. Clyde: I agree, that was a good show, >passes stick to Simon< now it's your turn, favorite super hero and why? Lincoln: >angered, to Simon< Well I won't play with you if you change your mind. "Thanks," said James, "never leave home without 'em!". FANFIC: No Such Luck The TRUE Sequel - DeviantArt The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Loud Lost Memory View source My twenty-first fanfic. After grabbing all his things and putting on his protective gear, Lincoln got back on his bike and rode to Piperville, but not before going to the bathroom in a nearby outhouse. (Both Luna and Lincoln agree that they will have to venture to the mall tomorrow due to how much of a bad they they are having due to Lincoln and Simon's argument and Luna and Sam's breakup, Lincoln went to his room and played on his Gameboy to play Pokmon Red, Luna continues to sob in her bed as she and Sam aren't talking to each other anymore, they eventually went to bed and settled down for a night's nap, then the next day at the Royal Woods Mall to go tot he Fro-Yo place to get from Fro-Yo which is on Ms. Carmichael's tab, they walked up to the counter and looked at the menu). Clyde: I'm so sorry to hear that, say would you like to-- Lincoln: >to Ronnie Anne, interrupts Clyde< Have a tour of our school before the bell rings? loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory "I brought you some pizza in case you got hungry," said Rita. The other girls as well as Bobby and Ronnie Anne quickly forgave Lori and started calling her their big sister again, but Lincoln just stared coldly at Lori. "Would you like to explain this," asked Lori. "Hey, what's all the crying about," asked Lynn Sr. as he came home from the grocery store. Remake of the 1992 film adaptation of Tom and Jerry, titled "Tom and. "I came to pick Lana and Luna up to see thatRock Dog movie I heard about," explained Albert. But when Lynn pulled off the blanket, what she saw wasn't Lincoln at all. Read to find out. (The two boys starting fighting again and they both form a fight cloud, the fight cloud than forms into a tornado like structure now called a "fight-nado", the fight-nado then goes into the cow pasture and sheep pasture smashing the fence, then it creates a hole into the barn and then it smashes a fence into the pig pen and scares off the pigs, then the fight-nado gets bigger as it goes to the strawfields, Liam now riding Ellie Mae grabs his lasso and wrangles both of the boys and stop the fight-nado, it then cuts to both of the boys and Luna and Sam as they left Liam's farm, both of the girls scolded their respected brothers). The Loud House: Enough Is Enough - Geoshea's Lost Episodes Wiki I forgot which sibling though. Sam: >stops Lincoln and Simon< Guys, guys, stop arguing. Instantly Sweet. Simon: Well I think you guys should lay off the chocolate for a while! ", "Exactly," said Lori, "I do have something wrong with me. Simon: >to Lincoln< YES IT IS, ADMIT IT, YOU DON'T HAVE A BETTER OPINION THAN MINE! Lincoln: ButScooby Doo is one of the greatest cartoon characters of all time. ", "Oh man," said Lincoln, "we better get down!". Time. However, Lori wasn't as excited as the rest of her sisters and her parents were and went back to her room. Simon: I thought that Luna had sisters and no brothers. Sorry to break it to you, but Playstation is such a bland console, if you don't have a cooler console like Xbox, you are out of the leagues, that's my verdict. Luna: Guys, why don't you play a game together. "Hey, lil bro," said Lynn, "up and at 'em!". "As if she'll become a whole lot nicer to me and let me be in her room more," said Lincoln. Simon: Sorry Lincoln but Ace Savvy is a good Superhero, but I wouldn't say he's the greatest superhero ever, that honor belongs to my favorite superhero >shows comic< "Scorpion", she's one of the greatest super heroines out there. Lori looked and saw Pop-Pop Albert on the porch. Liam: that's okay, we'll pretend we didn't see that. Ongoing Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my room. Lincoln: I wouldn't think about that if I were you, having a brother is worse than a sister. ", "Well, at least not by yourself," said Lynn Sr., "next time you go running away like that, take us with you, huh? "Don't worry, Lincoln," said Lana, "your secret is safe with me.". (They both looked at each other and blushed, it then cuts to Simon and Lincoln as they both seen their sisters talking to each other calmly). (The girls closed the door to Lincoln's bedroom and they pretended to go to Luna's room by stomping on one foot and lightly stepping until it was quiet so they can eavesdrop, in Lincoln's room, Lincoln was showing Simon his Ace Savvy comics). THAT'S TAKING ITWAYTOO FAR! ", "My dad taught me," said Fred, "he has been since I was Lincoln's age. Liam: So, you two haven't been getting along huh? #loud Lincoln: My mom is a dentist, don't doubt me. Lola: >to Simon< Normally she doesn't play by the rules, but in the case, I'm glad she's decided to help me out with the cooking and baking. (The boys then grabbed their snacks and tasted them, they drank the tea sets, and ate the Cookies and Muffins, but not all at the same time, Luna