She says she'd think about it, then leaves. Marcel pointed him in the direction of a witch named Lenore and had him take Gia with him. "what episode does aurora die in season 3" is a question that has been asked by many people. Marcel initially suggested Davina but after her actions with Mikael, Elijah didn't want Davina's help. Where To Watch Supercell For Free Online? Marcel is hosting a party and he isn't willing to give Elijah back just yet, as a show of his power and control. Selena Gomez! Eye color Marcel allows Klaus to compel him to forget Hope is alive in exchange for vials of Klaus' blood, more valuable than ever due to the werewolves having full access to their powers which includes their lethal bite. If you can sing like her, too, it's a plus. The Most Heart-Breaking Deaths In The Show! Klaus tells Marcel that the main reason for this whole taking over New Orleans was mainly the witches idea, he doesn't want his baby to have a father like he had. Does Davina die The Originals? - TimesMojo Having Klaus prisoner also allowed for Marcel to utilize his blood to cure any werewolf bites his men could suffer, as well just as a trophy. Status Audience Reviews for The Originals: Season 4 The Mikaelson family rallies once again to save Klaus from Marcel, but when an ancient evil called the Hollowraises and forms a mystical link with Klaus' daughter the Mikaelsons team up with Marcel and the leader of the New Orleans witches to defeat it. Freya tells her that Kol speaks the truth. He initially refuses to help Klaus to investigate sacrificed vampires in the Cauldron. Lucien Castle (Season 3, episode 20) The Originals 3x10 - Tristan gets trapped by Cami . When the Harvest goes wrong and Davina doesn't come back to life, he is devastated and blames it on Klaus saying that he had everything under control until he came to the New Orleans. When Aya objected his claim, challenging him to what the charter dubbed "a game of kings", where whoever held the charter at midnight would be named the new leader of The Strix. Hope quips that he's late and she's tired of not being surprised. If we are being fair here, I never did like the character of Jackson but that didn't mean I didn't feel bad for his death. He was trying to maintain order within the city, which meant dealing with the witches, who continued their pursuit of Davina after the Harvest ritual he and his army interrupted. Marcel's mother had chosen not to name him until she was sure he would survive the fever but ended up succumbing to it herself before she could choose a name for him. What Does Besties Mean On Snapchat? The story revolves around the vampire families and their tussle with the werewolves. Rebekah ended their relationship and continued her own pursuit to defeat Klaus. He reveals he had Josh lift the key Kieran had to protect Cami as people would come for it. He takes pride in who he is. Netflixs Awesome Adventure Drama Series!! Marcel was very moral, as he tried to stop another slave getting beaten which then resulted in Marcel getting shot by his own father. When Klaus realized how close Marcel was becoming to The Strix as their new leader, he questioned if Marcel had any other news about them that he wanted to share. Well, no! He returned home and continued living with the Mikaelsons; Klaus and his siblings Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol at their compound. The zealot soon overpowered Vincent but Marcel recovered in time to save his witch ally. You should be over the moon to share a sign with him. Marcel enjoys his vampiric life and likes living in the French Quarter, considering it to be a home to keep and fight for. "I'm immortal. #8 Hayley Marshall | Does Marcel Die In The Originals? Klaus walks in while Marcel and Thierry are trying to establish who might have done it. Francesca can take as many meetings as she wants and try to determine the fate of the wolves as if she's everyone's queen, but Hayley's betrothed is just going to tell her to stick it where the sun don't shine. They don't know what to do without her. Rebekah walks in and interrupts them. From that point on her death had happened slowly and tears easily poured from my eyes. Does Elijah and Kol die from Marcels bite? Klaus does nothing but Elijah exiles Marcel from the French Quarter threatening him to never return. At the beginning of the series, Marcel found himself at war with Klaus, who was trying to reclaim the French Quarter. At Lafayette Cemetery, Marcel is leaving Vincent, who he was meant to meet, a voicemail when Elijah arrives and begins to taunt Marcel. Kol swore he loved her and explained that he had tried to even have Davina dagger him to protect her but Marcel, determined not to lose Davina, yelled that they were in New Orleans and witches could sometimes be brought back, declaring that they were going to revive Davina. Marcel deeply grieved Davina's death and avoided ruling the French Quarter for some time. So she takes a knife and stabs herself in the neck. Marcel went to Davina who was working