London's Metro Police Media and Communications Manager Chris Humphreys told Newsweek the police force had nothing to add to their previous statement. Thevideo shows her out cold, surrounded by alarmed friends. Therefore, their violence is a kind of justified resistance, at least in its aims if not its methods. Not only does it believe it can negotiate with the genocidal Jew-haters of Iran. Christian evangelist Hatun Tash was stabbed today at Speakers' Corner in London. This appears to be run solely by her and her dog; it isnt a limited company or a charity, raising funds as do countless individuals nowadays by on-line donations, and while your website might be powered by WordPress, hers is Proudly powered by God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The . In total, she estimates she has converted easily over a 1,000 Muslims since 2013. 'If that's what happens the attacker wins. The CLC previously filed a pre-action letter on July 5 with the London Metropolitan Police seeking damages on Tash's behalf for assault, false arrest, false imprisonment and harassment as a result of repeated failures to protect her. option selection above at the current full price on the date of each renewal, until you cancel. View our online Press Pack. Yet the British media have reported last weekends knife attack on her in a low-key way, with few details other than to note that she was wearing a Charlie Hebdo T-shirt. A distressing recording of the incident at 3.34pm was posted on YouTube showing an unknown person dressed in a black hoodie attacking Ms Tash, then running away. She studied at the Oxford Centre For Christian Apologetics and went on to found her own organisation:Defend Christ Critique Islam. She left her previous house last autumn when the police showed up to deliver an Osman warning. Having said that, she was extremely lucky, because if it hadnt been raining, if her assailant had put more thought into the attack, or if he hadnt feared the consequences and run off, we could be looking at a murder here. "My attacker was not even afraid of the police, as he did it right in front of them," Tash said. Not content with attacking Islam for the usual reasons Christian apologists do, Hatun has adduced physical evidence that Islam is wrong. The second incident was less than three weeks later on May 23 and this time saw Ms Tash arrested for a breach of the peace. Mark Duell for MailOnline, Charlie Hebdo T-shirt-wearing woman is STABBED at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park in attack caught on video as police hunt man dressed all in black who fled the scene, Two teenagers, 14, are found guilty of murdering 13-year-old boy who was 'lured' to a park and fatally stabbed. Please, The UK now has a large Islamic population, including many white converts, and since the 9/11 atrocities it has seen its own Islamist terror attacks, the worst by far being. Hatun Tash has been the victim of yet another assault by Muslims. 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' Review. I also want to highlight the neglect of the police who are responsible for neglecting Hatuns safety and turning a blind eye to the threats she has received. She will return to Speakers' Corner. Hatun has spoken at Speaker's-Corner many times, Shakeel. 'The footage clearly shows an attempt to kill, or at least seriously harm, a Christian woman in broad daylight in front of the police. Miraculously, her injuries were not life threatening.If you're the praying type, i ask that you offer a prayer for this brave soldier in Christ. This psychotic belief drove Osama bin Laden in the 1990s and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj-Amin al Husseini, in the 1930s. She collapsed with blood running down her face after being stabbed at the weekend. When you place your order, your Church Militant Premium membership will be activated. I would ask people not to speculate on the motive for the attack until we have established the full facts.. Will you do the same? Hatun has been slapped, punched and knocked to the ground by Islamic men at Speakers' Corner since June 2020. The man filming the clip says: What did I just witness, oh my God.. Hatun and her organisation are regular attendees at speakers corner and specifically go there to offend and antagonize Muslims. On 25 July 2021, she was attacked and stabbed there for her Christian preaching. Ms Tash added: "I cant believe this has happened in broad daylight at Speakers Corner. Her bandaged right hand and scarred forehead are the only visible clues of her near escape. Submit news to our tip line, Worst Marvel Movie Ever? The preacher added that it is 'not about the blood on my hands' and continued: 'It is unacceptable that you are running away from Jesus Christ.'. Hatun certainly falls into that category; on Sunday she was wearing aCharlie Hebdoshirt; she might consider trading that in for a stab vest. The gunmen said they were taking revenge for the magazine's publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed that many Muslims find offensive. Her Charlie Hebdo T-shirt had a cartoon showing a man kissing a cartoonist with the slogan 'L'amour plus fort que la haine' (love is stronger than hate). ", "Police have still not caught the attacker despite it happening in front of the police in one of the most [surveilled] areas of London. When Smith returned to the United States in 2017, Hatun began a new ministry, DCCI (Defend Christ, Critique Islam). Yet this sustained and savage onslaught upon Christians has received virtually no media coverage in the West at all. The threats and attacks are intended to shut down any critique of Islam. It has also decided to free from jail Abdul Latif Nasir, the Al-Qaeda commander who helped the Taliban blow up the statues of Buddha in Afghanistan in 2001. She has been at the center of exposing holes in the narrativeof the Islamic faith, including the existence of over 26 versions of the Koran," Steve observed. The letter seeks damages on Tash's behalf for assault, false arrest, false imprisonment and harassment as a result of repeated failures to protect her. On her travels, she has collected many different editions of theQuranusing this to push the holes in the narrative theory, taking along a copy of theQuranpunched full of holes. Hatun Tash is a Christian preacher from a group called DCCI (Defend Christ Critique Islam) Ministries