susan flannery daughter. Your code should send only the first 100 characters if your description is longer than this. These are 3 letter codes that will notify Sage Pay of the currency for the transaction. You will need to check your code to ensure that you server doesn't send more than 200 characters each time. The Vendor or VendorName value is required. If a card StartDate value of 1509 was passed this would generate this error code. Also check to see if you have submitted the full VPSTxId, including the hyphens and curly brackets. Why is this sentence from The Great Gatsby grammatical? Original transaction was not a billing agreement. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are not sending more than 255 characters within this field. If you are providing a value which has more that 10 characters then you will receive this system message. You will need to ensure that your crypt string contains a Fully Qualified Domain name and page which will allow us to return the customer back to a visible Failure Page on your site once the transaction has been registered as unsuccessful. The TxType requested is not active on this account. e card issue number length must be one or two digits long and entered exactly as it is displayed on the customer's card. For more information please refer to the protocol guides. There is no issue with the payment process as this would have be caused by the customer clicking on the Cancel button on the payment page. If we receive a POST from any other server, you will see this error message. You cannot set the administrator password using vspaccess. A valid card number has not been supplied in the Card Number field. The CV2 code that has been entered is invalid and must consist of either three or four digits depending on the card type selected. Created on June 21, 2013 Problem: This payment method is not supported by our system I want to use a visa card, i put all information required, but when I try to use, this error displays: This payment method is not supported by our system .. 4. The Card Range not supported by the system. the card range not supported by the system - You will need to review your code and change the URL to only use a fully qualified URL which must be http:// or https:// and be accessible. Hi Viky. It is likely that you received this message when you were attempting to perform a related action to an original transaction (such as a REPEAT, RELEASE, VOID, REFUND etc.) Your transaction registration must contain a Description field which contains a brief (100 characters or less) description of the transaction being performed. The TxType field determines how the transaction will be processed by the Sage Pay system. Any current video adapter will meet this spec. The VPSProtocol value is outside the valid range. 3D accelerator card is not supported! - Technical Support - World of You will receive this system message if you have not provided us with a CardType field within your Direct transaction registration POST. The TxType field should always contain the type of transaction request that you are wishing to perform including values such as PAYMENT, DEFERRED, AUTHENTICATED, REFUND etc. Unable complete transaction due to resubmission of authorisation request by client. AVSCV2 rule not added. Invalid Amount field format. The Apply3DSecure field can only contain the following values: 0: Use the default setting on the Sage Pay System, 1: Force 3D-Secure checks and use appropriate rules 2: Force NO CHECKS for this transaction and always gain and authorisation 3: Force 3D-Secure checks but DO NOT apply rules and always gain an authorisation If any other characters or spaces are being passed or provided, then you will receive this error code and message. You will need to ensure that your code is sending the customer's cardholder address to where the card is registered in the BillingAddress field. You are attempting to POST data to a Sage Pay Service that does not exist or is not currenctly available. The value, if supplied, should contain either 0, 1, 2 or 3. Invalid command. You will need to check your code to confirm that you are sending numbers only and only the large numbers presented on the front of the card with no separator characters (such as spaces or hyphens). When you get this error message the card number and range cannot be validated as the card range is not on our platform and because of this is not supported and will not allow transactions to be processed. You will need to ensure that your crypt string contains a Fully Qualified Domain name and page which will allow us to return the customer back to a visible Failure Page on your site once the transaction has been registered as unsuccessful. You will need to check to see that the original transaction you are attempting to RELEASE or ABORT is a DEFERRED transaction. The PaymentSystem does not support direct refund. the card range not supported by the system. Discover why the boy has been trapped . Authentication credentials are missing or incorrect. as outlined in our Protocols. For example, if you send M, you must have a MOTO enabled Merchant Number registered with Sage Pay. Used sbupdate to generate unified UEFI kernel image and used efibootmgr to register the kernel image. You will need to