to try and figure out how to sever the sirelines, but also focused on bringing back Kol. A Gripping Adventure Thriller Film! Marcel let Alistair die, having proven his point, but grew nervous that the Mikaelsons had somehow survived his bite and were out there. Enjoy The Rom-Com Movie! As Klaus goes to meet Sophie, Jane-Anne's sister, she tells Klaus if she talks, she'll be killed like her sister. The two briefly discussed how an innocent person was once again collateral damage in the chaos that surrounded the Mikaelsons. Where is rousseau's from the originals? - In retaliation, Elijah attempts to kill Marcel despite the latter's smug personality, and Elijah decides to rip Thierry's heart out and let Marcel live with the guilt as punishment. Josh met him at the loft to tell him about an online auction for the last white oak bullet, something that The Strix hadn't noticed since they didn't pay as good of attention to modern things as Josh did. Marcel drove Stefan and Hayley to the Strix hideout before going inside and speaking with Aya, who was anxious to free thousands of vampires from the Originals. And Haylijah fans will be happy to hear that . So when that day does come, and Elijah does return to the fold, he's thrown back into a relationship that he's been absent from, a brother that's been captive and had God knows what done to him over the last half a decade, and a crumbling Mikaelson dynasty in New Orleans that he feels very compelled to rebuild," Plec teased. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Sabira, The magical fresh air of the Viebly, can bewitch you through her awesome writings on our site! The witches will absolutely scare the crap out of Hayley, Elijah, and Klaus, but ultimately, that baby will live. Where do I even start with this Mikaelson? Only the relief part is that Marcel is very much alive!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'viebly_com-leader-3','ezslot_13',636,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-viebly_com-leader-3-0'); The character of Kol Michaelson is no more in the show. Marcel then kills the wolf. In The Bloody Crown, Marcel reveals himself to the Mikaelsons as an Upgraded Original Vampire, shocking them all. In They All Asked For You, he helps Rebekah when she couldn't use magic against the Trem Coven. Nobody is safe on The Originals if they're not a member of the Mikaelson family, as we saw in the penultimate . Marcel tells him to enjoy his kingdom. He asks the daywalker where Marcel is. He plans on keeping Klaus in there for 52 years. He continued that he fought for Hope, kept Hayley breathing, and even kept white oak from piercing their hearts. Where Was Dive Club Filmed? I honestly thought he was down for good but a Mikaelson is never down for the count, right? He likes that she is not a part of the supernatural world. get the Das Orakel Die Enthullung Der Jubeljahr Geheimnis associate that we give here and check out the link. She left without even looking for him. Rebekah agrees with Tyler and doesn't want the baby to be born. Also, he tells Marcel that Klaus has to have a inside man. How did Lucien become a vampire? Shen taunted Marcel, telling him he had suspected Marcel would be a turncoat. He found Aya freeing Tristan and convinced them to leave and the he healed a wounded Freya, showing her that he hadn't actually used the curse stake on Elijah but instead used a regular one, telling her to remind him who his real friends were and proving he was still loyal to the Mikaelsons. Black I could be totally wrong here but I have a feeling that Marcel's in for a rude awakening from his surrogate dad. It still does. When Vincent remained defensive and told Marcel to stay out of witch business, Marcel goaded him by asking if he was going to get another teenage girl to do his dirty work. Marcel tells him that he'll let him stay in HIS town, as long as he understands that Marcel is the King. They chain his arms and they all start ganging up on him. In Give 'Em Hell Kid, Marcel is still grieving Davina's death. 1810 (New Orleans, Age 25/216) After she chooses to give up her life, the Harvest fails and he is heartbroken and devastated for the loss of Davina. First seen To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Klaus makes a long speech as new king. Klaus and Marcel are on a bench talking about Camille. Vincent explained that the power he found was what drove Eva to be that monster and he was worried that power had returned. Rebekah tells him that if she finds out he knew about Elijah's disappearance, she would kill him herself. "Always and Forever is just an excuse to do whatever the hell you want." Not wanting to see Rebekah die, Marcel asked for Vincent's help in coming up with a plan. Rebekah makes a face, revealing that he's told a story to Hope. After the ritual, Marcel meets with Elijah in front of the Mikaelson Mansion, where Elijah asks him to compel him to forget his family. After Davina was recruited to be one of The Strix's witches, The Sisters, Marcel met with