who is a regular at Speakers' Corner. Anyone with information about Sunday's incident is asked to contact Scotland Yard via 101 or @MetCC quoting reference Cad 4376/25Jul. Scotland Yard was today criticised for failing to catch a knifeman five days after he stabbed a Christian preacher wearing a Charlie Hebdo T-shirt at Speakers' Corner, as counter-terrorism officer continue to investigate. She was then charged but pleaded not guilty, and the Crown Prosecution Service dropped the charges on May 5. And what you do is chop people's hands off. Hatun is a regular at Speakers Corner on Sunday mornings; this isnt the first time she has been physically attacked there; she has also been arrested. Police inaction has led to what happened to me (on Sunday). As for the stabbing on Sunday, a distressing recording of the incident which happened at 3.34pm was posted on YouTube showing an unknown person dressed in a black hoodie attacking Ms Tash, then running away. After she was attacked, Tash collapsed with blood streaming down her face. Christian evangelist Hatun Tash was stabbed today at Speakers' Corner in London. She claimed she was illegally held in December and again in May this year in relation to clashes with groups of Muslims. (YouTube screenshot) On Sunday at the famed Speakers' Corner in London's Hyde Park, Hatun Tash, a convert from Islam to Christianity who frequently . Officers attended and found a 39-year-old woman suffering from a minor slash injury to her head. Mark Duell for MailOnline, Orthodox Christian leader likens Sydney's Covid lockdown to 'mass slavery' and claims vaccines are futile in sermon, Afghan farmer denies he's allowed to lie to 'infidel' Australian courts under Islamic law while giving evidence against war hero Ben Roberts-Smith, Anjem Choudary is BANNED from Facebook and Twitter just FIVE days after the Islamic hate preacher set up social media accounts. "But last July, when Muslim scholar Sheikh Yasir Qadhi explained that there are 'holes in the narrative' [of a single original Koran], I started pushing this more and more using a visual aid of a Koran with holes punched in it, and the attacks got increased," she said. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. Such is her passion for evangelism," added Williams, whose organization has been supporting Tash. Most such outrages have been perpetrated by individuals or very small groups who have been radicalised, or have radicalised themselves on-line. Hatun Tash said that over the past two years she had been verbally and physically assaulted at Speakers' Corner. I am Jewish, this had a resonance which would have escaped his murderer. When she arrived at Paddington station ahead of the chat she was escorted to the GB News studios by police, who have also turned up at the offices of the Christian Legal Centre, which is representing her, trying to find her. A CHRISTIAN preacher who was stabbed in a London park has revealed her horror at being attacked - as counter-terror cops investigate the incident. Following a search of the area, a knife was recovered nearby. That is a rhetorical question because there is a lunatic fringe within Islam that considers any slight on the religion as warranting of severe punishment, up to and including death. In a conversation withChurch Militant, the passionate Christian said she began to expose the myth of a single Arabic version of the Koran in 2016, but that "the Muslims were denying this even though I was bringing multiple versions of the Koran to Speakers' Corner." Detective Superintendent Alex Bingley, of the Central West Command Unit which covers policing in Westminster, said: 'This was clearly a very distressing incident for the woman involved and officers have spent time with her, whilst she was being treated for her injury, to get an account of what happened. It is unacceptable, 21st century you haven't repented. On the back, shes designed a picture of Jesus with a gospel message. In recent years, topics such as Islamic fundamentalism have often featured in the debates which normally take place on Sundays. Mark Duell for MailOnline To remain anonymous, witnesses can instead call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, By Mark Duell for MailOnline She fell to the ground and was seen bleeding as crowds gathered around her. "She's very lucky to be alive," Bolt told viewers as a video of the attack was shown on the programme. Jay Smith was physically assaulted more than once when he was challenging Moslems with the same rhetoric, somethingPosie Parkershould bear in mind when she cites the attack on Hatun as yet another example of men trying to silence women. Just a minute Checking her screen, she says, So, I keep them on a list, because I pray for them every day for five years. The 39-year-old is a former Muslim from Turkey who is now a prominent critic of Islam and believes Muslims should be encouraged to convert to Christianity. Last year, a semi-literate. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. In January 2002 her son, the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, was kidnapped by Al-Qaeda and beheaded nine days later. Failing to grasp this, Westerners dont understand the nature and extent of the threat to their own security. Askedwhether they turned up at Ms Tash's home, the spokesman said: 'Officers from SO15 have been providing support to the victim.' She has turned heads for years with her controversial tactics at the Corner. 12:14 GMT 27 Jul 2021 The force are believed to be holding a meeting today to discuss how they police Speakers' Corner going forward, but questions are being asked about how the attacker got away so easily after stabbing the preacher. The Met did not comment on whether the force are discussing policing arrangements for Speakers' Corner. When the episode occurred, Tash, who was wearing a Charlie Hebdo T-shirt, had been quietly speaking to another member of the public who was present there. Hatun Tash, 39, was slashed during an event at London's Speaker's Corner on Sunday. "It would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage.". Church Militant spoke to eyewitnesses at the scene of the attack, including Steve who provided only his first name and identified himself as an "atheist" who has been "a regular attendee at Speakers' Corner for more than 20 years.

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