check your code to ensure that you are not send more than this. 3. Difficulties with estimation of epsilon-delta limit proof, Replacing broken pins/legs on a DIP IC package. You will also be able to contact Sage Pay support and provide them with the card type, card-issuing bank and the first nine digits of the card. The CustomerName field can contain a maximum of 100 characters and you will need to check your code to ensure that you are not sending more than this. No further action needed. All VendorTxCodes must be unique. Any other values or characters will not be allowed and will result in this error message. No successful transaction found within this duration. If however the card being used for the transaction is not new the number is simply not supported on our system and another card will need to be used to complete the transaction. This should be one of the following: Barclays Merchant Services, NatWest Streamline, Lloyds TSB Cardnet, HSBC, American Express, Diners Club, Bank Of Scotland, JCB, Bank Of Ireland, Omnipay, Alliance and Leicester, PayPal, Allied Irish Bank or ChasePaymentTech. For example if your currency is GBP, the Amount field value can be sent as 123.45, 4567.89, 0.36, 12.30 but not as 123.456, 4,567.89, .36 or 12.3. You will need to ensure that your code is sending the correct transaction details. You will need to make sure that you are sending the correct values for example: 123.45 4567.89 0.34 12.30 but not the values 123.456 4,567.89 .34 12.3 Check your code to ensure you are formatting the Amount field correctly. In this case, you will need to use another card to make the purchase. The VendorName is invalid or the account is not active. The authorisation response was taking longer than expected and has therefore timed-out as a security measure. It will only ever be able to contain a maximum of 16 characters consisting of numbers and letters with no spaces or unusual characters. Unable to find the transaction for the supplied. SagePay/error-codes.tsv at master academe/SagePay GitHub ##### must be a numeric value with up to 2 decimal places. The certificate must have a valid user principal name (UPN). It would be good to implement the error codes such as: 4020 : Information received from an Invalid IP address 4009 : The Amount including surcharge is outside the allowed range. After each of the following steps, check to see if the issue is resolved: Ensure that your console has the latest system update installed. If you are providing a value which has more that 200 characters then you will receive this system message. Please check you code. All cards issued are part of a range - this is defined by the first 9 digits of the card number. The supplied is not available on any merchant accounts associated with this vendor account. This field can contain up to 10 characters. If you receive this system message, we would suggest that you refer to our system monitor page ( for more information. You will need to check your code to ensure you are submitting the correct VPSTxId relating to the original transaction. If you believe this account should not be closed we will be able to investigate this issue further immediately. When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Restart . The difference between the and value must be no greater than 50. Follow the steps to solve this issue . You will need to check your code to ensure that you are entering numeric values only and that no letters are being passed over. Please check the data you are posting through to Sage Pay and ensure that the Amount field is being passed. If you did not provide a vendor name, then it would have been supplied by Sage Pay. Please redirect your customer to the ACSURL, passing the MD. Please ensure that you are sending the correct value in the TxType field. A valid value is required,this must be value between 0 and 100000.00. The related transaction that you are trying to AUTHORISE is NOT and AUTHENTICATED transaction. You will need to send the long card number only which is situated on the front of the customers card. You must enter the post code to which the card being used is registered in the post code box provided on the payment page in order to continue. The Customer Name contains invalid characters. or element either not found, or present more than once. The Billing Surname contains invalid characters. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Unable to use card with Sage Pay - Monzo Community If any unacceptable characters are passed or the value is longer than it should be, you will receive this system message. vegan) just to try it, does this inconvenience the caterers and staff? You will need to ensure that your crypt string contains a Fully Qualified Domain name and page which will allow us to return the customer back to a visible Success Page on your site once the transaction has been successful. The MM and YY values should also be valid month and year numerics, for example the MM values should only ever be between 00 and 12 and the YY values should only ever be between 00 and 99. element either not found, or present more than once.

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the card range not supported by the system No Responses

the card range not supported by the system