Josh who asked what they were going to do about The Strix now that Davina was working for them. As a result of this, Vincent turns his back on Marcel after a Strix member who survived seriously harmed Will Kinney. Marcel met Klaus in the 1800's in New Orleans, after being whipped and beaten on the side of the road, Klaus took him in, named and raised him as his son. This article has been identified as an article that, The Vampire Diaries Season Four Characters, Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found,, 'The Vampire Diaries' Creators Break Down Season 4 | EWs BINGE | Entertainment Weekly. Klaus is stabbing Marcel to drain him of his blood. They learned more about the auction and Marcel used The Strix's extensive resources and their pledge to fulfill any one command to win the auction. During the five-year truce guaranteed by Marcel and Vincent, Josh began working at Rousseau's. Which cemetery is used in the originals? Marcel went to the Cauldron and addressed the witches, acknowledging that they had five years of peace but now their witch problems were becoming him. In Wild at Heart, Marcel attended a dinner Aya hosted with some of The Strix inner circle. They are interrupted by Papa Tunde who attacks Marcel. In Sinners and Saints, it was revealed that Marcel's cruelty was only to protect Davina, who was supposed to be used in a blood sacrifice so the witches in the French Quarter could keep their powers. Marcel is unfazed by Klaus' threats and coldly tells him he can either use it on him or go back to his stupid party but he starts to get concerned when Klaus gleefully threatens to kill his friends. The Hollow tried to influence them, hoping to use them as an anchor to act more directly in the living world. Determined Cami tells him she has a plan. In The Big Uneasy, Marcel and Thierry proceed with their plans despite failing to recruit Diego. She doesn't like that and he asks her for a favor. If you think I'm wrong, then you're probably a Taurus (did I do that right?). Marcel told her to keep Rebekah there while he stopped her siblings from freeing Klaus. She threatened to dagger him with the same cursed stake that had hexed her, but Sofya shot her in the back with arrows. Marcel and Cami almost share a kiss when Diego interrupts to tell him about what happened with Thierry. He asked Marcel to be the thing the Mikaelsons feared most and to drive them out of the city as he had done once before. Davina is Marcel's favorite witch. So he can compel him. Because of his rule on kids, Marcel agrees to help. He has him hidden in Davina's attic. Marcel assured him that The Strix were thinning out, and it would be back to their usual business but two Strix members arrived with news that their society wasn't leaving yet since three of their upper level members were missing. In fact, Marcel has so far been seen to actually permanently kill someone only five times: One was with Jane-Anne, and the other was with Bastianna. At some point, Marcel decided that Klaus had suffered enough and released him from the torment of Papa Tunde's Blade, showing mercy which he claimed Klaus asked for. Marcel and Klaus are still in Klaus' new study, chatting about the "humans" while Klaus looks at the picture of he and Marcel from back in the day that Cami found. Joe Dalton (1918)Soldiers of The Brotherhood of the Damned (1918)Thierry Vanchure (1940s)Max Diego Many other vampires Gia (2012) Mortalhorcrux - Bookmarks | Archive of Our Own Thierry joins Marcel to retake the city. (Even if Davina will obviously bring Marcel back right away.) Played by In Dance Back from the Grave, Marcel is still angered by Davina's sacrifice and failed resurrection. If she comes back with him, he'll give her ten points. Marcel was visibly nervous about the results, especially after Aya easily struck down a Strix member who was shown to have nefarious intentions. Rebekah warns him to remember how Klaus truly is. Klaus flashes over to one of Marcel's many vampires and bites him in the neck. Josh died in season 5 episode 10.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'viebly_com-leader-4','ezslot_14',637,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-viebly_com-leader-4-0'); One of the saddest deaths in the season finale of the series was indeed the death of Elijah Mikaelson. Marcel had began his plan to reclaim the French Quarter with Thierry, Diego, and many other vampires by his side leading to an all out war: Marcel's Army vs. Klaus, Elijah and the Crescent Wolf Pack. Indebted, Marcel thanks him. He is then confronted by Hayley for bombing her pack which he denies. In the fourth episode, Marcel faces Aya's mentor Mohinder, who is likely older than her and thus at the very least nine hundred plus years. Marcel Gerard Marcel was also able to pull out Papa Tunde's Blade before it had the chance to burrow into his chest, while the other Originals stabbed by it were usually paralyzed and unable to stop it from entering their chest.

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