and Sam were waiting for the results). "Oh, what the heck," cried Luna, "I guess big girls docry after all! 1,245 1.2K. ", "Yeah," said Mark, "the best in the Northeast!". Of course, while I don't know what Lincoln's favorite kind of cake is, I imagined it could be white cake. Loud in a surprised tone, "what's going on? The entire family gasped and looked at Lana with shocked expressions. Sam: >to Luna< And that also includes our relationship too, don't forget it. Simon: >to Lincoln, confused< What do you mean? Leni says that the games are on her as well. 59.1K 548 33. Liam: Good, now get to work, we got a long day ahead of us. "Lori: "Do you like anything else?? Simon: Just admit it, you know nothing about what I think, I have better tastes than you, Scooby Doo is old, Chocolate is bland, Playstation is horrible, Ace Savvy is stupid, farming is dull, and your sister Luna, she may be a good friend to me and Sam, but she and Sam don't deserve each other if you can't just agree with me. "Well, that was plain mean," said Mark, "I wouldneverdo that tomykid brother! "What do you want," asked Lincoln. (It then cuts to Liam's farm where Liam is teaching Lincoln and Simon about working together and respecting opinions). With that, Lana walked downstairs, leaving Lincoln alone to cry in bed. (The boys started getting into a fight cloud, then the storm out of the room while Sam and Luna completely dodged their fight cloud and eventually the twins, Lisa and Lily witnessed the whole fight, the fight cloud goes back downstairs and then Luna and Sam grabbed both of the boys and kept them away from each other). Luna: Great, I'm watching "School of Rock" on my laptop. Sam: >to Lincoln and Simon< Consider this you're first strike, two more and we will never come back here again. I really didn't mean it, honest. Maybe you could find something to watch together for a change. Lincoln: I really don't know who to choose as my favorite, I used to think of Lori before you know she started dating, then I turned to Leni and Luna >to audience< which some people think I'm more closer too because of how nice they were to me >to Simon<, but now, I love all of my sisters in general, except of course Luan when it comes to April fools day. "YOU'RE THE WORST BIG SISTER EVER," yelled Leni. Luna: Yeah bro, you and me are closer siblings, while you are also closer to both Lori and Leni, and I know you used to be closer too Lynn before she became more aggressive due to how much of a sports brat she is. The Loud House: The Lost Loud Brother [COMPLETE] - 5: School (Sam facepalms again as Simon was being sarcastic). Lincoln: Nothing is quite more fun than watching a cartoon that you and you're family loved so much. Simon: >angered, to Lincoln< Just admit it, you are wrong about Playstation and I am right about Xbox! (Lola kicks Simon and Lincoln out of their room, Luna and Sam walked out as well). Lincoln: >to Simon, annoyed< You can't say my opinions aren't bland, that's not fair! Luna: Yep, he's my little brother, and ironically he's the mid-child. Lana: The Cookies and Muffins should be done at any moment now. Lincoln: >annoyed< Well I could say the same to you! Lincoln: >to Luna< First of all, I'm the one should be sorry, I never should have disrespected Simon's opinions and I'm sorry for your breakup with Sam, and secondly, I forgive you. Lori then got a sheet of paper and a pen and proceeded to write a letter, then, after finding out Butch and Mark's address, wrote it down on the envelope and added "(P.S. "No," James said as he approached Lori, "Iknowyou had something to do with this. Simon: But our opinions matter too you know. Simon: >annoyed< What do you mean "never heard of her"? As he got to work on his bike, he heard a car pull up. New and Improved Loud House Fanfiction - 324 Entertainment Wiki ", "Geez," said Lincoln, "calm down. "Please don't ever do that gain," said Rita. ", "LORI," said Lynn Sr., "SHUT UP AND GO TO BED RIGHT NOW! Lincoln: >to Simon< So bud, you think maybe we could play some Crash 4 at your place? How's that sound?". Sam: Look Luna, we can still be a couple, but sometimes a relationship isn't going to last forever, but I would like for ours to--. Sam: And apparently, you guys don't even know how to respect each others opinion. Commentary is acceptable, The Story (It shows Lincoln and Leni are in the living room, looking at a scrapbook of their childhood memories) LINCOLN: There we are, Leni. !" My 39th fanfic, sequel to "No Such Luck". "Look out, Vermont," said Lincoln, "here I come!". Simon: Buti want a brother to play with, I never want to be involved in girly things. ", "AND ANOTHER THING," yelled Bobby, "WE'RE DONE!". "Don't worry, girls," said Lynn Sr., "I'm sure Lincolnwill be found eventually.". By. Guess he likes more than one thing.Luke: "Hmmm, I also enjoy music. We'll explain everything. Sincerely, Lincoln Loud.". Long Lost Loud, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Rita walked in, with a slice of pizza on a plate. #lincoln Sam: No matter what happens to us, even if there is a conflict between us. Sam: Please be good to us and don't fight!

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