by the scoopful. I haven't seen them for years! They're EVEN BETTER than OREO cookies. Oreo Big Stuf was introduced in 1984 and was about 10 times the size of a traditional Oreo. Thanks to all for the enhancing my belief that the Ideal Chocolate Peanut Butter bar is the best store bought cookie ever made!! This news is very sad. An Ideal Bar was better than a Snickers or any candy bar, and it was a cookie!!! Please come back. I too am a lover of the Ideal Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars. Both Hydrox cookies and Oreos sport elaborate designs, creme centers, and a long history. Now I found Little Debbies has a larger bar named Crunch that taste like the Ideal cookies. ;-) THANKS. These were the best cookies ever. I was hoping someone who bakes would create the recipe and share it. My dad used to get at least to boxes of these one for himself and another for the kids. I aqree that with all the boring cookies out there and the market for gourmet cookies Nabisco couldn't find a way to market them or sell the recipie to a gourmet cookie company who could market them. Can't believe they aren't made any more. hoping..praying.to see the most wonderful cookie ever made! Bake at 375 degrees F for 10 minutes or until edges are brown. You have to keep them refrigerated because the chocolate will melt. That is absurd in a world where Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are one of Hershey's #1 sale items. Nabisco, are you listening? "You have to have the right. Sign up for our email, delivered twice a week. It is such a good memory of my grandma. We need to bring thse back. 1901 The name Nabisco is first used as part of a name for a sugar wafer. I want one so much! Lets try this. The Ideal bar was the best cookie they ever madeperiod. I would reach into the long, rectangular box; the bars would be cold to the touch, yet even at first contact my chubby hands would leave tell-tale fingerprints on the cookies I touched. Is it my distorted memory or were Ideal Peanut Butter Bars only available in the fall and winter? I am so glad I found this site. Along with that - bring back pudding pops! I am so dissapointed I can't get these for him. My Dad would buy multiple boxes, then hide at least one in his truck so that we kids couldn't eat them all. Contact Kraft/Nabisco and let them know that there are LOYAL Nabisco customers that want to BUY Ideal Bars! Oh so very good. I just got finished eating Reese's Sticks that I had gotten from the fridge and I thought of the Ideal cookies!! They were the best. I would love to get my hands on them again. I moved to Texas in the early 70's and couldn't find them anywhere. And that was the keythe slightly salty peanut butter. ideal cookies were the absolute best! Please bring them back. I was about 10 when they came into my life. OMG!My aunt worked for Nabisco for years and brought us samples,damaged,etc.I would kill for Ideal cookies in the orange box :)God Bless Katherine. 37. Thanks. Very rich & creamy: You needed a tall glass of ice cold milk to offset the decadence of this confection. Ideal Sandwich Cookies were among the "Best of Nabisco"! My Mom use to hide them too, If she didn't they'd be gone really quick. See answer (1) Best Answer Copy Nabisco says that when enough people request the cookies, they will bring them back. Very similar to my memory of the Ideal Peanut Butter bars but not made as well. But then I would probably gain 10 pounds! It's just barely enough for the 2 pie crusts I needed to make this morning, where it used to be plenty with leftovers. My dad and I reminisce about them, too. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. Please bring them back, Nabisco! I actually contacted them and they said if they heard from enough people they might consider bringing them back. They also said if enough people contact them,. Nabisco Ideal Bars were by far, the best cookie ever. The last time I remember seeing them in the store was in the mid/late 70's. I would love to see them make a comeback! To date the closest I've seen to this most stupendous but unavailable product is the peanut butter Twix. They are the B E S T Cookie and if Nabisco doesn't want to make them anymore, then someone needs to reintroduce them. I was hoping to put the Ideal Bar in my search engine and find them on line somewhere. And the name proved such a huge turnoff that Hydrox only had 4.2 percent of the sales of Oreo in 1998just $16 million compared to Oreos $374 million takeaway. I know they discontinued them years ago but I rfuse to give up hope. It's nice to see so many other people feel the same way I do. Go to this page and leave them a request to BRING BACK IDEAL COOKIE BARS!!! Alas, everything Good in life either disappears or changes. I want one now! Nothing compares. Every year for Christmas my parents would buy me a lot of them for my stocking. Nabisco Cookies. I miss the darn things too. My sister and I went to a family reunion out-of-state we stopped in to the store and she went around one way and I went around the other and we met in the middle of the aisle I said what are you looking for and she said ideal cookies and I said me too! The rest, as they say, is history. I agree I would pay $10 for ideals the only cookie i liked. If you can believe it (and it's true) I actually went through shock treatment using Ideal bars as a food I should not eat (a loose weight gimmick in the 70's which is still used for smoking). Check out McKee Bakery to find Peanut Butter Crunch Bars. Maybe if everyone emails Nabisco, they'll bring our favorite cookie back. PLEASE! I also would like to see them brought back. Then she'd say, "Now, Peter, you know that four is your limit." Taste most like the original Ideal than anything I've tried. I miss you Ideal cookies. Oreo, which the company . soooooooo are they coming back, i'm still needing them!!!!!! When you think of dark sandwich-like cookies with a creamy white center, you probably think of Oreos, in part because Nabisco is so good at marketing. Just emailed NabiscoWe NEED to let the world know about the Ideal bar. I agree with all of you, BEST COOKIE EVER!!!! I USED TO GET THE IDEAL COOKIES FROM MY PARENTS AS A GIFT. I never got over losing the Ideal Bars. My mother would stop me though. To the lady who stated that little debbie bars tasted like the ideal bars, must not ever had the real Nabisco Ideal bars. Thank you all! They are close, but the pretzel tast overwhelms the peanut and chocolate to the point where it looses the "Ideal" taste. Nothing can compare , more like a candy bar . They used to be on the shelf next to the pinwheels, Why Nabisco still makes pinwheels and not ideal bars us beyond me. I contacted them and received a very narrow minded canned response that they don't bring back discontinued products. It was on the very top shelf. Would happily pay more for ideal bars than for any other cookie. How sad. I miss these cookies too! Growing up in the 60s/70s there were often two packages in the house: One for my two sisters & me, and one for Dad! Like some of you my mom would have to hide them. She spread smooth peanut butter between two ritz crackers. Nothing on the market today even compares. The cookie part is chocolate and is a little too grainy, compared to Ideal. Nabisco reportedly discontinued the cookies because they often broke in the packaging and were too expensive to produce. I think it must be at least 25 years since they were available. I JUST CAME FROM THE STORE AND STILL LOOK IN THE COOKIE ISLE JUST HOPING NABISCO WOULD BRING THEM BACK. The best ever cookie. I have tried to substitute the Little Debbies, but they are not a match. Keebler makes a Pretzel bite that is as close as it gets, but still not Ideal!!!!!! I'd bite a little hole into each end, then suck milk up into it like it was a straw. I truly miss these cookies, they are by far the BEST cookie I ever had. They are amazing! I moved from Cali to Texas in 1980, Texas didn't have anybummer. It just as well that they don't bring back because I think I would overdose on them or balloon to 400 lbs! WILL YOU PLEASE BRING THEM BACK IF EVEN FOR A SHORT TIME (possibly like the recent "Pepsi Throwback" offering Pepsi did with their original sugar recipe/formula), BUT THEY MUST BE ORIGINAL RECIPE - PLEEEEEESE???!!!!!!!!!!! I would gladly pay $10-15.00 for a box. Funny thing, as it was, the woman I spoke with said that those were her favorite cookies also. It seems like we ought to be able to recreate a recipe - anyone? This was a big deal for him since he never packed his own lunch. I don't ever remember having them but it sounds like they were very tasty. Can't believe they're gone for good My sister and I were trying to explain this cookie to my youngest daughter today. The post accurately reports that Nabisco parent company Mondelz International is closing two U.S. cookie plants; however, it inaccurately claims jobs will be shipped to Mexico and the decision . Come on you guys bring them back. The tough part comes when we have to share the news that the product you're trying to find has been discontinued. The reason the taste of those cookies is still memorable to so many people is simplethe high salt content of the peanut butter and the quality of the dark chocolate they used was a terrific combination. I'm so glad that there are others out there.I still can taste them in my dreams! The name, they thought, would be reminiscent of the sunlight that glimmered through its factories, in addition to speaking to a basic purity of product. Also, consider licensing someone to make these cookies under your aegis. I seem to remember the stores being out of them during the hot months, then one day they would appear on the shelf and for the next few months I couldnt get enough of them. They were his favorite and he used to dole them out like they were going extinctoh, they did!!!!!! My favorite way to eat them was to first fill a double old-fashioned glass with ice-cold milk. Every once in a while my brother & I will talk about them. Finally I googled and found this site. I recall that from late 60's to late 70's my mom would buy the cheap "kiddie" cookies for us, and Ideal Peanut Butter Bars for herself, which she would keep in the fridge.

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why did nabisco stop making ideal cookies? No Responses

why did nabisco stop making ideal cookies?